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File 16584917156.jpg - (786.46KB , 734x1043 , VIP.jpg )
3812 No. 3812 [Edit]
Venus in Paradise or V.I.P is a collection of cards featuring illustrations of cute girls by famous and not so famous doujinshi artists. Usually sold during Comiket, several hundred cards were printed from 1998 to 2008 and there are special prints from years after that. Within VIP, there are several runs, usually linking the cards' motifs. Some make sense like VIP Adult that usually features characters partially nude, others, like VIP Natural, is probably because they found the word sounded cool for a card collection featuring 2Dbijins. I've managed to find pictures of around 350 cards so far. Most of it is from the years 98 to 02, the golden years for Venus in Paradise, when a lot of cards from a lot of different artists were being made. Apparently the thing waned after that and it came mostly to a close around 2008. I found about this by accident, while looking for art by 香川友信 (Kagawa Tomonobu). He did a card for VIP in 98.

This is actually a very interesting way to have a large sample of late 90s, early 00s doujinshi artwork and also a nice way to have a good idea about the 2D aesthetic ideals of the Japanese entertainment industry at the time. I'll be sharing the cards I find itt and when available I might also share information about the specific run and/or artist. People usually resell these cards in auction sites like pages, but there's very little information online about VIP and I haven't found a catalog for any of the runs, even in Japanese sites so far, but I'll be on the lookout from now on. Information available in English is virtually nonexistent att, so we might be breaking some ground here at tc with this.

I know a little bit about image editing so I'll be trying to clean up the pictures I find and improving the quality (like using shake reduction and removing glare, etc) so it might take a little while before I manage to upload everything I found. Unfortunately, sellers very rarely use scanners to put up their auctions, using normal cameras instead. I'll do what I can.
Expand all images
>> No. 3813 [Edit]
File 165849223023.jpg - (656.15KB , 738x1043 , 98 Winter Costume Series Card16 ITOYOKO.jpg )
I'll add all the info I have on the uploaded card at the picture title, like so.
>> No. 3814 [Edit]
File 165849287812.jpg - (641.31KB , 748x1044 , 98 Winter Natural Series Card22 Ryu-TMR.jpg )
>> No. 3815 [Edit]
File 16584931733.jpg - (705.76KB , 746x1046 , 99 Summer Series Card03 Ryu-TMR.jpg )
This and the previous card belong to the same artist, you can find him on twt @ryutmr. I like how healthy the characters look, they seem to be enjoying themselves in a bright, sunny day. The hightec nonsense frying pan on the previous picture is adorable.

Post edited on 22nd Jul 2022, 11:00am
>> No. 3816 [Edit]
File 165849380618.jpg - (535.40KB , 737x1049 , 99 Winter Private Series Card07 火浦R.jpg )
You can easily find a lot of adult manga and illustrations by this prolific author. 火浦R (HiuraR). He has a Twitter @hiurar and a pixiv users/5772729.
>> No. 3817 [Edit]
File 165849859841.jpg - (802.47KB , 801x1115 , 99 Winter (Maybe Adult) Series Card07 ぽよよん.jpg )
This artist still very much active. Twt @punipoyo
Sometimes I'll make assumptions about what series the card belongs, when that happens, I'll add a ().
>> No. 3818 [Edit]
File 165850051251.jpg - (617.54KB , 742x1045 , 99 Winter Private Series Card21 御祗島千明.jpg )
This artist is currently working in the gaming industry. More illustrations can be found on his Twt, @8nyanco
>> No. 3819 [Edit]
File 165850457932.jpg - (671.68KB , 746x1047 , 98 Winter Fantasy Series Card09 たつねこ.jpg )
I wish I could find more of this Fantasy series. I love this flat with muted colors style, it's realy cute. Also I'm 99% sure this artist, たつねこ, wrote his own wikipedia page. I just know it.
>> No. 3820 [Edit]
This is a neat idea for a thread, OP. You're right, these cards do radiate that '90s style. I'm intrigued to see what else you dig up.
I don't know if you've seen this, but there's a wiki page about these cards, and it looks like the series ended in 2011, not 2008:

Post edited on 22nd Jul 2022, 10:25am
>> No. 3822 [Edit]
File 165851162386.jpg - (802.30KB , 759x1063 , 2001 FINAL VENUS Series Card16 蘭宮 涼.jpg )
Love the slightly off sitting position on this one and the obsession with bow knots. When I first saw this illustration I sensed a female sensitivity in it particularly in the hair and clothing. Turns out it is a female artist. There's a English entry for her on wikipedia, look for Ryō Ramiya.

Hey anon, I hope you'll enjoy this thread. I actually saw that page and completely forgot to check on it while writing the OP, I stand corrected. I didn't find any cards from such a later period yet, I hope there are some out there. I actually just purchased a CD collecting an entire series of an earlier edition on Yahoo. I don't want to give anyone high hopes yet though, I have bought CDs in the past but they're so old by now a lot of them are corrupted. We'll see. If it works I'll definitely share the contents itt.
>> No. 3823 [Edit]
File 165851394761.jpg - (91.67KB , 500x235 , 009p.jpg )
>I didn't find any cards from such a later period yet, I hope there are some out there.
The 2010 and 2011 runs do at least have some of their art online, albeit with watermarks. More importantly, they have a list of the artists involved, which might help in tracking down more of them.

>Summer 2010

>Winter 2010

>Winter 2011
>> No. 3824 [Edit]
File 165851621462.jpg - (913.01KB , 749x1047 , 99 Summer Innocence Series Card04 ここまひ.jpg )
This artist encapsulates a lot of the 90s aesthetic in his work. Bigger heads, bolder lines, flatter colors and high contrast highlights. There's a childlike grace to his art. If a child could improve her drawing skills without losing any innocence, I like to imagine that's how the drawings would look like. I knew about this artist thanks to Doki Doki Vampire and it was a nice surprise to find art by him on VIP as well. He's currently working on character design for mobile games and whatnot. Very active twt @kokomahi. You can also read Doki Doki for free (and legally) on Despite what the card says, his pen name is kokomahi, not kokomai.

This is gold mine, thanks! I've been focusing most of my efforts on auction sites since a lot of those images become inaccessible once the bidding ends. I have that nagging feeling I need to comb everything in those as quickly and thoroughly as I can. I'll carefully go through the links you provided later today, I already spotted several cards in there I like and want to know more about.
>> No. 3825 [Edit]
File 165852015010.jpg - (549.25KB , 677x940 , 2000 Summer Adult Series ぽよよんろっく.jpg )
This card is by the same artist as >>3817. A lot of cards around for sale in auction sites are signed by the artist. I guess people usually did purchase them in Comiket directly from the artist himself/herself and asked them then and there to sign it.
>> No. 3826 [Edit]
This is a nice thread.

Huh, it's unfortunate that the Wayback Machine mangled the kanji like this. The wiki linked by >>3820 confirms that it's 髙木信孝 (Takagi Nobuyuki), perhaps best known for Kokoro Toshokan. In previous years, he contributed under the name Boo or BOO (pronounced ぶぅ) as a member of the circle M・blem.


I'd post the image too, but I won't because I figure OP will do a better job of cleaning it up than I would. But judging from the two photos of the front side of this card, it looks like this card is shiny and reflective in such a way that a single scan wouldn't do it justice.

>Despite what the card says, his pen name is kokomahi, not kokomai.
It's worth noting that his Wikipedia and pixiv Encyclopedia articles indicate that ここまひ is supposed to be read as ここまい (Kokomai). The romanization "KOKOMAI" also shows up on the front cover of volume 1 of Doki Doki Vampire.
Some words that were historically written with ひ have the ひ pronounced as /i/ nowadays and are typically written with い to match that pronunciation. But in some cases the old kana orthography is alternatively used, e.g. in the title おもひでぽろぽろ (Omoide Poroporo).
>> No. 3827 [Edit]
File 165858012753.jpg - (674.60KB , 745x1046 , 99 Summer Innocence Series Card25 あきよしよ.jpg )
No 2Dbijinga collection would be complete without a miko.
Artist's info and gallery:

I've been avoiding to post links to twitter since I know ib denizens usually have a problem with social media but honestly it's annoying for lurkers interested in finding more about the artists itt to have to copy and paste every twitter link, so I'll start to just link them normally from now on, I hope that's OK.

I'm glad you're enjoying it anon and thanks for your help. Don't shy away from posting any images you find btw. Even if I already have it, I'll put it at the end of my posting line and repost with any PS edits if I find I can improve it. The one you linked I do have it. Here's the list of auction and sales sites I meticulously comb through regularly: Yahoo, buyee, suruga-ya, aucfan, shop.r10, rakuten, lambissue, mandarake, ebay and amazon. If you find images in any of those sites, chances are I have it as well and will post it here eventualy. Regardless, you should post whatever VIP related things you feel like it. Two people looking is always better than one. I might miss something and new auctions are always coming up, you never know.
>> No. 3832 [Edit]
File 165858179670.jpg - (714.75KB , 783x1097 , Galaxy Angel Mint Blancmanche 桜沢いづみ.jpg )
Within VIP there are also series or single cards promoting media franchises, VNs, games, anime, manga, etc. Here's one such case.
Artist's info
>> No. 3833 [Edit]
File 165858234328.jpg - (402.80KB , 830x594 , Summer 2006 SUPER VENUS Card03 桜沢いづみ.jpg )
It's an usual thing for one artist to have designed several cards. Same artist as above.
>> No. 3834 [Edit]
File 165858328782.jpg - (655.67KB , 745x1052 , 99 Summer Pleasure KERORIN.jpg )
I love this style as well. A little less goofy and lightheared proportions but still very friendly. It gives the character a warming, approachable personality and charisma.
Artist info
>> No. 3835 [Edit]
Speaking of Photoshop, I don't know what version you're using, but newer versions have a Perspective Warp tool that makes it super easy to straighten/flatten out pictures of cards that have been taken on an angle.
>> No. 3837 [Edit]
File 165859002825.jpg - (671.95KB , 1316x785 , 2000 Sumer VENUS07 原田将太郎.jpg )
Another signed card. He wrote 'Please return the book by tomorrow.' Notice how he was careful enough not to write over the character. I like this one. It feels like what a Pokemon char would look like if Pkm were more adult-oriented.

Artist info

I'm using CC2019. I'm not sure how much I want to alter the original picture. I feel like I should alter as little as possible, there's always a possibility someone will come along and be able to do a better job than me at it. I'll try do the warp next. Maybe later I'l just dump all unaltered pictures I have for download, that would solve the problem.
>> No. 3838 [Edit]
File 165859681138.jpg - (526.41KB , 748x1041 , 98 Summer Card09 近藤敏信.jpg )
One of my favorites. This artist is currently the president and executive producer of Studio Saizensen. Coincidentally, Umihara Kawase is one of my favorite game franchises out there and I posted a fairly large review for one of their games just a couple months ago >>/vg/14447. It's a small world.

Artist info

Post edited on 23rd Jul 2022, 10:21am
>> No. 3839 [Edit]
File 165859805891.jpg - (699.66KB , 890x1127 , 99 Summer Aoi Nanase.jpg )
I get a little sad seeing how some artists completely abandon their early style for whatever is in vogue. They do this of course in order to continue to be a competitive force in the market. Still, part of me wish they didn't. I found one auction listing by a guy selling a 'complete 99 Summer set', stating there are 180 cards. We'll see, for now I'm assuming there's 180.

Artist info
>> No. 3840 [Edit]
File 165859922243.jpg - (141.96KB , 280x400 , 2000 Summer Card15 川口洋一郎.jpg )
Even professors emeritus at the University of Tokyo can draw characters for obscure Comiket card collections sometimes. The seller listed this both as Summer 99 and as a promo card for マリオネットカンパニー (Marionette Company) an early 2000s VN trilogy I never heard about before. I quickly looked through the main characters from those games and none of them look quite like this, so maybe it's a mistake. I'm mentioning just in case I'm wrong and this is in fact a promocard for those games.

Artist info

Post edited on 23rd Jul 2022, 11:40am
>> No. 3841 [Edit]
These are my favorite. Not a fan of the oddly shaped heads that were common back then.

Also, I wonder how doable it'd be to make a reproduction based on these images using some phostoshop and ai.

Post edited on 23rd Jul 2022, 11:12am
>> No. 3842 [Edit]
The most shocking part of all this is that Zima was still being sold in Japan until last December - and it was actually popular there!
>> No. 3843 [Edit]
File 165860180624.jpg - (690.44KB , 905x1298 , 99 Summer Card05 Aoi Kimizuka.jpg )
The summer series was probably the most well received. There are a lot of Summer cards out there.
Artist Info

2D girls artwork on VIP when focused on more regular proportions have the tendency to have a higher sexual energy to it and it's way less whimsical as a result. There's also a sort of erotic tension to it that is hard to describe. I can definitely feel it on >>3825. My favorite of the ones posted so far is probably >>3819. Of course this is all in my head, it might feel completely different for you. Don't pick favorites yet! We have a very long list to go! I hope you'll continue to enjoy it!

Honestly I should just purchase them. Problem is I don't know when to quit and can end up spending enough money I could neet on for a full year, it can get quite ridiculous. I did purchase an official CD gallery with one of the earlier sets, but that as far as I'll go with this. If the CD is not corrupted (happened before) I'll share itt. I found a blog entry by a guy saying there are so many cards he decided to focus on just the artists he liked, so I'm guessing there's just too many out there to seriously try to collect them all, even if you don't need to pay international shipping. Besides, I have enough weeb stuff as is, I can't allow myself to get carried away with stuff like this.

Oh, now I want to have a taste of that drink.
>> No. 3845 [Edit]
File 165860411549.jpg - (691.55KB , 742x1046 , 99 Winter Card09 香川友信.jpg )
Here's the reason this thread exists. I found about VIP thanks to this one, card 09 from the 99 Winter series. I was looking for artwork by this artist and this came out in the results. Did some digging and here we are. You'll notice he changed his style almost completely in the last couple of decades.

Artist info
>> No. 3846 [Edit]
File 165860555597.jpg - (554.43KB , 640x891 , 99 Summer.jpg )
I could not identify the artist behind this card.
>> No. 3847 [Edit]
File 16586171417.png - (673.86KB , 821x1129 , c1attempt2.png )
I tried my best, but the result is quite shoddy.
>> No. 3848 [Edit]
File 165861896017.jpg - (234.54KB , 1280x1838 , 069.jpg )
I hope this helps you.
>> No. 3849 [Edit]
Amazing. Is that from the cd mentioned here? >>3843
Would like to know where I could find the others too.
Edit: found this gallery

Post edited on 23rd Jul 2022, 4:44pm
>> No. 3850 [Edit]
File 16586694332.jpg - (391.87KB , 858x598 , Summer 2007 麻倉桜.jpg )
Here's one of the later ones, 2007.

Artist info

Nope, that wasn't me. The CD will take around 3 weeks to get here. I'll let you guys know when it arrives.
>> No. 3851 [Edit]
File 165867049530.jpg - (759.68KB , 1376x974 , Summer 2006 Rare Selection 09 みけおう.jpg )
This artist has a very popular style and a fairly large following.
Notice how the backs changed from one year to the next. There's a lot less information in 2007. I much prefer lots of info on the back.

Artist info
>> No. 3852 [Edit]
File 165867101359.jpg - (715.26KB , 906x1119 , 99 Summer Mamoru Yokota.jpg )
Artist info
>> No. 3853 [Edit]
File 165867134715.jpg - (898.04KB , 801x1115 , 165849859841.jpg )
Based on this, I think the card originally looked more like this, with a white border and blue background. This is mostly conjecture though.
>> No. 3854 [Edit]
File 165867286395.jpg - (239.07KB , 378x510 , 2000 Summer Card023 JINNOJYOU.jpg )
Could not find any direct accounts to this artist but if you look up his name several galleries of his work comes up. Here's one:

Looks good. Just for the record, I'm not making any color assumptions with my uploads. All I'm doing is trimming anything that isn't a card in the picture and adjusting exposition, removing that excessive glare that hides the picture. I'm not touching color balance or anything like that.
>> No. 3855 [Edit]
File 165867348370.jpg - (118.91KB , 364x512 , 98 Winter Natural-15 Boo.jpg )
Here's one picture probably ruined by a shitty smartphone camera.

Artist info (Not 100% sure this is the correct artist, there's a lot of Boos out there as it turned out.)
>> No. 3856 [Edit]
File 165867421710.jpg - (749.34KB , 735x1037 , 99 Summer Innocence Card20 Iori Nishi.jpg )
VIP cards were sold in small, sealed packs. I've seen this one for sale in several different auctions, apparently it was a very common one you would get in every other package.

Artist info (This artist changed her style completely since her VIP days.)

Post edited on 24th Jul 2022, 7:55am
>> No. 3857 [Edit]
File 165867817398.jpg - (527.64KB , 729x1038 , 99 Summer Pleasure Card09 とがわはなまる.jpg )
This card would feel nostalgic even in 99. It very reminiscent of late 80s character design you would see in sci-fi manga titles like カプリコン (Capricorn). I like it but don't see something like this making a comeback anytime soon.

Artist Info
>> No. 3858 [Edit]
File 165867871124.jpg - (635.31KB , 728x1038 , 99 Summer Pleasure Card11 壱 ICHI.jpg )
And here's another one that would also feel nostalgic even at the time it came out. Also very inspired by stuff like カプリコン. There are many Ichi artists out there and none I found appears to be the person behind this card. More research required.
>> No. 3859 [Edit]
File 165867936542.jpg - (210.13KB , 422x600 , 2000 Summer.jpg )
Such a collection would not be complete without a maid, so here's one. I can't find the artist behind this card att.
>> No. 3860 [Edit]
File 165868023475.jpg - (624.36KB , 752x1051 , 2001 Final Venus Card17 高木 信幸 Boo.jpg )
And here's another maid, this time by Boo, same artist as >>3855. Also I'm confirming that is the correct twt account for this artist.
>> No. 3861 [Edit]
IDK, she kind of looks like she could be a .hack character. Still nostalgic, but in the other direction.
>> No. 3862 [Edit]
File 165869414050.png - (950.90KB , 600x944 , VIP テレホンカード Phonecard 蘭宮涼.png )
Here's an interesting one. This is not a card, it's a phonecard... well, OK it's a card, but you could use it to make calls on payphones, unlike the other ones I posted. I wonder if there's any credit left on that one. I tried my best to remove this damn glare and this is the best I got, sorry about that.

Artist info
I looked but it doesn't seem like this artist has an online presence. I might be wrong though.

Yeah I can kinda see it now that you mentioned it, but even .hack characters look cleaner than that. That girl has like 8 different types of materials on her eyepatch alone, kinda crazy.

Post edited on 24th Jul 2022, 1:33pm
>> No. 3863 [Edit]
File 165869474438.jpg - (189.42KB , 422x600 , 98 Summer Pro 09 近藤敏信.jpg )
Same artist as >>3838
>> No. 3864 [Edit]
File 165869841442.jpg - (587.96KB , 1206x810 , 2005 Summer 七尾奈留.jpg )
Someone in charge of VIP really, really liked this one. And I'll tell you why...

Artist info
>> No. 3865 [Edit]
File 16586984886.jpg - (123.72KB , 281x587 , VIP Poster 2007 Summer.jpg )
2 years later they made a poster using the artwork from it. Hard to believe on the entire 2007 Summer set they were promoting there wasn't a single illustration they could use instead of going with artwork from a previous collection.

Post edited on 24th Jul 2022, 2:42pm
>> No. 3866 [Edit]
File 165877214687.jpg - (573.75KB , 739x1032 , 98 Winter Card19 冨樫.jpg )
I'm not sure if this is the same author as the mind behind HunterXHunter but I couldn't find any other Togashis out there.

Spent most of the day today hunting for more cards. I have about 500 of them now. This is getting out of hand, I need to come up with a work schedule to edit these things. I want to do it quickly but something always comes up, specially when looking for information about the artist.
>> No. 3867 [Edit]
File 165877275576.jpg - (126.52KB , 364x512 , 2000 Summer 120 森下 薫.jpg )
Artist info

Tohno is being a nuisance with posts not getting through or getting delayed today. Speaking of nuisance, here's a really low res. image of a VIP card. It's a little disheartening to only find a digital copy of this quality, but hey, one picture is better than none, right?

Post edited on 25th Jul 2022, 11:14am
>> No. 3868 [Edit]
File 165877361392.jpg - (142.89KB , 512x361 , Summer 2000 013 なるみすずね.jpg )
I have a lot of these lower quality ones. Not much I can do about it I'm afraid. I'll continue to look for better copies of them. In the meantime these will do, hang in there anons.

It's interesting to notice how so many of these characters fall in two categories. The ones transpiring innocence and the ones transpiring eroticism. Here's one of the latter.

Artist info
>> No. 3869 [Edit]
File 165877415838.jpg - (138.99KB , 512x361 , Summer 2006 Rare Selection 014 爆天童.jpg )
And here's one of the former. I fell in love with this artist. His characters feel whimsical without giving any airs of idiocy, which is hard to do. He has at least 3 VIP cards that I know of. Unfortunately he deleted his twitter and pixiv accs. Reason unknown. He was working on a comedy title until 2019 called Ultra Kaijuu Gijinka Keikaku published by Dengeki G. It's not that good (at least vol1 isn't).

Artist info
>> No. 3870 [Edit]
File 16587744486.jpg - (111.34KB , 512x364 , 2000 Summer 20 介錯.jpg )
Artists info
>> No. 3871 [Edit]
File 165877458783.jpg - (280.52KB , 848x1190 , tatsuneko.jpg )
It looks like this card was actually illustrated by Tatsuneko, a far more obscure mangaka:
>> No. 3872 [Edit]
File 165877488475.jpg - (110.62KB , 512x364 , 2000 Summer 106 おとといきたろう.jpg )
Could not find much info on this artist, but here's one title he published:
If you look for his name on you can also find another title of his 童子装甲BEE.
>> No. 3873 [Edit]
That looks pretty erotic to me.
>> No. 3874 [Edit]
File 165877540689.jpg - (138.07KB , 512x361 , Summer 2006 Rare Selection 030 西脇ゆぅり.jpg )
This is the type of artist I wish all of them could be. Strong online presence. We need more of that.

Artist info

Ah! Thanks for correcting me anon, I appreciate it. Yes, that did sound very weird, but the seller put that name in there on the title of the listing and I ran with it like an damn idiot.
>> No. 3875 [Edit]
File 165877572824.jpg - (136.06KB , 512x362 , 2000 Summer 032 長谷川眞也.jpg )
Artist info

Yeah but she's not aware of that. >>3868 definitely knows, you know? It makes all the difference.
>> No. 3877 [Edit]
>definitely knows, you know? It makes all the difference.
Hmm, I actually see it as the opposite. >>3869 reminds me a tsundere character intentionally trying to arouse, without wanting to admit it, while >>3868 makes me think they're casual and a bit clueless. Red vs pink hair also contributes a bit to my perception.
>> No. 3878 [Edit]
File 165877773820.jpg - (114.00KB , 512x364 , 2000 Summer 075 かずふみ.jpg )
There are many Kazufumis out there, none I found seem to be the one behind this illustration. I like this one, feels like a character for a nice and involving JRPG I don't know about it yet. It's embarrassing to post pictures of this quality itt in 2022, I hope I can find alternatives soon. This is just so we know it exists.

You can explore his site at least through wayback machine, maybe there's something in there I missed.*/
>> No. 3879 [Edit]
File 165877904251.jpg - (272.28KB , 768x546 , 2000 Summer 092 菊池政治.jpg )
Artist info

She's not clueless, please consider the evidence I present to you:
1- She has a tattoo (high body awareness)
2- Goes to a salon to get her hair done (thrives on attention)
3- Unabashed bikini user (and pulls the strings in front of strangers. pft!)
4- Blinks to strangers

On the other hand!
1- Sloppy hair, probably cuts it at home due to diffidence and anxiety
2- Mom made gave her a bikini to go to the beach but she hides it under regular clothes anyway
3- Grudgingly has to take it off to go swimming and gets immediately flustered and confused when someone stares at her
4- Unaware how good she looks

Now you tell me sir who is in the right here. I believe I am... this is the internet after all.
>> No. 3880 [Edit]
Eh, I didn't notice most of those details(just judged based on facial expression and hair color) and am admittedly biased by my preference in art style.
>> No. 3881 [Edit]
File 165878144210.jpg - (259.51KB , 768x543 , 98 Winter Fantasy 14 冨樫.jpg )
If you ask me what is an important step to become a famous mangaka, I would say it's very important to not be named Togashi, otherwise your information will be buried by a million links mentioning a much more famous Togashi. It will take tohno-chan levels of tism to find your information online and you should not count on such a thing ever existing in your lifetime. Also this is the younger brother of HunterXHunter author Yoshihiro Togashi and the brother-in-law Ms. Takeuchi, of Sailor Moon fame.

Please someone explain to me how is that a winter outfit.

Artist info

I'm glad you're lurking this thread anon.

Post edited on 25th Jul 2022, 1:40pm
>> No. 3882 [Edit]
File 16587859108.jpg - (234.71KB , 768x543 , 2000 Summer 033 神髄.jpg )
Speaking of names, don't use a pen name that is also a common word, like 神髄 (shinzui). The only info I found on this artist is his own dead website:
And some of his doujin work here:

You can find an artist going by the name Shinzui in several booru galleries but if it's the VIP Shinzui or other Shinzui I cannot tell.
>> No. 3883 [Edit]
File 165878612260.jpg - (239.36KB , 768x546 , 2000 Summer 063 桐沢しんじ.jpg )
Artist info
>> No. 3884 [Edit]
File 165878949514.jpg - (266.41KB , 768x542 , 2006 Summer Rare Selection 008 あさいいちこ.jpg )
Artist info
>> No. 3885 [Edit]
File 165878985679.jpg - (247.65KB , 768x542 , 2006 Summer Rare Selection 011 北条晶.jpg )
Artist info
There's an interview with this artist, you can read it here:
>> No. 3886 [Edit]
File 165879187968.jpg - (347.46KB , 768x540 , Winter 2006 Rare Selection 024 なるみすず.jpg )
Very intense gaze. Same artist as >>3868.
>> No. 3887 [Edit]
File 165879249750.jpg - (230.46KB , 768x542 , Summer 2006 Rare Selection 009 風華チルヲ.jpg )
Adorable illustration.

Artist info
>> No. 3888 [Edit]
File 165879323532.jpg - (265.09KB , 768x542 , 2006 Summer Rare Selection 017 桐原いづみ .jpg )
Artist info
>> No. 3889 [Edit]
File 165879368988.jpg - (311.97KB , 768x542 , 2006 Summer Rare Selection 025 南方純.jpg )
This card reminds me how unusual it is for manga to use prehistory as setting. In fact I don't remember any, close I can think out of the top of my head is Papuwa-kun but he's not a caveboy, he's just lost in some weird idyllic island imbued with powers.. or something. I have to read that title again, I can only remember I liked it.

Artist info
>> No. 3890 [Edit]
File 165879398582.jpg - (281.62KB , 768x542 , 2006 Winter Rare Selection 015 高渡あゆみ .jpg )
Artist info
Watch her draw on yt!
>> No. 3891 [Edit]
File 165884039375.jpg - (518.67KB , 739x1036 , 98 Summer 06 冨樫.jpg )
Today I'll be uploading the characters I find the least visually appealing amongst the cards I've collected so far. Might as well get it over with. I just don't get these, it's my fault. If you like them let me know, I'm curious to hear from people who can appreciate them.

Same artist as >>3881.
>> No. 3892 [Edit]
File 165884090351.jpg - (519.36KB , 729x1048 , 98 Winter Costume 19 冨樫.jpg )
Huh, I swear I didn't realize I would be picking on this author so much. ごめんね冨樫先生。
Same author as >>3891, >>3881
>> No. 3893 [Edit]
File 165884172219.jpg - (531.80KB , 737x1042 , 98 Winter Costume 26 原田将太郎.jpg )
This is the author behind D4 Princess, a lighthearted, feel-good mecha and magical girls title, really cute. The art is actually fine in this card, it's just the costume is not complementing the figure one bit.

Artist info
>> No. 3894 [Edit]
File 165884207397.jpg - (537.11KB , 737x1044 , 98 Winter Fantasy 13 はん.jpg )
I think this style and design does have a place, but it's not in my heart. I could not identify the artist behind this card att.
>> No. 3895 [Edit]
File 165884243393.jpg - (750.35KB , 733x1036 , 99 Summer Innocence 15 おおつきべるの.jpg )
I like her current style a lot better. Also I bet this should be a winter card but they added to Summer for some reason. Maybe a mistake? It really feels like a winter card to me.

Artist info
>> No. 3896 [Edit]
File 165884315023.jpg - (566.13KB , 725x1040 , Summer Pleasure 25 邪琅明.jpg )
This artist passed away in 2011. His art lives on. お悔やみ申し上げます。

Artist info
>> No. 3897 [Edit]
File 165884504767.jpg - (661.48KB , 725x1038 , 99 Winter 10 聖雅人.jpg )
I could not find any direct info about this author. All I know att is that he was or is part of the 遊星本舗 circle and worked on another card collection called Aquarian Age:
You can also find his old work here: At least we get a good idea about the covers.
>> No. 3898 [Edit]
File 165884553350.jpg - (237.31KB , 800x793 , 75e5d8632ef96130fb64ce986ccd04e0.jpg )
Her art seems to follow the times closely. To be honest, I prefer the 2006 look.
>> No. 3899 [Edit]
This card is what people who hate anime think all anime looks like.
>> No. 3900 [Edit]
File 16588516549.jpg - (575.79KB , 1045x738 , 99 Adult VENUS02 後藤圭二.jpg )
The eyes. They're so intense and in an very specific and uncomfortable manner. Feels like she's screeching in pain inside and is desperate to shout for help but something... or someone, doesn't let her. There's an intensity here that saps my mental wellbeing.

Artist info
His website is really useful to collect VIP data. Go to gallery you'll find all the illustrations he did for VIP in 99 and 2000 including this one.

I'm the type of person who will browse safebooru for hours looking at artwork but I never really paid attention to the artists themselves. It never occurred how most of them are always changing and trying to update their style. It was a surprise to me.
Hah that's true. The eye size is not what bothered me on that card. I mean I really like the one I used on the OP, it's one of my favorites and the eyes there are huge. It's a combination of things I guess.
>> No. 3901 [Edit]
File 16588529756.jpg - (591.97KB , 712x1005 , 99 Winter VENUS 05 後藤 圭二.jpg )
>> No. 3902 [Edit]
File 165885393076.jpg - (782.00KB , 737x1040 , 99 Summer Innocence 26 まぢかんと.jpg )
Only results I could find for this artist are related to this very card. Further research required.
>> No. 3903 [Edit]
File 165892320124.jpg - (610.44KB , 736x1036 , 98 Summer 07 新井和崎.jpg )
One of the interesting things about gathering information about these artists is finding out a bunch of games I never heard about before. I'm even building a backlog at this point. For example, this artist is the character designer for 雛鳥の囀with殻の中の小鳥. I'll check it out sometime.

Artist info (free story by this author)
>> No. 3904 [Edit]
File 165892364579.jpg - (495.26KB , 733x1042 , 98 Winter Fantasy 02 原田将太郎.jpg )
Same artist as >>3837.
Now, this looks like a character in CCS. The one that starts evil but it's only because she's trying to solve the same problem as Sakura using bad magic, without yet realizing Sakura's way of solving the same problem is better. They end up being friends afterwards. She also secretly falls in love with Sakura at some point.
>> No. 3905 [Edit]
File 165892387152.jpg - (559.63KB , 733x1034 , 98 Winter Fantasy 05 介錯.jpg )
Same artist as >>3870.
Here's one more Fantasy card. >>3819 still my favorite as far as Fantasy goes.
>> No. 3906 [Edit]
File 16589248155.jpg - (538.49KB , 729x1036 , 98 Winter Fantasy 17 金澤尚子.jpg )
When the clothing looks uncomfortable, it saps some of my enjoyment when looking at the artwork. This parafernalia does not look comfortable.

Artist info (not much artwork here though, but she uploads lots of pictures of her very nice and expensive kimonos. I love kimonos so I guess it could be worse.)
And! You'll love this, she's a prominent player at the Japanese circles of Magic: The Gathering.
>> No. 3907 [Edit]
File 165892614739.jpg - (539.96KB , 739x1038 , 98 Winter Natural 04 土屋杏子.jpg )
This is the type of background that complements any figure. We need more flowers and trees on the backgrounds of VIP cards. Half your charm is how good the flowers on the background looks.

Couldn't find much on this artist att. for some CD covers. If you look the name up, some more artwork for auction can be found.
>> No. 3909 [Edit]
File 165892701343.jpg - (544.41KB , 740x1044 , 98 Winter Natural 08 夏野すいか.jpg )
And here's another nice background for a VIP card. I dislike the foil cards, I don't think it complements the artwork at all. It's rare for it to look good (image at OP being one of the exceptions). I much prefer nice background art instead.

Artist info (some artwork can be found here)
>> No. 3911 [Edit]
File 165892744534.jpg - (571.74KB , 732x1036 , 98 Winter Natural 11 あさいいちこ.jpg )
Same artist as >>3884.
Speaking of backgrounds, some are weird. Look at this one. Is that a key coming out of her head?
>> No. 3912 [Edit]
File 165892848486.jpg - (446.72KB , 736x1033 , 98 Winter Natural 16 水上広樹.jpg )
Here's another odd choice for a background. This one is getting in the way in an almost offensive manner. Real pictures do not belong here. Specially not the ones you took from your hotel bedroom the day before editing these. Was nothing else available to complement the artwork? Was it time constraints or this is a fully calculated artistic decision?

Artist info (Only a few followers att. >>3815 follows him, I hope they're friends irl.)
And here's a nice surprise:
He did a Cotton manga! As I mentioned in my Umihara review I quite like Cotton as well so this is great. I might post about this one on /ma/ later.
>> No. 3913 [Edit]
File 165892903274.jpg - (440.01KB , 739x1040 , 98 Winter Natural 18 ぽよよん・ロック.jpg )
We're not done with the hotel lampshade yet! Using real pictures as backgrounds happens a lot in cards from the year 1998. Same artist as >>3817 >>3825.
I'll link normally here:
>> No. 3914 [Edit]
File 165892957695.jpg - (681.81KB , 739x1038 , 98 Winter Natural 21 冨樫.jpg )
Same artist as >>3881
>> No. 3915 [Edit]
Nah, the artist used a photo of a desk/table for the background. That's just what was on it.
I think it looks great by the way.
>> No. 3916 [Edit]
File 165894301743.jpg - (117.72KB , 560x780 , Erika_Mishima_b.jpg )
This card reminds me so much of Erika from Hacker's Memory, plushies and all.
>> No. 3917 [Edit]
File 165895790623.jpg - (46.60KB , 453x640 , Trade01.jpg )
This image contains the character art for the 98 Winter Venus card depicting Boo's original character, Ishimaru Mika. She has at least four variations: Venus (this one), Fantasy, Natural, and Costume. Source is his personal website:
I believe this is the same girl as in >>3860, correct me if I'm wrong.
>> No. 3919 [Edit]
File 165895826719.jpg - (45.52KB , 453x640 , Trade04.jpg )
Found this image from the same place as >>3917.
>高木 信幸
Interesting that the back of that card actually reads "髙木信幸" even though his name is actually 髙木信 >>3826, commonly also written as 高木信孝, where 高 is the more common or standard form of 髙. It's strange that neither any variation of his name nor any alias of his that I'm aware of shows up on the artist list for VIP Final ( even though his art for that card is clearly visible on the index page.
He also has this Pixiv account:

That should be "the due date". It's 期日, not 明日.

>Artist info
That would be 河口洋一郎 according to that article. The artist's name is 川口洋一郎. Are you sure they're the same person?

According to the artist is the same as >>3822 as I suspected and the card is from 2002 Summer.

Nice. I guess it's no wonder that Poyoyon Rock's art looks like Watanabe Akio's, given that they are the same person.
>> No. 3920 [Edit]
File 16589690273.jpg - (556.84KB , 1024x1024 , Gal Act Heroism.jpg )
Hello anon, I appreciate your attention. I'm doing this thread before bed half asleep most times, please continue to look out for any blunders, I'm sure there will be more to come. I would like to make this a complete and accurate catalog of VIP cards and the artists involved, so your help is most welcome. Right now I'm focusing on getting the most cards cleaned up and uploaded here with at least some basic info on them as fast as possible. I figure if we have like 500 pretty and neat VIP gallery itt it would be easier for people to find an artist they like and do some research themselves, it might be fun. I'll get there.

Now, you're right. 河口洋一郎 is definitely not 川口洋一郎, even half asleep this crass mistake is embarrassing. I looked up "マリオネットカンパニー" "川口洋一郎" this time and unfortunately again couldn't find any info on the actual artist. I did find he has a credit in another game, 英雄志願 Gal ACT Heroism (pic related) but that's about it.

>高木信幸 髙木信孝 髙木信幸 高木信孝
The names can get finicky! I have found artists who toy with the kanji on their names and it makes an annoyance to track. Then again a lot of these guys don't really have an online presence and people reselling cards make some really interesting mistakes themselves at times. Well, part of the fun I guess.
>期日, not 明日
Yup, clear as day, and I mistook 河 for 川 before that. I really should be more careful when doing research for these. I got so happy finding the artist that I glazed over the fact it wasn't the same person at all.
It's funny how obvious it is when someone points it out. The obsession with bows and knots really gives away..
It does look the same character to me, too. Also nice find!
>> No. 3923 [Edit]
File 16590137638.jpg - (627.04KB , 735x1042 , 98 Winter Natural 23 森山大輔.jpg )
There's a very comforting warmth in the characters made by this artist. Notice the same background used on >>3814.

Artist info

I'm glad you liked it. The background felt a little odd to me, nothing serious like the lampshade, but it made me notice it.
You're right, it does look similar. Are you a Digimon fan? I was always dimissive of Digimon because they don't look as cute as Pokemon, imo that is. Then I go the 'oh well, I already have my fill of that with pokemon' and forget about it. Maybe I should take a closer look.
>> No. 3924 [Edit]
File 165901416734.jpg - (561.24KB , 731x1034 , 98 Winter Natural 25 ますやまけい.jpg )
Here's another maid. Not nearly the last one.

Artist info (some artwork can be found here as well)
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