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File 159358800712.jpg - (21.18KB , 500x211 , 413Y9N2FMsL__AC_SY400_.jpg )
2036 No. 2036 [Edit]
Why aren't dual screen laptops a thing?
>> No. 2037 [Edit]
It seems pointless and liable to break to me, just use a desktop or if you really need two screens on the move, use a tablet as the second screen. Having said all of this, I'm not a fan of two monitors in the first place and don't have two.
>> No. 2038 [Edit]
Hard to implement cleanly, since you'd probably have to double the thickness of the display part. Maybe with the new fancy paper-thin/foldable displays it's possible, but it doesn't make sense ergonomically since it'll be off-center.
>> No. 2039 [Edit]
>it'll be off-center
I've seen home made mods that have the screen fold out on top. Which places one of the screens at eye level, making for a more comfortable view.
>> No. 2040 [Edit]
That'd be neat! And the vertical real-estate would be very useful. Tangentially I don't know why almost all laptops are 16:9, even though 16:10 gives you that extra bit of valuable vertical space.
>> No. 3130 [Edit]
There's a neat youtube video of someone making a pretty stylish portable 3-screen setup (yt: "Triple-Screen Laptop done right", by "DIY perks"). It's not quite a laptop since there's no inbuilt keyboard, but I think if for some reason you ever wanted a portable 3-monitor computer setup, that's the way you'd go.
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