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File 156494386679.jpg - (370.14KB , 2048x1360 , 6b5ba68da6c37c037c1d50f817ade33ed903e5a8d4792fee65.jpg )
1873 No. 1873 [Edit]
Mazda hasn't produced a sports car for years, unless we consider the MX-5 to be such. Honda has narrowed down the range of Type-R versions and gave up production of many cult models. The Toyota has gone into urban hybrids, while the Nissan has a love for SUVs and crossovers. On Mitsubishi there's no more words at all, because , Mitsubishi brand completely lost its character (the eternal war between the EVO Lancer and the STI Impreza, the first one lost with a forfeit).

Self-driving cars will swarm roads within the next couple of decades. They'll be cheaper, safer, more efficient. Our grandchildren – heck, maybe even our children – will probably never learn to drive a car if they will live in an urban environment.While it's fun to think about in a futurism sense, there will be little excitement where the real change happens. Autonomous vehicles will, by their

nature, be boring. For the most part they'll have utilitarian looks. They'll be quiet and electric, they'll be slow and conservative drivers. They'll basically be a more personal version of public transport.
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>> No. 1874 [Edit]
Hyundai’s still cool, as far as Asian cars go. You should look into the Luxury Division of the companies you’re describing.
>> No. 1875 [Edit]
Yes it's likely to be boring but is that really a bad thing? Once self-driving cars are here, the majority will likely switch from an ownership model to an uber-style "rent on demand" model, which is better in terms of resource efficiency and utilization. What's wrong with just focusing on cars as a fungible means of personal transport rather than focusing on the car itself?
>> No. 1876 [Edit]
OP probably is interested in the hobby of automobile, which is why I suggested him to look into luxury divisions of Asian brands.
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
I feel that that kind of system will be used to limit people's freedom of mobility.
>> No. 1878 [Edit]
Can you elaborate? Do you mean that services might refuse to rent you a car based on some "trustworthiness" metric they compute and store (e.g. driving habits or driving to sketchy locations)? If so that's a good point. Hopefully if self-driving goes mainstream there'll be at least one company selling a version that doesn't phone home.
>> No. 1879 [Edit]
It seems likely that self-driving cars will be integrated into one network to reduce accidents as much as possible and coordinate traffic. On one hand, there'll be no more traffic jams, on the other hand, you can't go anywhere without someone knowing about it.
>> No. 1880 [Edit]
That's essentially what I was thinking, it reminded me of how social credit is used in China to bar people from public transportation.
>> No. 1884 [Edit]
Precisely. There are other issues too. It's crazy stuff but your very perception of the world could be manipulated by allowing you to be transported only through certain areas.

Also manufacturing and disposal of these things produces more pollution and hazardous waste than good old internal combustion contraptions ever could.
But it makes the greens happy so whatever, let's force the thridworlders to destroy their countries with strip mining too.
No one cares, we want batteries for our dumb new cars and we want them now!
>> No. 1892 [Edit]
Car ransomware will also be horrifying. "Pay $300 or say hello to a concrete wall at 80 mph."
>> No. 1893 [Edit]
It's scary to think how likely this is. I bet the first waves of these cars will have shit security, and the automotive industry has already proven to have little interest in maintaining the software in older vehicle models.
>> No. 1894 [Edit]
If it's any consolation I don't think that the automotive industry will be the ones coming out with the first gen of this stuff. It'll probably be one of the SV companies, Waymo/etc. Of course given Google's track record in deprecating stuff this probably isn't any better, but at least they're someone with a culture of software and security.
>> No. 1948 [Edit]
File 157422388577.jpg - (710.04KB , 2560x1920 , alcyone.jpg )
There's always the past, OP. Honda, Mazda, Nissan, and Toyota are starting to build reproduction parts for their legacy cars. The next decade will probably be the last one where combustion engine sports cars will be affordable or legal in most countries. I'm trying to find pic related next year before they start appreciating to the five-figure price range.

The "rent on demand" philosophy is already implemented on certain new models. I believe Volvo's Polestar brand is subscription only. Most luxury manufacturers have phone applications that allow you to rent most of their model range for a monthly fee, but it's currently limited to certain regions.
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