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File 172876569690.jpg - (139.65KB , 850x1302 , sample_fa5fb98d597055e27c91c05d27c91594.jpg )
2943 No. 2943 [Edit]
Here is my list:

RPGamers Network Game Music Radio
Video game music radio with multiple channels.

They send mostly Jungle/DnB. I think it's okay, but I have no clue about Jungle/DnB, so it might as well be rather less interesting.

This one is my favorite (along with Kohina). It sends mostly demoscene music (say chiptune and synthetizer music). They are almost always sending something, that I like. Scenestream is certainly worth checking out. They also have a public archive of their music accessible.

Kohina sends more chiptune and old video game music than synth, compared to Scenestream. Some of it's songs are really great, some of them are more of an acquired taste.

Retro PC Game music
This one seems to be more focused on PC-88/PC-98 music. I haven't listened too much to it, so I can't say much about it, but from what I have listened to, it seems worth listening to. The site is in Japanese.

Post edited on 12th Oct 2024, 1:45pm
>> No. 2944 [Edit]
I used to listen to this a lot. Haven't tuned in recently. Mostly anison.
>> No. 2945 [Edit]
Here is yet another demoscene radio, that I found. This one is particularly hit or miss, in my opinion. They send some good stuff, but there is also a lot of music, that I don't like, but maybe that's just me. Check it out for yourself, to see if you like it.
>> No. 2946 [Edit]

Nightride tends to be my go to.

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