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File 172891732893.png - (247.25KB , 465x462 , grr.png )
3487 No. 3487 [Edit]
Tohno you dumb fuck, when are you going to implement HTTPS? There was CP spam here and it got sent to me through unencrypted traffic. I don't want to get vanned!
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>> No. 3488 [Edit]
>> No. 3489 [Edit]
Why? Our party van is lots of fun! :D
>> No. 3490 [Edit]
I'm no legal expert, but I don't think law enforcement actively tracks people, who more than obviously and self-evidently had contact with that stuff by accident. I think they can differentiate between an actual criminal and you, for example. Also, this site has clear rules against CP, so it's blatant that you didn't type in into your URL-bar with the intention to watch CP and (as far as my understanding goes), that is what actually matters to the police.
>> No. 3491 [Edit]
Yeah that's my understanding as well. The one thing I do worry is whether there are any "automated" systems flagging you and putting you on a watchlist or whatnot, but I think it's more likely to be done by having some fixed list of "hot domains" rather than actually scanning every byte on the wire (since realistically TC is one of the last places _without_ TLS, so doing so would be basically futile).
>> No. 3492 [Edit]

Sorry about that but we believe it or not it is something we're trying to figure out. Like others have said, it doesn't play well with Kusaba. I can assure you we haven't been ignoring the issue or the many many times it gets brought up.
>> No. 3494 [Edit]
File 172903215946.jpg - (139.50KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kamisama ni Natta Hi - 03 (720p) [65C.jpg )
Please pose such questions and concerns over at /fb/. This particular subject has more than one thread addressing it there.

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