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File 167994317381.gif - (2.13MB , 455x498 , 1676043985954045.gif )
2847 No. 2847 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

would you like to know a secret?
just between you and me?
i dont know where im going next
i dunno who im gonna be
and thats the other side of this life yeeah
ive been livin

File トゥー・マイ・ワールド.m4a - (10.31MB )
2819 No. 2819 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Share songs you enjoy ITT in downloadable format.
No streaming allowed.
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
File When_the_Empire_Which_Shines_Sink_and_Dies.m4a - (13.86MB , When the Empire Which Shines Sink and Dies.m4a )

>> No. 2822 [Edit]
File 奈落ブランコ_[_KNbxgXfkaA].opus - (4.14MB , 奈落ブランコ [_KNbxgXfkaA].opus )

>> No. 2825 [Edit]
>> No. 2826 [Edit]
>(files only)
>in downloadable format
>no streaming allowed

File 16607374923.jpg - (117.84KB , 600x600 , mosaic131522e1765794ae2f5810f155400c7fe89a98ee.jpg )
2779 No. 2779 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Ya like Industrial, Industrial Metal, Industrial Hip-Hop, and Electronic Body Music?
10 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2799 [Edit]
Audio Contagious Orgasm - Confession Of Angel - (9.27MB - 319 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Confession Of Angel.mp3 ) Length: 4:04

Lmao Foetus isn't Industrial it's just shitty orchestral show tunes.

Check this out.
>> No. 2800 [Edit]

That's literally how it started.
Industrial was made by a group of performances artists looking to challenge the norm and peoples way of thinking.
Read this book for more insight into the genre
>> No. 2818 [Edit]
Best Industrial Metal band of alll time

>> No. 2824 [Edit]
File Of_Secrets.m4a - (5.60MB , Of Secrets.m4a )


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125 No. 125 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Who's your favorite?
What's your favorite song?
What do you think of the appends?
56 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2038 [Edit]
>Wish she wasn't the primary one.
She isn't a "primary" vocaloid just because someone sat down and said so; she's the most commonly seen vocaloid because she's the most popular. It's surprising for me to hear you don't like her voice much, looking at the artists you just named. Just to be clear: I respect your opinion.
>> No. 2624 [Edit]
My favourite is Miku, because of her media presence. Sound wise, I don't have much a preference. There's actually a lot of UTAU voices that I enjoy more than any Vocaloid, particularly how its they're used in koronbas music and their clones.

I really love yuyoyuppes vocaloid albums. Short of OkameP, I haven't found anything else like it. Kind of a metalcore thing, I don't know how to describe it any more accurately. For a dead girl+ goes.
>> No. 2641 [Edit]
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Don't say she's just a joke. She's still real to me damn it.
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
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Probably Miku and Lily. Favorite song is probably Promise by Samfree.

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2416 No. 2416 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you want played at your funeral?

For me it's gotta be this.
>> No. 2417 [Edit]

life is brief.
fall in love, maidens
before the crimson bloom
fades from your lips
before the tides of passion
cool within you,
for those of you
who know no tomorrow

life is brief
fall in love, maidens
before his hands
take up his boat
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>> No. 2418 [Edit]
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The place changes and goes, like a wind, like clouds
Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places.

The place is so far away, be far apart
People's hand does not reach, so merely has (the) worship.

The place is a lofty lord, can't meet nobody put on
We will lose the place, so lofty which changes.

Not all were desired, however, we're never sad
Still, there is still the place, far away, far away.

(The wind) blows through the place, an endless, with all
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>> No. 2812 [Edit]
Good Riddance (Hades)

And an honorable mention to Blackbird (Alter Bridge)
>> No. 2814 [Edit]
“This is my brother
My bro
He is actually my only true friend
If that is how you say it.”
As if I'll get an eulogy though

File 165411193390.jpg - (156.69KB , 1280x720 , cap_ASMR Healed by Alchemist Girl Japanese ASM.jpg )
2758 No. 2758 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Not quite music but do you people listen to this sort of thing?

I used to a lot. But good ones became harder to find because of all the ear-fucking stuff.
>> No. 2759 [Edit]
Good stuff can still be found from doujin groups on dl-site. E.g. >>2667 >>/ot/35480
>> No. 2767 [Edit]
I have an HVDB account, but I rarely use it. I could share voice works from there if someone wants to.
Post your requests with RJ code in this thread and I'll share them, if available.
>> No. 2770 [Edit]
Thanks for offering anon. For some reason the entire (public) voice work sharing scene uses scammy file upload site. And it isn't for dcma protection, since the links often go dead within a few weeks anyway.
>> No. 2771 [Edit]
I'm not interested, but I just wanted to say you're a cool guy.

File 16650286843.jpg - (328.05KB , 1920x1080 , SYNTHWAVE-1920x1080.jpg )
2801 No. 2801 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you guys feel about Synthwave?
>> No. 2802 [Edit]
Do you have any particular examples?
Stuff like Pertubator is nice to listen to.

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2704 No. 2704 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A thread for audio dramas, primarily things like drama CDs included with anime OVAs. For instance, I didn't know until recently that Joshiraku had a drama CD (and it's wonderful):

If you know any other shows that have drama CDs, do share! For instance, I know that Yuyushiki also has a drama cd but unfortunately I don't think anyone has subbed that.
>> No. 2713 [Edit]
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It's a common pattern for manga/LNs/VNs/games to be adapted to drama CD, and then to anime, and then to drama CD again but with the (often different) anime voice cast. Most series that are at least moderately popular seem to get at least one audio drama, so there's definitely a lot out there, too many to list.

One series whose audio dramas I've enjoyed is Aria. Aria has three drama CDs that were released prior to the Animation. The first two adapt selected chapters from the first few volumes of Aria, while the third goes back to adapt some from Aqua. They adapt the manga chapters more closely than the anime, close enough that you can almost read along while listening. Each CD also includes an original spin-off scenario. The cast and soundtrack differ from the anime, giving it a significantly different feel. It's an interesting taste of an alternative take on the series.
The rest of the CDs were released after the anime and use its voice cast and its superb soundtrack. Most, if not all, of them are composed of original episodes. Animation got 3 CDs, Natural 2 CDs, and Origination 3 CDs. Each TV season also got a Perfect Guide Book, with each book including its own bonus CD.
After Origination finished airing, the anime drama CDs (excluding the book bonuses) were collected into and re-released in drama CD box sets, one for each season, with each box also containing an original CD. Each anime DVD box set also came with an original CD. These audio dramas take place after Origination's ending and were released prior to Avvenire.
After Avvenire's release, Aria went on to get two crossover audio dramas with Amano's next work, Amanchu! (which also got some drama CDs of its own). The first crossover was spread across two drama CDs and the second one (>>/an/34678) across four drama CDs.
These are all the ones I know of, bringing the total to 20 CDs + 6 crossover CDs. The releases by Audio-4U (17 drama CDs) and NAOKI-Raws (for the 3 CDs newly included with the drama CD box sets) together cover these 20. If there are any I missed, I'd like to know.

To my knowledge, the few English-subtitled Aria releases are harder to obtain now due to dead links or a lack of seeders. These ones are stil
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>> No. 2794 [Edit]
File 166214787446.jpg - (1.51MB , 1200x1690 , keyvisual1.jpg )
Since this post, the following have also been released:
- a drama CD for Aria the Crepuscolo (3 tracks, about 40 min. in total) starring Satou Rina as Athena in lieu of the late Kawakami Tomoko
- a mini voice drama (7 min. 15 sec.) about Akari, Alice, and Anya titled 『その 夜明け前のお散歩は…』 that was available for 12 months via streaming to customers who placed early pre-orders of the Crepuscolo BD
- a drama CD for Aria the Benedizione (3 tracks, about 50 min. in total)
Fortunately, they've all been ripped. See the releases by ReinForce or IrizaRaws.
This brings the total to 22 CDs + 6 crossover CDs + 1 streamed mini voice drama.

Something that may also interest Aria fans but deter 3D-haters is that the home video release of the movie version of Avvenire (as opposed to the 3-episode OVA version where one episode was included with each TV anime season BD box) includes a few recordings of 朗読劇 (plays that are performed by reading the script aloud; "recitation dramas"? "cold readings"?) performed by the seiyuu in front of a live audience. You probably could pretend that it's another audio drama and just listen to the audio and get by fine for the most part, but you might miss some things as the seiyuu do include some visual and fourth-wall-breaking components in their performances as well. The audio mixing isn't as good as the drama CDs either given that it's a recording of a live performance (although some seiyuu couldn't attend, so their lines were instead recorded in advance and played back live). See the releases by IrizaRaws or Moozzi2.

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2753 No. 2753 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This guy made a whole album of original compositions on classic synthesizers, if you have a craving for retro-style music, this is the best I've found.
>> No. 2774 [Edit]
are you still posting this to every fucking music board you can find?

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1756 No. 1756 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Make a top 50 album list using and post it, Tohno-chan!
44 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1869 [Edit]
Someone who likes Automatic Writing can't be a pleb.
>> No. 1892 [Edit]
File 140299425365.png - (848.63KB , 836x520 , topsters 3x3.png )
3x3 at least.
>> No. 2765 [Edit]
File 165525907215.png - (3.65MB , 2558x1352 , topsters2.png )
This chart is more like of a quick overview of my favorites over the years. Not that it matters much.
If anyone wants to make one, use because topsters died a long while ago.
>> No. 2766 [Edit]
File 165526705226.png - (3.94MB , 1700x1600 , topsters2.png )
Some of the artists I wanted to add were not there, I have not organised my music in a while either but here goes.

No. 2745 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
what do you think this music band? There's a lot of catchy to good musics. Is there other BiSH enjoyer like me, too?
>> No. 2761 [Edit]
I had never listened to it before this post, but shortly after you posted it I saw the music video for gomen ne on minna no uta. I thought it sounded great. I haven't listened to other songs though.

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