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File 157609814125.jpg - (303.95KB , 1000x666 , 94f2d1371e52a20ec56354d0feac3c8a.jpg )
1964 No. 1964 [Edit]
Have any of you guys heard of the SAFE network project? The basic idea is that the network will be fully automated and use spare resources from users' computers to store all data in exchange for some cryptocurrency(I don't like this part so much). Data is both enycrypted and distrubted in such a way that makes its source and destination impossible to determine rather than just masking activity. The system automatically splits data up and makes multiple copies of the parts. As a consequence, it will be impossible to delete information once uploaded. I don't have the technical know-how to say how legitimate it is.

Post edited on 11th Dec 2019, 1:02pm
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>> No. 1965 [Edit]
>to store all data in exchange for some cryptocurrency
The mention of cryptocurrency tends to lead me to dismiss projects on sight.

That said, it seems the primary advantage this has over bittorrent based protocols is the routing encryption? I've also heard of IPFS but haven't looked into that too much, and am not sure what significant benefits it offers over bittorrent+mainline DHT.
>> No. 1966 [Edit]
File 157610008498.jpg - (139.91KB , 850x703 , __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_arsenixc__sample-6b48d04f3.jpg )
I don't think you understand the scope. The goal of safenet is not to just to send and store files. It's meant as an entire replacmenet for the http protocol. Websites, applications, everything that currently exists on this "internet". The idea is a complete replacement with zero oversight on the overall network. Torrents rely on seeders and the information can't be accessed in real time. People who store data for safenet wont even know what they're helping to store. Nobody will.
>> No. 3368 [Edit]
File 171000707378.png - (64.62KB , 692x913 , maidsafe timeline.png )
Things are heating up. SAFE net is getting pretty close to a public beta launch. This timeline is probably too optimistic, but still. I think buying EMAID sometime around now, is a good idea, and I feel obligated to tell the people here about it.
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