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File 14269825194.gif - (43.50KB , 120x90 , sAWJYKX.gif )
1280 No. 1280 [Edit]
A bit late with this one, but whatever. To start off:
90 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 3005 [Edit]
More math than technology, but seems like the best thread:

Assuming it's not retracted (which it probably won't be given that he's the one who worked on the bounded prime gaps conjecture) this should have interesting implications on GRH and analytic number theory as a whole

Post edited on 7th Nov 2022, 1:28pm
>> No. 3176 [Edit]
Another one bites the dust:
>> No. 3177 [Edit]
Fuck. It was a good file host. For a time they even transcoded uploaded hevc video to h264, I can't imagine how they did that without massive cpu cost.
Props to them for keeping it running this long, I imagine for the past 5 years or so it must not have turned much of a profit considering how widespread adblocking is, and unlike other filehosts they didn't go to obscene lengths to prevent it.

Any suggestions for replacements?

Post edited on 19th Mar 2023, 6:11pm
>> No. 3178 [Edit]
>Any suggestions for replacements?
Never used zippyshare, so I don't know if these will cover your needs, but I use and occasionally for my file storage/sharing.
>> No. 3179 [Edit]
I'm aware of those, but they have smaller filesize limit (200MB compared to zippyshare's 500MB) and they don't take as kindly to less than legal content (I'm not sure if it's purely a wink-wink disclaimer or not though, but one gets the impression that it's not really set up to scale for mass distribution of warez like zippyshare was).
>> No. 3180 [Edit]
(I guess mega is still there and as a downloader it's OK, but it requires an account for uploads which is less than ideal).
>> No. 3181 [Edit]
On the brighter side, the fact that zippyshare enforced a 30d retention means that in practical terms there should not be much disappearance of long-tail/abandoned content, since any uploader would have been aware of the retention policy anyway.
>> No. 3182 [Edit]
Cool guys for doing so, by the way.
>> No. 3183 [Edit]
Apparently pixeldrain is an alternative that's been gaining popularity in some circles
>> No. 3184 [Edit]
I think it's worth mentioning that archives can be split into multiple parts. These smaller parts can be uploaded anywhere. A person just needs every part to access the original file(s).
>> No. 3203 [Edit]
File 168434629283.jpg - (212.69KB , 918x1724 , 1684324416935-0.jpg )

It's happening. Back everything up you want to preserve.

edit: For now at least, maybe accounts with videos wont be deleted

Post edited on 17th May 2023, 11:02am
>> No. 3242 [Edit]
I think the most interesting part of the room-temp superconductor story is that apparently no one seems to know what a catgirl is.
>> No. 3259 [Edit]
File 169280899736.jpg - (119.04KB , 640x480 , 6f69410dbb5f52b83d08fb565dfefa5e.jpg )
"Microsoft is bringing Python to Excel"

Since I first used Excel, this is something I wanted, but of course they did it too late and in an obnoxious way.
>Python calculations run in the Microsoft Cloud, with the results returned into an Excel worksheet
>“some functionality will be restricted without a paid license” after the preview ends

Two arguments I've seen for the cloud approach is that Python isn't preinstalled on Windows, and dependency management. Java isn't preinstalled either and that didn't stop anyone from using it. VBA runs locally, and doesn't even explicitly list dependencies, so its a non-issue and Python run locally would be a major step up.

I think what Microsoft hopes to do is create some "killer feature" of their Python "integration" that would make enterprises reliant on it after managers decide it's a necessity.
>> No. 3260 [Edit]
>Two arguments I've seen for the cloud approach is that Python isn't preinstalled on Windows, and dependency management.
For the former, what is the excuse for not just bundling a copy of python with Excel? Admittedly the second one might be obnoxious.
>> No. 3261 [Edit]
>what is the excuse for not just bundling a copy of python with Excel?
Maybe licensing is a concern? I don't know anything about that except that it's complicated. Either way, installing two programs should be a non-issue.
>> No. 3262 [Edit]
Perhaps eventual Office online support, or something like that? How seriously do they take that? In any case, they've been eschewing native technology in favor of web-based stuff everywhere for a while now, largely to the detriment of their own users. I don't doubt there's a certain degree of rent-seeking involved.

>Python isn't preinstalled on Windows
I think Power BI already requires you to install Python if you want to use the integration on that, so they'd have precedent.

>VBA runs locally, and doesn't even explicitly list dependencies
There's the reference manager for COM dependencies, it just doesn't make any attempt at managing them for you. If you don't have something you need, you're on your own.

I wonder how much of this you could hack "yourself" using the COM interface (which is essentially what VBA interacts with) or whatever. Or VSTO+IronPython (if it's any good)? Office applications are surprisingly flexible for being a Microsoft product. I remember seeing a well-integrated Scheme a while ago, but I didn't try it out, I think it was paid or something.

Post edited on 24th Aug 2023, 3:45pm
>> No. 3263 [Edit]
>you could hack "yourself" using the COM interface (which is essentially what VBA interacts with)
Already done with 3rd party products, like xlwings
>> No. 3264 [Edit]
File 169292020690.jpg - (47.39KB , 489x426 , pain and agony.jpg )
>reference manager for COM dependencies
Reference manager is gui aids. You get a spreadsheet with macros as an email attachment. It uses a whole bunch of proprietary and in-house libraries you don't have installed on your machine. As far as I know, there is no way for you to know what those are without asking whoever you got the spreadsheet from to screenshot their reference manager. It should be written in the god damn code what libraries the code uses.
>> No. 3279 [Edit]
It's time to IP block the UK
>> No. 3287 [Edit]
File 169954378317.jpg - (121.41KB , 740x677 , 6d6eb3e46501b816a3e5195142402e79.jpg )
Nvidia to make Arm-based PC chips in major new challenge to Intel

Besides Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm and a few others are gonna join the ARM fray. I'm kinda interested in what Nvidia is gonna put out, and whether an "all green" system will have any unique advantages. The novelty factor alone is enough to get me interested. On the desktop, there will hopefully be a standardized ARM socket, since motherboard manufacturers can't possibly make 10 different kinds for each generation. I really hope this doesn't herald soldered on CPUs.
>> No. 3320 [Edit]
JAXA's moon landing feels a tad more sentimental after having watching hoshikuzu telepath.
>> No. 3347 [Edit]

lenovo bluntly and directly claims used laptops are unsafe to buy as they might have viruses or malware, which is something lenovo was caught installing on their laptops before.
>> No. 3348 [Edit]
Strawberry-scented thermal paste is a thing now.

Post edited on 19th Feb 2024, 11:58am
>> No. 3349 [Edit]
>This will likely be available only in Japan, much like its other scented counterparts, though it does offer international shipping. Sure, there could be someone who has a thermal paste collection likely to purchase this. Still, realistically, the shipping cost and the customs duty would make others look at more comprehensive options.
That someone? Me.

Post edited on 19th Feb 2024, 1:43pm
>> No. 3355 [Edit]
File 170919649893.jpg - (73.10KB , 631x1024 , ocr.jpg )
Joe Biden has personally declared C++ to be unsafe and not fit for use in the modern world.
>> No. 3356 [Edit]
File 170923039928.jpg - (268.19KB , 850x1176 , 1594384696353.jpg )
I am a C programmer. I will program on C. I will allocate and de-allocate memory as I see fit. I will use pointers. I will have total access to my program's variables. I will use goto. I will not learn your shitty programming languages. I will not use your IDEs, they mean nothing to me. Their shiny colours and real time warnings have no effect on me. I will use notepad. I heed not your safety warnings. I am not afraid of danger. I will write my own programs. I will write my own compiler. I will write my own OS. I will build my own computer and design it's parts. I will build my own house. I will pirate all your software. I will pirate your books and your games. I will mod my games. I will pirate your movies and your songs. I will torrent. I will use imageboards. I will drive stick. I will drive at whatever speed I desire to. My car will run on fossil fuels. I will use USB, I will not use Bluetooth. I will own a fridge with no internet. My furniture shall have no internet. Your smart houses are not smarter than me. I will take cold showers. I will eat meat. I will eat pork. I will eat fish. I will drink milk. I will not eat bugs. I will not take the jab. I will own firearms. I will own pistols and revolvers. I will own assault rifles. I will hunt. I will fish. I will exercise and lift weights. I will sprint. I will perform feats of strength. I will draw. I will paint. I will compose music. I will take pictures. I will sculpt. I will cook my own food. I will bake. I will gamble. I will go on nightwalks. I will camp. I will hitchhike. I will climb mountains. I will explore caves. I will sail the oceans. I will explore the world. I will pilot ships. I will pilot airplanes. I will own a ship and an airplane. I will visit whatever country I wish to. I will have sex with a gorgeous girl. My phallus will not undergo the plastic yoke. I will not pay taxes. I will not have a bank account. I am my own bank. I am my own CEO. I am a one-man revolutionary army. I am a one-man empire. I am a pioneer, I am a trailblazer. I am the master of my own universe. You may try to stop me but you will not succeed. Others want to be me but they will never be me. Government and politicians fear me. My relatives fear me. I will make life-long friends. I will have a long and prosperous glorious life. I will go on adventures and most importantly I will have a loving, caring gentle femdom GF. We will make wonderful memories together and we will live happily for ever after. I will do anything I want to do, I will own anything I want to own, and I will be happy.
>> No. 3359 [Edit]
>I will have sex with a gorgeous girl
>most importantly I will have a loving, caring gentle femdom GF
>> No. 3361 [Edit]
I was sure that the entire thing was some copy-pasta but I could not find hits on either /g/ or /pol/. I still suspect it might be though.
>> No. 3364 [Edit]
Yeah, you won't find it, it's not copypasta. I decided to write that as a joke or something. Basing it on the style of other copypastas, but it's 100% original. It was just an lame attempt at humour done in jest, and not to be taken seriously. It's more of a /lol/ post than anything.
>> No. 3399 [Edit]
Google(the Zürich part probably) has released a new JPEG coding library that back-ports some of the advancements of JPEG-XL. That's nice and all, but I really, really want JPEG-XL itself to have browser support. Pic rel was a PNG of about 30 MB I converted with it. The decrepit Kusaba X refuses to post it though.
time ./cjpegli beach.png --chroma_subsampling=420 beach.jpg Read 7028x5002 image, 31189749 bytes. Encoding [YUV420 d1.000 AQ p2 OPT] Compressed to 3934801 bytes (0.895 bpp). 7028 x 5002, 95.470 MP/s [95.47, 95.47], , 1 reps, 1 threads. ./cjpegli beach.png --chroma_subsampling=420 0.82s user 0.09s system 93% cpu 0.970 total

When I tried using the XYB colorspace, the result was only 1.81 MB, but while it looked fine in a browser, it had a weird, green tint in my image viewer and MS Paint.

Post edited on 25th Apr 2024, 9:13pm
>> No. 3400 [Edit]
>The decrepit Kusaba X refuses to post it though.
She tries her hardest everyday!
>> No. 3450 [Edit]
File 172275484075.jpg - (150.02KB , 1024x1024 , b1bb7300fc3c347b06da037b64cf9023.jpg )
Scumbag Intel: Shady Practices, Terrible Responses, & Failure to Act:

Intel is going the way of IBM it seems. Old, bloated and corrupt.
>> No. 3465 [Edit]
File 172787932811.png - (256.57KB , 1578x1578 , 576558c9a54c63a268f9b584f1e84c9f.png )
Nintendo killed Ryujinx. They either threatened or paid him off.

Post edited on 2nd Oct 2024, 7:34am
>> No. 3466 [Edit]
On what grounds could they threaten him? Is there any Nintendo document that forbids you to implement an emulator? Was it reverse engineering, or did he implement it using legally available info?
>> No. 3467 [Edit]
>On what grounds could they threaten him?
They don't need be in the legal right to sue someone and screw them financially.
>> No. 3468 [Edit]
These idiots were doing some questionable shit when trying to monetize the emulator if I recall correctly, so I don't feel bad about it.
>> No. 3469 [Edit]
That was Yuzu, this is a completely separate project with no shared code.
>> No. 3470 [Edit]
Explain. AFAIK if they sue they pay the court, can't you just tell them there's no legal basis for butthurt and that they should fuck off?
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
The process is very lengthy and lawyers are expensive. So either you ignore it and get sued for a gazillion dollars, or you have to pay exorbitant legal fees to defend yourself.
>> No. 3472 [Edit]
My bad!
>> No. 3473 [Edit]
Defend against what? If you implement their publicly available APIs/ABIs which are available for every developer out there, then there is nothing to defend against. Unless your American law is made specifically to allow effortless destruction of individuals.
>> No. 3474 [Edit]
One of the people working on it who apparently was running the repo decided to cut and run. There's people who seem to want to continue it so we'll see how that goes.
>> No. 3475 [Edit]
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I'm not a lawyer. If you're really interested in how these things work, you can research it on your own.
>> No. 3479 [Edit]
>The Internet Archive is under attack, with a breach revealing info for 31 million accounts
>> No. 3480 [Edit]
Of course that's bad, but the Internet Archive is going to die in the next couple of years anyway. There is nothing that could happen, that could damage it more, than their own actions in the past. They have done everything in order to shoot themselves maximally in the foot (complete centralization, having all parts of the project under one organization, including those where they deliberately and needlessly infrighted copyright under the same banner as those less legally vulnerable, but much more important projects such as the Wayback-Machine). By all means, they are screwed beyond help and will probably be kill some time soon and this data breach is just one more thing, that adds salt to the wound.

I've been downloading a lot of websites from the Wayback-Machine manually (there are some scripts to do that) and a lot of music, books and games too. On one hand, one cannot archive everything that could be possibly interesting in the future, because who knows what could be relevant and what is junk, but on the other hand, I think it will lead to web archiving becoming more decentralized, which is a good thing. Just imagine the fact, that a single website archives literally all of the web. There are a few other archival sites, but they don't reach as far in the past, nor do they have a crawler, that indexes everything humanly possible and have other major flaws.
>> No. 3481 [Edit]
With them starting to require accounts for downloading ROMs, I recently created one to download a Vita game. Most likely the only info they have of me is my e-mail and IP address.
>> No. 3482 [Edit]
If/when IA falls, what do you reckon are the chances/amount of data lost, aside from what they intentionally remove from the archives. Forgive me for my ignorance, but what's there to stop splinter groups from forming with the partial amounts of the data they have access to?
IA could go down or become unaccessible and that would suck, but what I am scared is if that meant any amount of data that is not backed up being lost/deleted, inaccessible to the public or not.
I recall them having some backups internationally, but from what I can tell they all are only partial backups, outdated and stagnant.
If only some benevolent oil barons spent money creating backups of the archive in various countries...

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 10:21am
>> No. 3483 [Edit]
IA has always felt like it was run on tin cans. I'm not surprised this happened, they really don't seem to have much technical competence (for the longest time the wayback machine scraper failed at its basic job and never saved resources like images, this was only fixed in 2017). And of course others already commented that for some reason they seem oddly fixated on trying to poke the law with their ebook lending program rather than shutting up and staying out of the limelight (Anna's archive has already mostly solved the ebook archival problem).
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
Oh and don't forget that if they aren't brought down by this, an earthquake eventually will: Whose bright idea was it to put their datacenters in a city that's known to be at risk for severe earthquakes? I cannot find any evidence that they've taken measures to seismically retrofit the buildings, so I assume they haven't.

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 1:17pm
>> No. 3493 [Edit]
File 172902579125.jpg - (102.47KB , 740x620 , 9fedfafbd398cddcc70c19f8c3e59dd6.jpg )
The .io TLD might get deprecated.
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