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No. 2441 [Edit]
ITT, post songs you're listening to

because the last one slows down my computer whenever I open it.
61 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 2875 [Edit]
File Swan_Song_OST_-_Memories.flac - (12.97MB , Swan Song OST - Memories.flac )

>> No. 2877 [Edit]
Audio - (1.79MB - 128 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 1:57

>> No. 2878 [Edit]
dungeon synth
>> No. 2879 [Edit]
File The_end_of_the_road__[wQG8m-gvAOk].opus - (3.68MB , The end of the road_ [wQG8m-gvAOk].opus )

>> No. 2880 [Edit]
Audio ROCKY CHACK - Spiritual rise - (7.41MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 6_ Spiritual rise.mp3 ) Length: 5:22

>> No. 2881 [Edit]
Audio - (2.85MB - 128 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 3:07

>> No. 2882 [Edit]
Didn't really imagine that I'd see people talking about dungeon synth on Tohno.
I used to be really into dungeon synth years ago because I got into it via black metal. I even started making my own a few years ago.

That being said, I became very disillusioned with the 'scene' due to so many people pumping out low-quality releases and trying to make so many stupid 'micro-genres' such as 'comfy synth', 'winter synth' and most egregiously of all, 'dino synth'.
To me, dungeon synth has no value if it isn't rooted in its black metal heritage at least somewhat, even if it's purely aesthetically.
>> No. 2883 [Edit]
File 170466136376.png - (231.31KB , 600x900 , __nazrin_hijiri_byakuren_houjuu_nue_toramaru_shou_.png )
>so many people pumping out low-quality releases and trying to make so many stupid 'micro-genres' such as 'comfy synth'
Reminds me of >>/ot/40269
>> No. 2884 [Edit]
Audio Gokigen_Revival_Theme-339845628.mp3 - (2.54MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Gokigen Revival Theme-339845628.mp3 ) Length: 2:46

>> No. 2885 [Edit]
File 170650420778.jpg - (54.00KB , 1024x1024 , cover.jpg )
Mix by VRDJ "かにパン" (KANIPAN) performed at DERELICT VR's "EXPLR_03" event. Love the whole thing every time I loop it, but posting this while passing the 46-minute mark and jamming out while typing.

Stated genres:【Breaks, Dubstep, Drum & Bass, Hardcore, HyperFlip】
>> No. 2887 [Edit]
File moonrise.flac - (10.67MB )

>> No. 2888 [Edit]
File 17096111651.jpg - (25.58KB , 640x313 , IMG_0412.jpg )
>> No. 2889 [Edit]
File 170967130864.jpg - (391.90KB , 1200x1200 , IMG_0385.jpg )
>> No. 2890 [Edit]
>> No. 2891 [Edit]
>> No. 2892 [Edit]
>> No. 2893 [Edit]
>> No. 2894 [Edit]
>> No. 2895 [Edit]
File 171082612842.png - (591.20KB , 799x598 , IMG_0657.png )
>> No. 2896 [Edit]
File 171083130986.jpg - (181.64KB , 700x700 , fc2ed868b6b0b98a0776bc0dbecdbdad.jpg )
Without the first few seconds cut-off
>> No. 2897 [Edit]
>> No. 2898 [Edit]
>> No. 2899 [Edit]
File 171161371917.jpg - (69.25KB , 500x500 , IMG_0759.jpg )
>> No. 2900 [Edit]
File 171165856120.jpg - (351.17KB , 1200x1200 , IMG_0761.jpg )
>> No. 2901 [Edit]
File 171177379790.jpg - (126.90KB , 640x480 , IMG_0777.jpg )
>> No. 2902 [Edit]
File 171270361721.jpg - (79.68KB , 720x480 , 1711303428223910.jpg )
/currently jamming to this

Post edited on 9th Apr 2024, 4:02pm
>> No. 2904 [Edit]
Audio - (2.71MB - 192 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 1:58

Sorry... I'm actually not sorry.
>> No. 2906 [Edit]
>> No. 2907 [Edit]
flicker is my favourite PR song. great visuals too.

Chikoi The Maid - Misunderstanding
>> No. 2908 [Edit]
File 17140051249.jpg - (45.96KB , 250x188 , IMG_1095.jpg )
Heavenly worlds...
>> No. 2910 [Edit]
>> No. 2911 [Edit]
Listening to Seiyuu no Uraomote ED on repeat [1]. Even more so than the yuri, I'm a sucker for OP/ED in which the characters express their appreciation and (platonic?) affection for each other. The lyrics are absolutely heart melting, and the visuals for the initial half (contrasting color scheme, retro-feel, slightly disheveled room, gazing forlornly out the window) are captivating.

It joins the ranks of Yuyushiki's Affection as songs that make me smile and tear up whenever I hear them.

>> No. 2912 [Edit]
Sasayaku Koi no Utau ep7 insert song "Meritocracy" by Shiho (band name, Lorelei). Ripped from the shitty VR webapp that they decided to release it on for some reason. (I'd upload to TC directly but it's slightly larger than the 15MB limit. They'll probably release it as part of an album anyhow).
>> No. 2913 [Edit]
We are nowhere
Try to escape
Poisoned razors
Don't forget me
>> No. 2917 [Edit]
File 171775675066.jpg - (1.11MB , 957x984 , 5777cd1425a8222358054df099515cdc.jpg )
The melody of the vocals at 1.25x exaggerates it's elating aura but muffles the nuances of the percussion which is better appreciated at 1x.
Been looking for more of this genre in terms of its production-value/volume-levels/presence. Also enjoy some of Yagyas albums.
Sonic music is always top. Rarely have I heard a song that gets me grooving while remaining this mellow.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2024, 3:44am
>> No. 2920 [Edit]
>> No. 2921 [Edit]
Audio Neon Lune - El deux - Computer-Mädchen - (4.31MB - 129 kbps - 44.1 kHz , El deux - Computer-Mädchen [yOwoWLqv-5s].mp3 ) Length: 4:40

It's a German song about being alone and finding love through the wire, I suppose, I didn't listen to closely to the lyrics, but I like the sound.
>> No. 2947 [Edit]
Audio Mystic Force - Mystic Force - (17.44MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Mystic Force.mp3 ) Length: 7:37

Trance- the real oldschool stuff. This track sounds incredibly euphoric to me
>> No. 2952 [Edit]
Audio Page - Soldier of Fortune - (3.02MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Page - Soldier of Fortune.mp3 ) Length: 3:18

This is my absolute favorite song currently.
>> No. 2953 [Edit]
File For_Whom_the_Banshee_Cries_(feat__Brittney_Slayes).opus - (5.65MB , For Whom the Banshee Cries (feat_ Brittney Slayes).opus )

This is lame. The last decent deathcore record I've seen is Sold Soul - I Hope We Can Make Out of This Alive. Seems like deathcore has died as a genre or else I don't know where to look. Breakdowns are boring.
>> No. 2957 [Edit]
Audio Dir en grey - Cage - (12.82MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Cage - Dir en Grey.mp3 ) Length: 5:35

>> No. 2958 [Edit]
Audio lynch. - mujun to sora - (11.07MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , lynch_ - 矛盾と空.mp3 ) Length: 4:50

Sorry for the excessive blog, I've been pretty sad these days, so here's a lynch. song. Hoping my fellow brohnos are doing well, I'd like to finally finish AIR this year since I wasn't able to do it last year...orz
>> No. 2960 [Edit]
Audio Lolistyle Gabbers - Happy Capitulation!! - (4.43MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Lolistyle Gabbers - Happy Capitulation.mp3 ) Length: 4:50

I've been listening to this day and night. There is something about the cover art, that makes me really like it. Too bad you can't really share this kind of music with anyone, without them having weird thoughts about you. By the way, it's not just this track, the whole album is really good, go listen to it.
>> No. 2961 [Edit]
Audio 01__Kenkotaiji_.mp3 - (9.87MB , 01_ Kenkotaiji — Dun Di Place Remix (Ennnn Remix.mp3 )

I would say that the issue is that, atleast as of recent, the people you can acceptably share such music with tend to be an insufferable bunch most often.
>> No. 2963 [Edit]
File Helleruin_-_Riddles_in_Devil's_Tongue.mp4 - (7.38MB , Helleruin - Riddles in Devil's Tongue.mp4 )

>the issue is that, at least as of recent, the people you can acceptably share music with tend to be an insufferable bunch most often
I fixed it for you.
>> No. 2964 [Edit]
Audio Sutegma - Mission ImBreakcore - (9.63MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 02 Sutegma - Mission ImBreakcore.mp3 ) Length: 4:06

yo dawg, fix dat video; 4:4:4 - it aint rite, man, dat shiet aint playan on muh browser, naw.
Also the word 'such' should stay here, because otherwise it generalises it to mean all of music, not just that scope of genres that is being implied. I believe everyone could agree and would see that such a generalit-ee is incorrect.
>> No. 2965 [Edit]
File Helleruin_-_Riddles_in_Devil's_Tongue.mp4 - (7.37MB , Helleruin - Riddles in Devil's Tongue.mp4 )

>yo dawg, fix dat video; 4:4:4 - it aint rite, man, dat shiet aint playan on muh browser, naw.
Sorry I'm trying my best
>Also the word 'such' should stay here, because otherwise it generalises it to mean all of music, not just that scope of genres that is being implied
The omission is correct. Discussing music is futile. People who discuss it in most cases are old farts elitists and pretty reactive about such topics as which artists are "true" and which aren't. This makes discussion nearly impossible unless you ape their tastes. People who don't discuss music will never reach out to you.
>> No. 2966 [Edit]
Audio Peaky Pounder - Hoitaa - (7.61MB - 224 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 4:45

Ah, I was thinking it was possible you were going for this angle.
Whilst I'm fairly certain no or barely any discussion is being implied with the word 'share', just simply sharing links, therein meaning that any discussion of music discussion is not in play, I do agree in the futility of it, mostly in that I think the most one can say about an artist or a song is but a short sentence at best, anything else- anything more is more or less just needless verbosity.

I share this view in most other media too, I don't see much of a point in discussing anime, because there is very little to discuss in my opinion - if we've both watched the same show, then we should understand it at its fullest and there should be nothing to discuss, other than a sentence-long statement.
I realise this probably a rather broken mindset, but I struggle to see it any other way.
>> No. 2967 [Edit]
Audio DJ 8 - SINE CITY - (12.32MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 02 DJ 8 - SINE CITY.mp3 ) Length: 5:06

>> No. 2969 [Edit]
Audio Ilmarque_-_Sinuun_Vain.mp3 - (5.02MB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Ilmarque - Sinuun Vain.mp3 ) Length: 3:39

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