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Audio Prince of Darkness - I Need Scissors! 61! - (6.00MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 4:22
343 No. 343 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is anyone here into doujin/fan arrangements of video game music?

Here's a very cool one that's got a really funky proggy vibe to it. Not really sure what genre to call it. Originally from a Metal Gear game.
6 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 433 [Edit]
It's worth comparing this song to its original version (Doom, level E1M7 "Phobos Anomaly"), because the artist could evoke a very different mood only by changing the arrangement, while keeping the melody the exact same.
>> No. 434 [Edit]
Audio Rimco - Doom Doomed OC ReMix - (4.47MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Doom Doomed OC ReMix.mp3 ) Length: 4:53

>>433 Forgot the file, sorry.
>> No. 436 [Edit]
Audio halc - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker First Time on Outset OC ReMix - (3.42MB - 160 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Legend of Zelda_ Wind Waker First Ti.mp3 ) Length: 2:59

Best remix of Outset Island I've heard.
>> No. 2542 [Edit]
File 154988079362.gif - (27.16KB , 187x184 , 20199999.gif )
Mask of the Narcissist. Heeeeuuuuuyyyyyyy!

File 150286937561.png - (849.28KB , 850x850 , sample_2576b85c02341afea31cceffb515619f07e856a9.png )
2425 No. 2425 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Which do you prefer?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
Earbuds on the go and headphones at home is the superior combination.
>> No. 2530 [Edit]
Headphones, I don't listen to music outside anymore.
>> No. 2531 [Edit]
Earbuds don't fit into my ears, I can't use them anyway.
>> No. 2533 [Edit]
File 154546570772.png - (1.89MB , 1360x1920 , yande_re 406232 bra digital_version headphones pan.png )
I find earphones kind of annoying since they fall out a lot, but they're more convenient for listening in bed than headphones. I certainly prefer headphones overall, but I do use earphones as well.

File 152646451620.jpg - (151.94KB , 800x575 , music.jpg )
2492 No. 2492 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you folks classify your Japanese music? I'm re-organizing all my files and hit a wall because I started classifying my music under year of release (e.g. "(2010) Artist - Song name") and genre + sub-genre, but I'm stumped with anime-related music because I have singles that do not warrant having their own folder, yet their classification is so varied that they'd be all over the place (e.g. pop, rock, alternative, instrumental, jazz, etc.). I was thinking of just making a "Japanese" folder since that would solve the issue, but then do I put all the soundtracks related to anime or films there instead of my general soundtrack folder? Anyway, I was curious about how other people classify their music files, since I had never wondered before.
>> No. 2493 [Edit]
I don't really organize my things, but I think in the case of soundtracks source material might be a good way to separate them.
>> No. 2500 [Edit]
I organize all my music in folders alphabetically by circle/band name then album. For example,
...Music\X\[XL Project]\East Side Lounge

I have a general Japanese folder for bands that start with Japanese names. I'd like to organize that alphabetically too but there's so much in there that it'd be way too much of a pain.

For soundtracks I usually use the name of the company I associate the game/anime/film/etc. with for the band name, instead of whatever label the soundtrack was released under. So, a Kirby soundtrack would go under HAL Laboratory, a Higurashi soundtrack would go under 07th Expansion, and a Madoka soundtrack would go under Shaft.
>> No. 2501 [Edit]
>For soundtracks I usually use the name of the company
I like this idea, thanks. Will help a lot when shedding folders like with Squaresoft or Campcom games.
>> No. 2527 [Edit]
I organize my things, including music pretty poorly. I have a handful of music folders, all I fill up till they get reasonably big and then make a new one (Music1, Music2, etc) and if I want to find anything in particular I can do that either by searching the library in a music program or going through the folders, which I sort of know where things are just based on when I was filling up each folder and what I listened to at that time. Same goes for how I sort anime, tv shows, and movies. No organization, just many folders with 25-50 separate things in each.

File 154122896964.jpg - (387.84KB , 1502x1382 , BLAH STUCK FIGURE.jpg )
2519 No. 2519 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]


File 151307191426.jpg - (223.68KB , 713x713 , cover1.jpg )
2446 No. 2446 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
thought i'd make a dedicated thread for one of my favorite genres.

what are some of your favorite albums, artists and songs?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2457 [Edit]
this is one of my favorites
>> No. 2475 [Edit]
Franz Tornado is best.
>> No. 2476 [Edit]
That's not eurobeat though, that's italo dance (subgenre of eurodance).
>> No. 2484 [Edit]
my favorite eurobeat album <3

File 151891631378.jpg - (23.28KB , 220x220 , acid.jpg )
2462 No. 2462 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you guys like acid?
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2472 [Edit]
Is this acid? If so then yeah.
>> No. 2473 [Edit]
Much more hard/hardcore techno than acid, but would still marginally qualify for the latter.
>> No. 2474 [Edit]
what the user above me said. its much more hardcore but it has the tb-303 bass synth, so, technically acid. still a pretty good song over all!
>> No. 2478 [Edit]
andrew red hand is the only recent one i listen to

File 149985068451.jpg - (653.04KB , 2560x1920 , CAM00107.jpg )
2420 No. 2420 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Got a cd today ∪^ω^∪
>> No. 2442 [Edit]
File 151124459510.jpg - (4.42KB , 160x120 , 149985076379s.jpg )
Embed didn't work
Also, happy back cover!

No. 2439 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
hey tohno-chan, im new to this imageboard
>> No. 2440 [Edit]
Welcome bro! nice to see new faces with some kick ass taste in music!

File Hatsune_Miku_classical.swf - (1.55MB , 550x400 )
1443 No. 1443 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
ITT we post loops, music videos, animated Touhou remixes, etc.
8 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1483 [Edit]
File comeonandslam.swf - (652.62KB , 550x400 )

Warning: strobing lights.

The soundtrack is a remix of "Funky Stars", which I already posted in the chiptune thread, at

Post edited on 11th Mar 2012, 2:54pm
>> No. 1610 [Edit]
File heyhey16k.swf - (1.98MB , 720x576 )

>> No. 1630 [Edit]
File Teto_Fukkireta.swf - (6.41MB , 479x349 )

>> No. 2399 [Edit]
File whatisloveinbatcountry.swf - (912.79KB )


Audio Buttobi_CPU.mp3 - (2.19MB - 240 kbps - 48 kHz , Buttobi CPU.mp3 ) Length: 1:17
58 No. 58 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>> No. 60 [Edit]
Audio TECHIE POO - AI LOVE YOU - (4.62MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , OST 2 - 02 - Ai Love You (Techie-Poo).mp3 ) Length: 3:22

And a similar song from the soundtrack of "Video Girl Ai".
>> No. 2385 [Edit]
thanks for posting this song, I really like it

File 147171364727.jpg - (8.80KB , 236x236 , fff65d0b55f4a9b38bd4158c2c598ff4.jpg )
2376 No. 2376 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Who likes 8 Bit music and chiptunes should take a look inside here:

Quite nice collections. Enjoy !
>> No. 2386 [Edit]
File 14735068415.gif - (25.65KB , 152x184 , ja.gif )
Slime Girls - Heart On Wave (LSDJ ver)
Disasterpeace - Jump Error
うさぎのへいたいは待機 - KisU
The Depreciation Guild - Butterfly Kisses
Rec me
>> No. 2387 [Edit]
Hey, it's Giffany!

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