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File 14269825194.gif - (43.50KB , 120x90 , sAWJYKX.gif )
1280 No. 1280 [Edit]
A bit late with this one, but whatever. To start off:
Expand all images
>> No. 1281 [Edit]
I wonder how many money the utorrent guys will make with this
>> No. 1282 [Edit]
Fuck utorrent. People should drop it faster than a hot potato.
>> No. 1283 [Edit]
It's been many years since it started to bloat. I've probably used Transmission the longest, but overall I recommend Deluge.
>> No. 1284 [Edit]
Glad I dropped that shit a while back. I've been using Deluge for a while now ever since somebody recommended it to me. It's not too bad.
>> No. 1285 [Edit]
I'm glad I stopped updating my copies years ago before they introduced ads.
I wont use a version past 1.8.1
>> No. 1605 [Edit]
Look forward to your slower computers, folks.

Post edited on 3rd Jan 2018, 5:07pm
>> No. 1606 [Edit]
They claim AMD is affected too, but they don't know how yet. What a bummer.
>> No. 1607 [Edit]
From what I've gathered there are two exploits, meltdown and spectre. Meltdown is intel only and effects everything they've made going back 20 years save a few exceptions (some atom, itanium cpus). Spectre has a few variants which effect Intel, AMD, and some mobile chips. I forget which, but I believe only one or two effect AMD, and for those it is harder due to architecture. That's all I got off the top of my head. AMD made a statement about that which is on their site explaining it better.

Post edited on 5th Jan 2018, 2:18pm
>> No. 1608 [Edit]
Windows is supposed to be releasing a band aid patch on the 9th for this. they're saying now it can be as bad as 30% slowdown due to the memory leaks and that this makes computers very vulnerable to hacking. All we can do is wait for windows and Intel to work something out.
>> No. 1609 [Edit]
Windows 10 has a patch I believe, 7 does too but not sure if that's pushed to windows update yet.
>> No. 1629 [Edit]
Here's a test to see if you browser is spectre-proof:
>> No. 2076 [Edit]
File 160346103013.jpg - (50.64KB , 942x617 , a401a8c3c07da2dfddaf9ebaf4d93f60.jpg )
Paypal will be incorporating crypto.
>> No. 2077 [Edit]
Now that they're loosing ebay, seems like they're getting desperate.
>> No. 2078 [Edit]
Is there even a use for cryptocurrency and shitcoins other than speculative value? I guess the one valid reason is decentralized markets, but that alone can't be responsible for all the hype. Same thing with "blockchain" – neat in principle and as an academic exercise, but in practice 99% of the time a centralized database works fine. And surely the 1% of cases that truly need distributed proof of work can't be responsible for the millions in VC money sloshing around.
>> No. 2079 [Edit]
File 160350230021.jpg - (52.17KB , 430x550 , (; ̄Д ̄).jpg )
Looks like the RIAA is trying to take down youtube-dl:
>> No. 2080 [Edit]
Fuck them. Do they really think people are mainly using youtube-dl to download webrips of shitty pop songs off youtube?
>> No. 2081 [Edit]
>> No. 2120 [Edit]
Pornhub has deleted every single video not made by a "verified account" because of pressure from visa and mastercard.
>> No. 2121 [Edit]
>> No. 2122 [Edit]
They're the reason so many online services refuse to touch anything x-rated.
>> No. 2123 [Edit]
File 160832386543.png - (2.84MB , 2000x1740 , ♂FUCK♂YOU♂.png )
Fuck. Fucking shit. I had playlists I spent a lot of time building up and videos I really liked on there. Fucking damn it!
>> No. 2124 [Edit]
File 16083260313.png - (32.04KB , 1030x276 , bingcache.png )
If you bookmarked them(or they're in your web-history), or just have a record of their titles, you can search for them on google/bing to find a copy. If you can't find one, you use their cache of the original page to see an image from the video. You can then screencap that page to get the image and reverse search that on google or yandex or something to find another copy of the video. Another option is seeing if webarchive has the page. If you don't see the image on webarchive, you can click on recommended videos and see if those have a small thumbnail of the video on their page.

This has worked for me a few times. Some more tech-savvy people might have better advice.

Update: on bings cached pages, there's a redirect and the image doesn't seem to be showing. Viewing the page source will the link to the image, but some of them seem to be forbidden. However, even these links might be on the webarchive.

Post edited on 18th Dec 2020, 1:56pm
>> No. 2125 [Edit]
File 160832648482.jpg - (288.03KB , 2048x1448 , EVfYaqHVAAITDcR.jpg )
Credit card companies are being assholes but there is nothing of value lost.
>> No. 2126 [Edit]
There was some original, anime style 3d works on there I think. The biggest issue is the precendent it sets.
>> No. 2127 [Edit]
It's not so much that the payment processors are being dicks, it's that they don't want to be held liable or be connected to potential illegalities.
>> No. 2128 [Edit]
>On Wednesday, a bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill that would allow victims to sue websites like Pornhub for hosting illegal content depicting them.
The effect all this will have is pretty easy to see. Websites will be even less willing to let users post content on their website. A one way stream on consumption is being pushed forward.

Post edited on 19th Dec 2020, 5:01am
>> No. 2129 [Edit]
>it's that they don't want to be held liable or be connected to potential illegalities.
These types of services also see a higher rate of chargeback, so it's inherently more risky for the CC processor. That's why Stripe, for instance, has restrictions against using it for porn services in their ToS. That's why these services are usually stuck with bottom of the bin processors. The more serious buesinesses will make use of cascading payments to carefully load-balance payments across processors (usually coupled with their own internal risk detection system to ensure that they don't send risky transactions to the top-dog processors). That way they can dilute chargeback percentages and ensure they stay under the limits.
>> No. 2156 [Edit]
Not really news, but I was surprised to find that bit-flips due to background radiation in RAM are more common than I expected. It's really hard to find quantitative numbers for consumer hardware though; one would think that someone who's using ECC-memory could just publish the number of parity events - that anecdotal reports from commenters seem to indicate that for 16GB it's about one bit a month at the high-end, one bit a year at the low-end.

So maybe not all those random computer glitches that always seem to go away after a reboot are actually buggy software... And the thought of silently corrupting files written out to disk is worrying. That said, most people only use a small fraction of the memory at a time and the probability it flips the right bit to make a noticeable impact is pretty low. Still pretty spooky; Sadly ECC is uncommon on laptops.
>> No. 2157 [Edit]
File 161021196253.jpg - (159.05KB , 850x992 , sample_2b7367df861a6f3c432e57c761217ffe.jpg )
Mozilla published a report on how p2p networks can(and should be) be censored.
The report:
It seems a little fluffy, but is still a bit concerning.
>> No. 2158 [Edit]
Start with white supremacy (however that's defined); end with anything they don't like. Fantastic.
>> No. 2159 [Edit]
I wonder how feasible and effective any of what they're suggesting is.
>> No. 2160 [Edit]
I'm not even sure what they're suggesting. As you said, that report is rather voluminous considering its content.
>> No. 2161 [Edit]
Page 13 has some stuff. Basically it seems to revolve around marketing and isolating peers from the rest of the network.
>> No. 2162 [Edit]
>isolating peers from the rest of the network
I saw that, but that's nothing new, and it's already been happening. That's why I'm confused why somebody felt the need to draft such a vacuous paper. Fear-mongering? Self-importance?
>> No. 2163 [Edit]
Mozilla has shifted from focus on the web ecosystem to being more of a "feel-good" organization that wastes money on random crap. You can see it in their recent actions such as firing a lot of core employees who worked on the browser, inflating exec pay, and shifting their focus from improving the browser to pushing things like their vpn and bookmarking sevice.
>> No. 2164 [Edit]
Marketing works, to a degree - but it's assuming there are no right wing programmers with enough talent to roll their own system, and considering what's considered "right wing" these days, that's certainly an erroneous assumption. Hell, there's Loki, which got started by the guy that defended White Lives Matter being on I2P.
Isolating peers:
Only works in that it keeps people from interacting with icki opinions on accident. You can't prevent Person A from peering with Person B in general. You'd end up with 2+ mostly separate networks. They even quote proof of this with the whole Fediverse thing.

Honestly, the thing reads to me more like someone wanting grant money, for which social issues are great because it's easy to make the "problem" understood and you don't need to deliver measurable results.
>> No. 2165 [Edit]
All v3 Onion Addresses Down After Attack On The Tor Network

I've been playing around with i2p and so far the experience has been leaps and bounds more enjoyable than any attempt I've made at using tor. I don't get why tor has gotten so much more attention over the years.
>> No. 2166 [Edit]
I was pondering just yesterday what prevented DDoS type attacks on Tor. The type of attack mentioned in that post seems to be targeting the bootstrap nodes from which info about the relays is obtained.

Another type of attack alluded to in there is a more standard type of DDoS like you might see on the "clearnet." The fact that crypto operations are inherently expensive (to connect to a hidden service you require the other side to build a circuit to a rendezvous point) seems like it should make traffic amplification attacks quite feasible. Even worse, someone with a global view of the network topology could possibly use the DDoS as an opportunity to discover the server hosting a hidden service (find the "hot" node with a lot of incoming traffic).
>> No. 2225 [Edit]
>Microsoft in Talks to Buy Discord for More Than $10 Billion
>Discord exploring sale that could be worth more than $10 billion

From the latter article:
>The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month that in 2020 Discord generated $130 million in revenue, up from nearly $45 million in 2019.
>But Discord acknowledged in the same article that it is not yet profitable.

Well no shit: It's painfully obvious that the only reason it has stayed afloat is VCbux. Really, I cannot fathom how it will be able to ever become profitable without many users revolting in some manner. As I don't use Shitcord, I'm not aware of any revenue streams besides its (now defunct?) game store and micro-transactions; it's assuredly and voraciously storing data of its users, but how does one effectively monetize that without cramming lots of adverts into the UI?
In any case, and as one can easily tell, I will derive great pleasure if this shit burns and crashes, but I think Microsoft or a similar behemoth would rescue it.
>> No. 2226 [Edit]
I think Microsoft would probably kill it and end up driving out all the users into alternative platforms like they did with Skype. I notice that they tend to go immediately overboard with trying to exploit users, and as a result anyone even moderately technologically literate can sense they're being used from a mile away and leave, with the rest of the users eventually packing up when it stops being a popular platform.
What happens after that is uncertain, but if history decides to repeat itself again then it's very likely people will just go to another service that had similar problems to Discord/SKype and the process will begin anew. Maybe somoething like this could finally be the turning point for people deciding to use something less centralized, but I doubt it.
>> No. 2227 [Edit]
I use it. I think it's main forms of income is A: nitro(premium accounts) and B: the sale of user data.
Microsoft will probably add onto that advertisements, and paywall a bunch of features that are currently free.

99% of discord communities are cancer without a doubt. I have joined dozens and dozens of "servers" over the years in an attempt to meet people I could get along with. It almost always ends up being meme spouting -15 year olds who struggle to formulate a sentence. The bigger servers/channels end up flooded with emoji spam by users who have nothing to say but want to be noticed. When a community gets that big, it becomes pointless to say anything anyway as it quickly gets swept away. Even in smaller discord communities where communication is at least 'possible', the average user gets a knee jerk reaction to seeing any post with more than one sentence. They automatically assume things are getting too "serious" or that people are fighting and will respond accordingly. Of course, they tend to not bother reading anything which is more than a few words. This is what Microsoft thinks is worth $10 Billion dollars.
My only regret with seeing it burn is that I like to use it for saving content (links photos ect) and easily transferring them between devices.
Between all the content sharing across countless channels and the ability for anyone to create practically personal servers to upload and store endless amounts of content, makes me think that the storage and bandwidth costs must be astronomical. It's hard to imagine how it can be profitable, let alone worth what's being talked about in it's current state.
>> No. 2228 [Edit]
They haven't killed github (yet)
Text compresses well, and images don't take up that much space. Storage costs are also cheaper than you think.
>> No. 2229 [Edit]
People upload videos too I think.
>> No. 2272 [Edit]
Yahoo Answers is shutting down. On May 4th it will become inaccessible. Another cornerstone of the early web is dying.
>> No. 2273 [Edit]
the Japanese equivalent, seems to be fine.
>> No. 2274 [Edit]
Yahoo JP is almost wholly different from the US yahoo. (I think the JP one is owned by softbank?). I wish I knew enough JP to make use of Yahoo JP as my main page; it has a clean page, doesn't have stupid web developers changing the layout every month, and people on the answers page are actually helpful. Also I think Yahoo JP search basically uses google under the hood for returning results.
>> No. 2275 [Edit]
it looks like straight out of 2005. I really love how a lot of japanese sites seem to still be made with 4:3 aspects in mind.
Meanwhile the US version of Yahoo doesn't even properly render for me without javascript.
>> No. 2276 [Edit]
There are definitely a lot of older sites still online on the Japanese web that are made for 4:3, but I think a lot of the newer sites that render correctly do so in response to mobile phones demanding greater webpage scaling so that no single aspect ratio is the "correct" way to view something, or at least that the site works with the greatest number of aspect ratios as possible.
>> No. 2301 [Edit]
I swear to fucking god if they do this to me bad things will happen.
>> No. 2302 [Edit]
well, they're doing the next best thing, which is just hide it even further until eventually nobody remembers and they can kill it silently.

I still can't really wrap my head around what their problem is. They can't be THAT retarded, doing pointless crap just to upset the users. It looks more like the people running mozilla view firefox as the unwanted stepchild and just see how far they can go mocking its userbase and ruining the browser until it eventually dies. It's just malice at this point.
>> No. 2303 [Edit]
File 162276579915.jpg - (360.37KB , 850x1195 , ball.jpg )
This latest update, the tabs got all messed up. Disabling every proton option in about:config fixed it. This feel like a repeat of what Google did to tabs in chrome, where the "old mode" was available for a while before they axed it. Firefox at least has userchrome, but it's worrisome nonetheless.
>> No. 2304 [Edit]
UX designers justifying their salary. Mozilla's management is rotten at this point; recall that they recently fired a lot of their engineers focused on developer tooling/security and instead created new departments like "Design and UX" and "applied machine learning team"
>> No. 2305 [Edit]
Design should be done on commission. Those guys shouldn't be on payroll.
>> No. 2316 [Edit]
Freenode irc network is imploding after hostile takeover/ownership change. Feels weird to see drama from what I'd considered to be one of the few remaining legacies of the older internet.
>> No. 2317 [Edit]
That's extremely concerning.
>> No. 2318 [Edit]
The old internet is doomed to die without the freedom it thrived on, and that's not coming back. The clearnet is on its way to becoming the corporate web and PIA taking control of Freenode is just a sign of the times.
If you want the old internet, the darknet is where you need to look.
>> No. 2319 [Edit]
There's no need to be hyperbolic, gentlemen. Most of the original freenode staff created an alternative (, and indeed, everybody seems to be moving their channels over to it or another service, e.g. OFTC.
>> No. 2320 [Edit]
Indeed –
I just find it absolutely mind-boggling how the current admin of freenode is basically feeding the fire by banning channels and even banning clients. The stupidity with which they're carrying out actions doesn't even seem to point to a takeover with malicious intent, just plain arrogance.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2021, 3:23pm
>> No. 2321 [Edit]
>the darknet is where you need to look
Except the old internet had things of value on it. The "darknet" only has larpers, petty criminals, and alphabet soup employees. The amount of fun and creativity there is almost nil.
>> No. 2376 [Edit]
This latest firefox update I got after restarting my computer makes disabling proton in about:config do nothing. So I had to use this to fix it

Post edited on 10th Aug 2021, 9:45pm
>> No. 2380 [Edit]
They also fucked with the HTTP, have not they? This crap keeps forcing HTTPS, about:config also can't fix it. It's specially annoying because this site always get a white theme when on HTTPS.
Does this fix solves this problem as well?
>> No. 2381 [Edit]
I haven't noticed that issue. TC works fine for me along with other "not secure" sites.
>> No. 2382 [Edit]
Also, check your network settings to see if you're in "HTTPS-Only Mode".
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
File 162904483745.png - (213.68KB , 1308x760 , why on earth.png )
The settings clearly indicate that it's not set to browse in HTTPS only mode. This is what it looks like to browse TC to me. Also if I click a link within the page and get sent to another board it looks normal but when I click another link to another board it gets white again. I need to enter a board while in "white mode" and the click the reply button, or else I will reply like this.
>> No. 2384 [Edit]
I figured it out. The settings was everything set to not enable https, but upon typing a non-https website it would force it anyway, and if it could not be forced a padlock with a "!" would appear. Upon clicking on the "!" padlock it said that firefox was worried about "the user protection" and chose to block certain contents form being displayed. I had to click a button that said "not block features".
>> No. 2442 [Edit]
Thunder bird changed its ui a bit and I don't really like it. I kind of like the look of kde Kontact, but I'm on windows.
>> No. 2528 [Edit]
Hah this log4j stuff is hilarious. Java's fitting counterpoint to Javascript's left-pad debacle.
>> No. 2630 [Edit]
File 164683982691.png - (728.99KB , 1912x3588 , huuuuuuuuh.png )
Am I losing my fucking mind? Why is my browser advertising disney plus to me? Not an add in browser, my actual browser.
>> No. 2631 [Edit]
Switch to IceCat or LibreWolf
Mozilla Foundation are sellouts as usual, same shit different day
>> No. 2632 [Edit]
Tried librewolf. It was unable to import all my bookmarks, of which I have over 13k. Maybe I'll give it another look.
>> No. 2633 [Edit]
Why do they think teenage girls are the primary users of Firefox? Of course, this is an issue amongst many corporate and governmental entities in America--a /tat/ topic--but Mozilla clearly doesn't know who uses their browser. If this is attempt to expand their base, then it's a retarded one.
>> No. 2634 [Edit]
It works now. Guess I'll transition.
>> No. 2635 [Edit]
It's all the diversity hires and tone-deaf executives who now run Mozilla. I doubt they even know or care about the things that the users actually want considering all their recent efforts have been on shit like themes [1], products nobody asked for like Mozilla VPN, or collaborations with brands like Pocket or Disney. Between a Google that's hell bent on walling off the web, and a Mozilla whose new leadership seems intent on ruining any goodwill that their browser had remaining, I'm not sure there is a solution at this point. Maybe just go back to using w3m/lynx?

>> No. 2636 [Edit]
>Maybe just go back to using w3m/lynx?
I mean, I like images. It's probably most practical to have 2 browsers, one for work shit or whatever happens to need "modern features", and another for personal use.

I've said this many times before, but I'd switch to a chromium browser if literally any of them had a good ui, was foss, and didn't take up massive amounts of system resources(like vivaldi does).

I do not understand how nobody has thought "hey, let's make chrome but with tabs that don't take up massive amounts of vertical screen real-estate, doesn't auto-delete history, and has a decent bookmark manager built in". I would be happy with that. It could be called Silver Fox.

Post edited on 9th Mar 2022, 5:11pm
>> No. 2637 [Edit]
File 164688575412.jpg - (83.39KB , 603x533 , unamusedfox.jpg )
Isn't Vivaldi also Chromium based? All the Chromium based browsers gobble up system resources. I don't know why each helper process is at least 30MB. For history and bookmarks, you can at least get by with extensions that do this for you.

>Call it Silver Fox
I've got the perfect mascot
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
File 16468891417.jpg - (2.57MB , 2000x1500 , e9d3c257d05b27c82a07aea170e0ec85.jpg )
>Isn't Vivaldi also Chromium based?
Yes, but it's noticeably even worse than other chromium browsers in this respect.

>you can at least get by with extensions
No. Absolutely not. Extensions have limitations. They cannot and should not be used for core browser ui. You're just putting shit on top which cannot come anywhere close to being sufficiently integrated.

Back when I used ungoogled chromium, I tried various bookmark extensions. Every single one was shit and none came close to firefox's bookmark library(which itself could use improvement, but is at least usable).

Post edited on 9th Mar 2022, 9:20pm
>> No. 2639 [Edit]
>It's all the diversity hires and tone-deaf executives who now run Mozilla.
Seems like the case for many organizations in that geographical area, and yet, Mozilla continues to be more inept than the average. Jesus Christ, until recently, one couldn't directly fund MDN.

>have been on shit like themes
I forgot about that (thus providing your point). I think it was introduced around when they deprecated configuring the UI's density.

>I'm not sure there is a solution at this point.
I'm willing to assert that it's their being drunk on Google money, and thus there's no incentive for them to materially improve or cater to their actual users. Mozilla (not the corporate subsidiary) likes to tout their non-profit status, but they're just another example proving that non-profits aren't automatically just and good.

>Maybe just go back to using w3m/lynx?
Last time I used them was on a shittop, and while they served their purpose, using them is untenable given the current and future state of the web.

At least for Vivaldi, its excuse is that it has more features, e.g. an email client, compared to vanilla Chromium and Brave. Whether one thinks the degradation in speed is a worthy tradeoff is another matter.
>> No. 2640 [Edit]
Chrome handles down-scaled images worse it seems.
nsfw comparison

What gives?
>> No. 2659 [Edit]
>The biggest change is the arrival of a refreshed logo
>There have been fears that the transition to version 100 could cause issues for any websites that are only designed to recognize browsers with two-digit version numbers
>> No. 2660 [Edit]
Wow I didn't think they could go any flatter. Also the version number is meaningless since they increment it once a month. At that point why not just use a date-based version scheme.
>> No. 2669 [Edit]
>With all of that in mind I plan to make Nautilus adaptive for mobile form factors and add a new file chooser mode to it. The file chooser living in Nautilus instead of GTK allows us support GNOME platform features at GNOME’s pace rather than GTK’s pace
>> No. 2676 [Edit]
File 165091854141.jpg - (28.08KB , 1200x630 , ubuntu-logo-comparison.jpg )
>> No. 2677 [Edit]
Amazing, graphics desginers these days get paid for minor modifications that could be done in paint. Gone are the days of timeless Saul Bass logos.
>> No. 2691 [Edit]
File 165205745779.webm - (331.79KB , demoout.webm )
Source is an animated png with transparent background. First is converted to gif, second is to jxl.
>> No. 2699 [Edit]
Seems they finally gave in, though it's "just" the kernel-mode driver (userland components stay closed source). Seems there's still some work to be done before it could get absorbed into the kernel tree, works only on Turing+, and support for consumer cards is in alpha for the time being; I wonder how much will Nouveau benefit from this, or whether there will be any work to get the drivers running with open-source userland components (something like mesa, I imagine), but this is great news nevertheless.

Post edited on 11th May 2022, 4:01pm
>> No. 2987 [Edit],_RAM_and_Swap,_Chromium_Will_Eat_It_All

Couldn't think of a better thread. The quotes from mpv's dev caught my attention.
>"Isn't that how vulkan works? It allows applications to steal all your GPU memory because it was made for games, assuming exclusive access to all hardware resources"

What a bunch of ignorant bullshit. Comments sum it.
>wm4 is obviously salty about something, it would be best to refrain from quoting them. An API cannot, by itself, contribute in such a manner to the noted problems with Chrome
>In fact, Vulkan is a great API. Considerably better than OpenGL. Which is just an aging dinosaur of an API that is not up to dealing with modern hardware in any efficient manner.
>> No. 2988 [Edit]
Can you elaborate? I'm not familiar with graphics apis, why do you believe that the quote is incorrect?
>> No. 2989 [Edit]
I believe it's developers' job to use an api properly. The api should not be responsible for hand-holding the developer in their usage of memory. Vulkan allowing a developer to do things improperly, is clearly different from "how Vulkan works". The latter implies Vulkan is at fault.

Post edited on 6th Nov 2022, 11:31am
>> No. 2990 [Edit]
If it's easy to misuse an API though then to me that's an issue with the api. Yes in theory you can blame the developer but at the end of the day if even Google engineers can't use it properly, then it's just bad api design. And you can blame the developers all you like, at the end of the day the user is going to suffer.
>> No. 2991 [Edit]
You're forgetting how complicated Chromium is(obscenely so). The more complicated something is, the more likely there will be bugs regardless of implementation. It says little about the api in simpler use cases, especially since it's a work in progress hidden behind experimental option flags.
>> No. 3005 [Edit]
More math than technology, but seems like the best thread:

Assuming it's not retracted (which it probably won't be given that he's the one who worked on the bounded prime gaps conjecture) this should have interesting implications on GRH and analytic number theory as a whole

Post edited on 7th Nov 2022, 1:28pm
>> No. 3176 [Edit]
Another one bites the dust:
>> No. 3177 [Edit]
Fuck. It was a good file host. For a time they even transcoded uploaded hevc video to h264, I can't imagine how they did that without massive cpu cost.
Props to them for keeping it running this long, I imagine for the past 5 years or so it must not have turned much of a profit considering how widespread adblocking is, and unlike other filehosts they didn't go to obscene lengths to prevent it.

Any suggestions for replacements?

Post edited on 19th Mar 2023, 6:11pm
>> No. 3178 [Edit]
>Any suggestions for replacements?
Never used zippyshare, so I don't know if these will cover your needs, but I use and occasionally for my file storage/sharing.
>> No. 3179 [Edit]
I'm aware of those, but they have smaller filesize limit (200MB compared to zippyshare's 500MB) and they don't take as kindly to less than legal content (I'm not sure if it's purely a wink-wink disclaimer or not though, but one gets the impression that it's not really set up to scale for mass distribution of warez like zippyshare was).
>> No. 3180 [Edit]
(I guess mega is still there and as a downloader it's OK, but it requires an account for uploads which is less than ideal).
>> No. 3181 [Edit]
On the brighter side, the fact that zippyshare enforced a 30d retention means that in practical terms there should not be much disappearance of long-tail/abandoned content, since any uploader would have been aware of the retention policy anyway.
>> No. 3182 [Edit]
Cool guys for doing so, by the way.
>> No. 3183 [Edit]
Apparently pixeldrain is an alternative that's been gaining popularity in some circles
>> No. 3184 [Edit]
I think it's worth mentioning that archives can be split into multiple parts. These smaller parts can be uploaded anywhere. A person just needs every part to access the original file(s).
>> No. 3203 [Edit]
File 168434629283.jpg - (212.69KB , 918x1724 , 1684324416935-0.jpg )

It's happening. Back everything up you want to preserve.

edit: For now at least, maybe accounts with videos wont be deleted

Post edited on 17th May 2023, 11:02am
>> No. 3242 [Edit]
I think the most interesting part of the room-temp superconductor story is that apparently no one seems to know what a catgirl is.
>> No. 3259 [Edit]
File 169280899736.jpg - (119.04KB , 640x480 , 6f69410dbb5f52b83d08fb565dfefa5e.jpg )
"Microsoft is bringing Python to Excel"

Since I first used Excel, this is something I wanted, but of course they did it too late and in an obnoxious way.
>Python calculations run in the Microsoft Cloud, with the results returned into an Excel worksheet
>“some functionality will be restricted without a paid license” after the preview ends

Two arguments I've seen for the cloud approach is that Python isn't preinstalled on Windows, and dependency management. Java isn't preinstalled either and that didn't stop anyone from using it. VBA runs locally, and doesn't even explicitly list dependencies, so its a non-issue and Python run locally would be a major step up.

I think what Microsoft hopes to do is create some "killer feature" of their Python "integration" that would make enterprises reliant on it after managers decide it's a necessity.
>> No. 3260 [Edit]
>Two arguments I've seen for the cloud approach is that Python isn't preinstalled on Windows, and dependency management.
For the former, what is the excuse for not just bundling a copy of python with Excel? Admittedly the second one might be obnoxious.
>> No. 3261 [Edit]
>what is the excuse for not just bundling a copy of python with Excel?
Maybe licensing is a concern? I don't know anything about that except that it's complicated. Either way, installing two programs should be a non-issue.
>> No. 3262 [Edit]
Perhaps eventual Office online support, or something like that? How seriously do they take that? In any case, they've been eschewing native technology in favor of web-based stuff everywhere for a while now, largely to the detriment of their own users. I don't doubt there's a certain degree of rent-seeking involved.

>Python isn't preinstalled on Windows
I think Power BI already requires you to install Python if you want to use the integration on that, so they'd have precedent.

>VBA runs locally, and doesn't even explicitly list dependencies
There's the reference manager for COM dependencies, it just doesn't make any attempt at managing them for you. If you don't have something you need, you're on your own.

I wonder how much of this you could hack "yourself" using the COM interface (which is essentially what VBA interacts with) or whatever. Or VSTO+IronPython (if it's any good)? Office applications are surprisingly flexible for being a Microsoft product. I remember seeing a well-integrated Scheme a while ago, but I didn't try it out, I think it was paid or something.

Post edited on 24th Aug 2023, 3:45pm
>> No. 3263 [Edit]
>you could hack "yourself" using the COM interface (which is essentially what VBA interacts with)
Already done with 3rd party products, like xlwings
>> No. 3264 [Edit]
File 169292020690.jpg - (47.39KB , 489x426 , pain and agony.jpg )
>reference manager for COM dependencies
Reference manager is gui aids. You get a spreadsheet with macros as an email attachment. It uses a whole bunch of proprietary and in-house libraries you don't have installed on your machine. As far as I know, there is no way for you to know what those are without asking whoever you got the spreadsheet from to screenshot their reference manager. It should be written in the god damn code what libraries the code uses.
>> No. 3279 [Edit]
It's time to IP block the UK
>> No. 3287 [Edit]
File 169954378317.jpg - (121.41KB , 740x677 , 6d6eb3e46501b816a3e5195142402e79.jpg )
Nvidia to make Arm-based PC chips in major new challenge to Intel

Besides Nvidia, AMD, Qualcomm and a few others are gonna join the ARM fray. I'm kinda interested in what Nvidia is gonna put out, and whether an "all green" system will have any unique advantages. The novelty factor alone is enough to get me interested. On the desktop, there will hopefully be a standardized ARM socket, since motherboard manufacturers can't possibly make 10 different kinds for each generation. I really hope this doesn't herald soldered on CPUs.
>> No. 3320 [Edit]
JAXA's moon landing feels a tad more sentimental after having watching hoshikuzu telepath.
>> No. 3347 [Edit]

lenovo bluntly and directly claims used laptops are unsafe to buy as they might have viruses or malware, which is something lenovo was caught installing on their laptops before.
>> No. 3348 [Edit]
Strawberry-scented thermal paste is a thing now.

Post edited on 19th Feb 2024, 11:58am
>> No. 3349 [Edit]
>This will likely be available only in Japan, much like its other scented counterparts, though it does offer international shipping. Sure, there could be someone who has a thermal paste collection likely to purchase this. Still, realistically, the shipping cost and the customs duty would make others look at more comprehensive options.
That someone? Me.

Post edited on 19th Feb 2024, 1:43pm
>> No. 3355 [Edit]
File 170919649893.jpg - (73.10KB , 631x1024 , ocr.jpg )
Joe Biden has personally declared C++ to be unsafe and not fit for use in the modern world.
>> No. 3356 [Edit]
File 170923039928.jpg - (268.19KB , 850x1176 , 1594384696353.jpg )
I am a C programmer. I will program on C. I will allocate and de-allocate memory as I see fit. I will use pointers. I will have total access to my program's variables. I will use goto. I will not learn your shitty programming languages. I will not use your IDEs, they mean nothing to me. Their shiny colours and real time warnings have no effect on me. I will use notepad. I heed not your safety warnings. I am not afraid of danger. I will write my own programs. I will write my own compiler. I will write my own OS. I will build my own computer and design it's parts. I will build my own house. I will pirate all your software. I will pirate your books and your games. I will mod my games. I will pirate your movies and your songs. I will torrent. I will use imageboards. I will drive stick. I will drive at whatever speed I desire to. My car will run on fossil fuels. I will use USB, I will not use Bluetooth. I will own a fridge with no internet. My furniture shall have no internet. Your smart houses are not smarter than me. I will take cold showers. I will eat meat. I will eat pork. I will eat fish. I will drink milk. I will not eat bugs. I will not take the jab. I will own firearms. I will own pistols and revolvers. I will own assault rifles. I will hunt. I will fish. I will exercise and lift weights. I will sprint. I will perform feats of strength. I will draw. I will paint. I will compose music. I will take pictures. I will sculpt. I will cook my own food. I will bake. I will gamble. I will go on nightwalks. I will camp. I will hitchhike. I will climb mountains. I will explore caves. I will sail the oceans. I will explore the world. I will pilot ships. I will pilot airplanes. I will own a ship and an airplane. I will visit whatever country I wish to. I will have sex with a gorgeous girl. My phallus will not undergo the plastic yoke. I will not pay taxes. I will not have a bank account. I am my own bank. I am my own CEO. I am a one-man revolutionary army. I am a one-man empire. I am a pioneer, I am a trailblazer. I am the master of my own universe. You may try to stop me but you will not succeed. Others want to be me but they will never be me. Government and politicians fear me. My relatives fear me. I will make life-long friends. I will have a long and prosperous glorious life. I will go on adventures and most importantly I will have a loving, caring gentle femdom GF. We will make wonderful memories together and we will live happily for ever after. I will do anything I want to do, I will own anything I want to own, and I will be happy.
>> No. 3359 [Edit]
>I will have sex with a gorgeous girl
>most importantly I will have a loving, caring gentle femdom GF
>> No. 3361 [Edit]
I was sure that the entire thing was some copy-pasta but I could not find hits on either /g/ or /pol/. I still suspect it might be though.
>> No. 3364 [Edit]
Yeah, you won't find it, it's not copypasta. I decided to write that as a joke or something. Basing it on the style of other copypastas, but it's 100% original. It was just an lame attempt at humour done in jest, and not to be taken seriously. It's more of a /lol/ post than anything.
>> No. 3399 [Edit]
Google(the Zürich part probably) has released a new JPEG coding library that back-ports some of the advancements of JPEG-XL. That's nice and all, but I really, really want JPEG-XL itself to have browser support. Pic rel was a PNG of about 30 MB I converted with it. The decrepit Kusaba X refuses to post it though.
time ./cjpegli beach.png --chroma_subsampling=420 beach.jpg Read 7028x5002 image, 31189749 bytes. Encoding [YUV420 d1.000 AQ p2 OPT] Compressed to 3934801 bytes (0.895 bpp). 7028 x 5002, 95.470 MP/s [95.47, 95.47], , 1 reps, 1 threads. ./cjpegli beach.png --chroma_subsampling=420 0.82s user 0.09s system 93% cpu 0.970 total

When I tried using the XYB colorspace, the result was only 1.81 MB, but while it looked fine in a browser, it had a weird, green tint in my image viewer and MS Paint.

Post edited on 25th Apr 2024, 9:13pm
>> No. 3400 [Edit]
>The decrepit Kusaba X refuses to post it though.
She tries her hardest everyday!
>> No. 3450 [Edit]
File 172275484075.jpg - (150.02KB , 1024x1024 , b1bb7300fc3c347b06da037b64cf9023.jpg )
Scumbag Intel: Shady Practices, Terrible Responses, & Failure to Act:

Intel is going the way of IBM it seems. Old, bloated and corrupt.
>> No. 3465 [Edit]
File 172787932811.png - (256.57KB , 1578x1578 , 576558c9a54c63a268f9b584f1e84c9f.png )
Nintendo killed Ryujinx. They either threatened or paid him off.

Post edited on 2nd Oct 2024, 7:34am
>> No. 3466 [Edit]
On what grounds could they threaten him? Is there any Nintendo document that forbids you to implement an emulator? Was it reverse engineering, or did he implement it using legally available info?
>> No. 3467 [Edit]
>On what grounds could they threaten him?
They don't need be in the legal right to sue someone and screw them financially.
>> No. 3468 [Edit]
These idiots were doing some questionable shit when trying to monetize the emulator if I recall correctly, so I don't feel bad about it.
>> No. 3469 [Edit]
That was Yuzu, this is a completely separate project with no shared code.
>> No. 3470 [Edit]
Explain. AFAIK if they sue they pay the court, can't you just tell them there's no legal basis for butthurt and that they should fuck off?
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
The process is very lengthy and lawyers are expensive. So either you ignore it and get sued for a gazillion dollars, or you have to pay exorbitant legal fees to defend yourself.
>> No. 3472 [Edit]
My bad!
>> No. 3473 [Edit]
Defend against what? If you implement their publicly available APIs/ABIs which are available for every developer out there, then there is nothing to defend against. Unless your American law is made specifically to allow effortless destruction of individuals.
>> No. 3474 [Edit]
One of the people working on it who apparently was running the repo decided to cut and run. There's people who seem to want to continue it so we'll see how that goes.
>> No. 3475 [Edit]
File 172789839883.jpg - (254.74KB , 1000x718 , 06cb65692ae2a390b51b018479742e7b.jpg )
I'm not a lawyer. If you're really interested in how these things work, you can research it on your own.
>> No. 3479 [Edit]
>The Internet Archive is under attack, with a breach revealing info for 31 million accounts
>> No. 3480 [Edit]
Of course that's bad, but the Internet Archive is going to die in the next couple of years anyway. There is nothing that could happen, that could damage it more, than their own actions in the past. They have done everything in order to shoot themselves maximally in the foot (complete centralization, having all parts of the project under one organization, including those where they deliberately and needlessly infrighted copyright under the same banner as those less legally vulnerable, but much more important projects such as the Wayback-Machine). By all means, they are screwed beyond help and will probably be kill some time soon and this data breach is just one more thing, that adds salt to the wound.

I've been downloading a lot of websites from the Wayback-Machine manually (there are some scripts to do that) and a lot of music, books and games too. On one hand, one cannot archive everything that could be possibly interesting in the future, because who knows what could be relevant and what is junk, but on the other hand, I think it will lead to web archiving becoming more decentralized, which is a good thing. Just imagine the fact, that a single website archives literally all of the web. There are a few other archival sites, but they don't reach as far in the past, nor do they have a crawler, that indexes everything humanly possible and have other major flaws.
>> No. 3481 [Edit]
With them starting to require accounts for downloading ROMs, I recently created one to download a Vita game. Most likely the only info they have of me is my e-mail and IP address.
>> No. 3482 [Edit]
If/when IA falls, what do you reckon are the chances/amount of data lost, aside from what they intentionally remove from the archives. Forgive me for my ignorance, but what's there to stop splinter groups from forming with the partial amounts of the data they have access to?
IA could go down or become unaccessible and that would suck, but what I am scared is if that meant any amount of data that is not backed up being lost/deleted, inaccessible to the public or not.
I recall them having some backups internationally, but from what I can tell they all are only partial backups, outdated and stagnant.
If only some benevolent oil barons spent money creating backups of the archive in various countries...

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 10:21am
>> No. 3483 [Edit]
IA has always felt like it was run on tin cans. I'm not surprised this happened, they really don't seem to have much technical competence (for the longest time the wayback machine scraper failed at its basic job and never saved resources like images, this was only fixed in 2017). And of course others already commented that for some reason they seem oddly fixated on trying to poke the law with their ebook lending program rather than shutting up and staying out of the limelight (Anna's archive has already mostly solved the ebook archival problem).
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
Oh and don't forget that if they aren't brought down by this, an earthquake eventually will: Whose bright idea was it to put their datacenters in a city that's known to be at risk for severe earthquakes? I cannot find any evidence that they've taken measures to seismically retrofit the buildings, so I assume they haven't.

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 1:17pm
>> No. 3493 [Edit]
File 172902579125.jpg - (102.47KB , 740x620 , 9fedfafbd398cddcc70c19f8c3e59dd6.jpg )
The .io TLD might get deprecated.
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