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File 16584917156.jpg - (786.46KB , 734x1043 , VIP.jpg )
3812 No. 3812 [Edit]
Venus in Paradise or V.I.P is a collection of cards featuring illustrations of cute girls by famous and not so famous doujinshi artists. Usually sold during Comiket, several hundred cards were printed from 1998 to 2008 and there are special prints from years after that. Within VIP, there are several runs, usually linking the cards' motifs. Some make sense like VIP Adult that usually features characters partially nude, others, like VIP Natural, is probably because they found the word sounded cool for a card collection featuring 2Dbijins. I've managed to find pictures of around 350 cards so far. Most of it is from the years 98 to 02, the golden years for Venus in Paradise, when a lot of cards from a lot of different artists were being made. Apparently the thing waned after that and it came mostly to a close around 2008. I found about this by accident, while looking for art by 香川友信 (Kagawa Tomonobu). He did a card for VIP in 98.

This is actually a very interesting way to have a large sample of late 90s, early 00s doujinshi artwork and also a nice way to have a good idea about the 2D aesthetic ideals of the Japanese entertainment industry at the time. I'll be sharing the cards I find itt and when available I might also share information about the specific run and/or artist. People usually resell these cards in auction sites like pages, but there's very little information online about VIP and I haven't found a catalog for any of the runs, even in Japanese sites so far, but I'll be on the lookout from now on. Information available in English is virtually nonexistent att, so we might be breaking some ground here at tc with this.

I know a little bit about image editing so I'll be trying to clean up the pictures I find and improving the quality (like using shake reduction and removing glare, etc) so it might take a little while before I manage to upload everything I found. Unfortunately, sellers very rarely use scanners to put up their auctions, using normal cameras instead. I'll do what I can.
149 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 3980 [Edit]
File 165936032649.jpg - (55.86KB , 601x700 , ふる鳥弥生.jpg )
Since working on the first tankobon[2], my physical and mental conditions has been getting worse. For a while I was unable to draw any manga or illustrations. My lack of self-management caused a lot of trouble for Arikawa-sensei[3], publishers and others, and it made a lot of people uncomfortable. I'm trully sorry. I apologize. Recently, little by little, I reached a point I can draw again, so I'm resuming production[4].

On the magazine released this month (October issue of Dengeki Daioh) as well as last month release, the work got suspended. I hope it will be possible to continue the publication on the next month's issue. I'll do my best to catch up with the delay. I'll be very happy if you could read our work again.

Also, I'm sorry for suddenly erasing the website. There were lots of awful comments and emails in there, so it was decided to shut the page down until things settle down[5]. For those who sent us their thoughts and comments, I'm really sorry. I've kept the comments I received before. Thank you for your work.

Yayoi Furudori

[1]Original Notification page:
[2]She's referring to the first volume of 図書館戦争 SPITFIRE! released in 27th of June, 2008. This work is a manga adaptation of Library War ( Ms. Furudori was doing the artwork while dialogue and plot was by Ms. Arikawa herself.
[4]A second volume was never released.
[5]The website went offline around 2009 without ever being back up. The notification page for the message above was the last thing she ever published on the site. As for the original website, lots of it is available on You can even find her earlier illustrations: The illustration uploaded with this post can be found in there as well.

Running her name on a search engine doesn't do much. Some people on Twitter commenting about her old work but that's more or less the end of it for her mangaka career as far I know att. I wouldn't be surprised if she's still working with illustration for an advertising company or something like that. I'll continue to do research on this.

And of course, thanks to >>3979 for his help and 20/20 vision.

Post edited on 1st Aug 2022, 6:26am
>> No. 3981 [Edit]
File 165936396529.jpg - (131.33KB , 512x366 , Aquaplus Ed 012 MATSUDA98.jpg )
The gentle, rounded lines and snug summery colors this artist uses to create his images are incredibly soothing to me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. The character is 猪名川由宇 (Inagawa Yuu) from Comic Party again. Second time she appears itt, you can check another version of her just above; >>3978.

Artist info (didn't need the help of 20/20 vision anon this time, it's linked on the wiki.) <- Watch him draw live!
>> No. 3982 [Edit]
File 165936506610.jpg - (661.07KB , 769x1105 , 99 Summer Venus-17 水無月 とおる.jpg )
Someone explain to me the events that took place for the wizard's apprentice here to end up on black magic class without her pants. Was there some swimming P.E class just before it or this scene is actually taking place on P.E class and there's magic involved?

Artist info (dead blog but lots of art in there.)

Post edited on 1st Aug 2022, 7:45am
>> No. 3983 [Edit]
File 165936634092.jpg - (1.07MB , 1462x1056 , 2000 Summer VENUS-18 GUY.jpg )
I wonder if the characters on >>3972 and the one on this upload are sisters. Not even the same artist.

Artist info (he toned-down the bimbo-level of his figures a lot since this card.)

Post edited on 1st Aug 2022, 6:28pm
>> No. 3984 [Edit]
File 165944124818.jpg - (125.73KB , 278x398 , 2000 Summer 013 根須魂介.jpg )
I wish I could see this same illustration but without the boots.

Artist info
>> No. 3985 [Edit]
File 165944134779.jpg - (190.76KB , 339x486 , 2005 Summer.jpg )
I could not identify the artist behind the artist att.
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
File 165944157547.jpg - (133.07KB , 281x400 , 2000 Summer 026 ポヨヨン ロック.jpg )
This artist was very prolific within VIP.
>>3913, >>3817, >>3825. Notice the band-aid again.
>> No. 3987 [Edit]
File 165944175727.jpg - (154.40KB , 281x400 , 2000 Summer 024 矢野たくみ.jpg )
I didn't care for >>3973 but this character here I quite like. Same artist as >>3973.
>> No. 3988 [Edit]
File 165944243816.jpg - (964.88KB , 1608x1110 , 2000 Winter VENUS-05 思い当たる.jpg )
Here's an interesting case. This artist shifted her interest from illustrations to BJD and specially doll's clothing. I can see the connection.

Artist info

She uses those Parabox dolls for posing sometimes and they don't look so good, but the clothing is pretty nice.
>> No. 3989 [Edit]
File 165944347820.jpg - (127.03KB , 362x500 , 2003 Summer Swimsuit 058 むうにい むっちり.jpg )
The proportions here are really unique. This single card is all you need to immediately recognize any other illustration by this artist. It's rather odd but it has a charm to it. The more I observe the less the head looks attached to the body. I found a bunch of these cards and they're all entitled Swimsuit cards but I'm not sure if this is a set or not, I would need to check the back of one to make sure.

I couldn't find any recent info on this artist att.

Artist info
>> No. 3990 [Edit]
File 165944395822.jpg - (161.80KB , 356x500 , 2002 Summer Swimsuit 012 むうにい むっちり.jpg )
Can you guess the artist?

Post edited on 2nd Aug 2022, 5:39am
>> No. 3992 [Edit]
File 165944541971.jpg - (178.99KB , 353x491 , Galaxy Angel Edition 003 むうにい むっちり.jpg )
And here's another Galaxy Angel card. As soon as I looked at this one my brain screamed 'Tenchi Muyo!'. I guess her hair reminded me of Washu. It's been at least 20 years I watched that show, more like 25 at this point. This character has one of those eager-to-smile faces I can't quite explain why it feels that way for me. Maybe it's the impression I get when the mouth is drawn very close to the eyes.

Same artist as >>3990, >>3989.
>> No. 3993 [Edit]
File 165944725585.jpg - (170.99KB , 576x363 , バインダー.jpg )
And speaking of Galaxy Angel, here's the official card binder for it. Card collectors must have tons of these laying around. I was never much of a collector myself. My money usually went to video games, but it's not like I was collecting them. Having a bunch of cartridges and CDs was a by-product.
>> No. 3994 [Edit]
God, I love every single one of these.
>> No. 3995 [Edit]
I could be totally wrong, but my best guesses are either Takumi Yano or Matsuda98.
>> No. 3996 [Edit]
File 165952694943.jpg - (113.05KB , 384x272 , 2011 Winter 039 河原恵.jpg )
Today the cards I have are a little better than thumbnails but they're still good enough to appreciate the artwork. Let's begin with this one, it's is a little confusing. Is she holding a pillow? Her pants have frills or is that a skirt?

Artist info (dead twitter) (Still very active here though, favorite subject: girls with monstrous breasts.)

I'm glad you're enjoying it.
That's a good guess, if I ever come across the back of that card we'll know for sure.
>> No. 3997 [Edit]
File 165952760662.jpg - (120.39KB , 384x272 , 2011 Winter 045 香川友信 .jpg )
The artist who is the reason for this thread existing makes a come back. >>3845. Not only that but yesterday was the 20th anniversary of Cleopatra's Fortune, the game that is also the catalist for this thread. >>/ot/40084. Should've posted this one yesterday, what a pity. Here's an illustration of Cleopatra by Mr. Tomonogu to celebrate:

Artist info

Also, at least to me, this is the BGM for this entire thread. That's the tune I listen to while looking for twitter accounts and edit the images uploaded itt. This is what I was listening to when I first saw a VIP card, so in my brain they'll be forever related.

Post edited on 3rd Aug 2022, 4:57am
>> No. 3998 [Edit]
File 165952884731.jpg - (129.49KB , 512x362 , 2003 Summer Rare Selection 026 たかなぎ優.jpg )
This artist was very much involved in BL back in the day. I could not find any recent info on her att.

Artist info
Katanagi Yuna (たかなぎ 優名)*/

5%AE%B6_%E3%81%9F%E8%A1%8C#%E3%81%9F%E3%81%8B%E3%81%AA%E3%81%8E%E5%84%AA%E5%90%8D (copy and paste this whole wiki link, otherwise it won't work)

Post edited on 3rd Aug 2022, 5:15am
>> No. 3999 [Edit]
File 165952930337.jpg - (136.72KB , 512x362 , 2003 Summer Rare Selection 052 戸橋ことみ.jpg )
The figures made by this artist have that serious tone about them, very imposing and full of dignity, even when the clothing is rather silly like in this case.

Artist info
>> No. 4000 [Edit]
File 165952945457.jpg - (139.77KB , 512x364 , 2006 Summer Rare Selection 035 あまの よ~き.jpg )
This character feels like she could be in a Bakemonogatari episode somewhere.

Artist info
>> No. 4001 [Edit]
File 16595296625.jpg - (127.14KB , 512x362 , 2003 Summer Rare Selection 072 是空とおる.jpg )
No 2Dbijinga collection would be complete without a student in uniform, so here's one.

Artist info
>> No. 4002 [Edit]
File 165952993074.jpg - (108.12KB , 384x272 , 2011 Winter 046 火浦R.jpg )
And one more maid just to make sure. This card is illustrated by the same artist featured in >>3816.

Artist info (dead twt) (last illustration is from 2 years ago)
>> No. 4003 [Edit]
File 165953030114.jpg - (111.79KB , 384x271 , 2011 Winter 047 すまき俊悟.jpg )
And for the last 3 cards of today I'll be posting my favorites of the bunch. Here's a very endearing figure. Not sure if she has powers or not. Maybe it's one of those cases where she does have powers but they only manifest if you mess with her.

Artist info
>> No. 4004 [Edit]
File 16595308558.jpg - (106.30KB , 384x272 , 2011 Winter 051 下北澤鈴成 .jpg )
Flowery outfit, what else you need? Looks a little bit like a reject for a Pokemon Gym Leader but it's OK, she finds Pokemon games too boring. I could not find any recent info on this artist. More research required.

Artist info
>> No. 4005 [Edit]
File 165953151828.jpg - (110.59KB , 384x271 , 2011 Winter 038 現津みかみ.jpg )
Here's the 3 favorite foods of this character:
Tutti frutti bubble gum, tutti frutti ice-cream and tutti frutti tutti frutti. She wears rubber boots even when it's not raining because it sounds funny when she walks.
Could not find any recent information on this artist att. More researched required.

Artist info (inactive, but you can use the archive, there's lots of art here.)
>> No. 4006 [Edit]
File 165961306454.jpg - (194.76KB , 280x400 , CD01 水上広樹.jpg )
This is one of the cards that appears on the VIP CD-ROM case. I'm not sure if it came with the CD or what.

Artist info
>> No. 4007 [Edit]
File 165961320919.jpg - (208.86KB , 282x400 , CD02 原田将太郎.jpg )
And this is another one that also appears on the case of the CD. This artist produced a good number of cards for VIP.

Artist info and other work itt
>> No. 4008 [Edit]
File 165961329223.jpg - (213.72KB , 282x400 , CD02 是空とおる.jpg )
And here's the third one.

Artist info and other work itt
>> No. 4009 [Edit]
File 165961364855.jpg - (589.07KB , 1036x739 , 99 Summer プロモーションカード.jpg )
There were lots of promo cards like this. This is the one for 99 Summer. I have one of the cards featured in it, and another one >>3917 is already uploaded to this thread.
>> No. 4010 [Edit]
File 165961543022.jpg - (774.68KB , 729x1034 , 99 Winter 原田将太郎.jpg )
'Add the number of Venus de VIP cards on the field to the Power value.
After the event is settled, hide it at the bottom of the file.'

So there was an actual card game in there somewhere within VIP sets. Reading the rule for this card it seems it's some sort of MTG clone. This is the only gaming card I've found so far, it would be great if I could find others.

Artist info and other artwork itt.

Post edited on 4th Aug 2022, 5:26am
>> No. 4011 [Edit]
File 165961589028.jpg - (108.46KB , 384x271 , 2011 Winter 048 Shinia.jpg )
Here's one artist that didn't change his or her style very much for the past 20 years. I think this illustrator might be from Taiwan.

Artist info

Post edited on 4th Aug 2022, 5:25am
>> No. 4012 [Edit]
File 165961630534.jpg - (124.08KB , 384x270 , 2011 Winter 029 とんとろ.jpg )
The quality for this one is particularly bad, I increased the contrast a little bit more than usual so it's easier to see. This character loves a good snack, she's surrounded by all types of it.

Artist info
>> No. 4013 [Edit]
File 165961726556.jpg - (595.92KB , 733x1038 , 99 Adult Play Girl.jpg )
Speaking of card games, there's this one, too, you get 2 points... Actually I'm not at all sure what this is. 2 points of what? The character is apparently the same as >>4008. Is it the back of that card? We may never know. Probably the same artist as >>4008 but I can't be sure att.
>> No. 4014 [Edit]
File 165970675028.jpg - (726.86KB , 1045x679 , 2000 Winter.jpg )
Here's something different. 9 cards at once. I did my best to improve the picture. It's nice to have cards side by side like this. First two from left to right, top to bottom, are by the same artist. I like those more out of proportion characters, usually they'll look happier and express a more heartening outlook. For me that is. From the first two I prefer the first one. Yellow clothing is hard to make it work because it's closer in tone to the skin so it doesn't look more striking. Nice artwork on both regardless.

Then the one from Bobu, by far my favorite of this bunch. She's obviously a miko, judging by the clothing and the fact she's sitting on a rock fastened by a shimenawa. I quite enjoy it when an aspect of Shinto makes an appearance on illustrations but what I like here the most is the style, though this is probably the most of distortive proportions I'm willing to take (see >>3939) but the artist made it work. I like the pose as well.

Next one, the blond girl with the wings looks like an amalgamation of several European fairy tales into a single character. Hair from Goldilocks, cloak from Red Riding Hood, apple from Snow White and the wings... there gotta be a fairy tale involving an winged girl somewhere. Next to her is some girl that crawled out of a Christmas decoration shop, she must be made of velcro or something because objects haphazardly got attached to her. I don't like the chaos here tbh.

Next one looks inspired by an Hindu deity or one of those Bharatanatyam dancers. I like the mudras she's doing. If I had to guess she's the 2D cute form of Durga (honestly though I say that only because it's the only Hindy female deity I remember the name of without having to look anything up.)

First of the last line is Santa's helper and she's trying very hard to look sweet. She probably went to the decoration store with the other girl but she has an actual fashion sense, unlike her buddy up there. Next to her a Christian angel, or at least she things crosses are cool, it happens. I like the ahoge interfering with the halo, nice touch there.

Finally we have the second card by Takepon. This time is an 'evil' girl with bat wings and a black cat but a fully black cat wouldn't look nice on the picture so purple it is. I like this one, it's cute, the hair might be too shiny for the overall composition though, but I don't mind.

Artists info

Sugiyama Gensho (lots of art here) (talks about his recent work as well)
暴武 R (Boubu R)
BoBu (on the card) (lots of hentai artwork here) <- Apparently he had a twitter but it got suspended many years ago.
Ikeda Kaname (notice it's spelled Haname on the card for some reason) (Either it's his company or he works for it att. It's a studio making adult games)
花屋敷 ぼたん
Hanayashiki Botan (This artist works under other names as well)
Couldn't find any recent info on this artist.
Tawaba Abeshi (Some work he did for Aquaplus) (Old stuff on sale)
Couldn't find any recent info on this artist.
是空とおる (To-ru Zekuu on the card)
Zekuu Tooru
>> No. 4015 [Edit]
File 165979789875.jpg - (1.12MB , 988x1284 , 2000 Winter2.jpg )
Here's another group of cards, all from the 2000 Winter set. We're about 160 cards deep at this point and some of these artists are now familiar. Here's a red cross nurse by Mr. Sugiyama. She's holding a holy bomb to kill infidels, or maybe it's a healing bomb, she looks like a healer PC. I don't know why but she looks rather upset. Then again, Christian art is all about depicting the suffering of martyrdom, so it fits. Next is Ms. Akayama's middle school student. This illustration feels very chaotic to me, like there's a strange wind blowing from all sides at once. The clothing feels like it's being pulled in all directions and it looks uncomfortable. She has an interesting gaze, I can't tell if she's looking at someone familiar or at a stranger.

Next we have a very NES-like character by BoBu. I like the emphasis on the bottom part of her body. Feels like a Mega Man character in a way. Now, I've looked at this card for a solid 10 minutes and still can't really define what that object is on her back. Probably a backpack or purse but I can't be sure. Eitherway, I like this artwork. I can't decide what my favorite is from this image, I'm between BoBu's and the next one, by Ms. Ikeda. I didn't like her last char to appear itt (>>4014) but I like this one a lot. Getting her a tan to give a better contrast to the clothing is a detail that really improves the whole design imo. It feels very 90s this one and I quite liked the idea of carefully covering her legs, feet and arms but letting her torso virtually naked. Not usually how clothing works and it makes it interesting. This is the second time itt we have an ahoge interfering with an angelic halo.

Next is another middle school student, this time by Jinnokyou. I enjoy straight forward figures like this. Clear, warming gaze, clear, chilling ice cream, not so clear pets though. Some sort of rodent that clearly doesn't care about ice cream. Next is Mr. Jiro's bubble gum hair girl. She has that type of commanding pose mixed in with the need of showing her cute, 90's style butt. Definitely the type that is easily misled by a villain, like Knuckles.

Last but not least we have another one by Ms. Yoki. This is the most contemporary style of this bunch and the one that looks the least dated att. More realistic proportions and a more modern way of drawin hair. I like how the lines define so much of her body and clothing and the economical use of colors (not something common on the style you usually see in 2022 though). All in all this was a really nice bunch.

Artist info

Sugiyama Gensho

Akayama Yukihe*/ (her new site but the only thing there is a picture.) (some game credits for a PS1 game.)
If you run her name on a search engine some of her old doujins come up for sale. Could not find any recent information on this artist att.

暴武 R (Boubu R)
BoBu (on the card)

Ikeda Kaname (notice it's spelled Haname on the card for some reason)

仁之丞 is just a pen name, real name is 渡真仁 (わたり まさひと). I think he used the 仁之丞 pen name for pornographic content in the past. (gaming credit as 仁之丞)*/

Saji Jiro (also uses the name はりけんはんな) (very active until about a year ago) (you can read some of his stuff for free here) <- two of his illustrations on the gallery are up on the archives: and

Amano Yo~ki

Post edited on 6th Aug 2022, 8:07am
>> No. 4017 [Edit]
File 165988055345.png - (684.15KB , 996x353 , 99 Winter Private.png )
Here's four cards for the day. Two of them I've posted itt before (>>3818 and >>3964). It's nice to have more than one picture of the same card, though the quality of this image is not very good. The other two are new.

The second card is by >>3943, the elusive Uozumi Akihiro. I made a mistake last time I posted a card by this artist. His name is not 魚住明宏. It's 魚住明広. Two separate auctioners wrote his name incorrectly on the card description and I copied their mistake by accident. I finally realized the typo while going through the list of artists for the 99 Winter set for a completely different reason ( Anyway, it didn't help much to know his correct name, though I did find a doujin and an angelfire website. I'm sure the old-timers among you are having some memory flashbacks about this host's name.
The card itself is a very safe sort of illustration and perhaps it lacks a little enthusiasm. I have a better copy of this artwork, I'll post next.

Second card is by 片山ユキオ (Katayama Yukio). It was a surprise finding him on VIP. I've been following his ふろがーる series since it came out a couple of years ago, way before I knew about this card collection existence. I feel like we share some of the same tastes for plainness.

Artist info

Other than the website I linked and the doujin for sale I could not find more info on this artist att.

片山ユキオ (the author now uses the ユキヲ spelling)

Post edited on 7th Aug 2022, 6:59am
>> No. 4018 [Edit]
File 165988150277.jpg - (417.64KB , 746x1031 , 魚住明広.jpg )
Another card but same illustration. Yeah this is a lot better and we get to see her sweet, unpreoccupied gaze. There's a charm to this figure it doesn't show up on the previous copy I posted.

Post edited on 7th Aug 2022, 7:12am
>> No. 4019 [Edit]
File 165996767176.jpg - (165.91KB , 465x530 , 2006 Winter 原田たけひと.jpg )
This artist went on to make quite a name for himself in the game industry. If you like JRPGs chances are you've come across his artwork before. I'm still looking for a better copy of his VIP Winter card but this will do for now.

Artist info
>> No. 4020 [Edit]
It's a shame his style became more anorexic after Disgaea 1
>> No. 4021 [Edit]
File 166004638592.jpg - (442.19KB , 1050x485 , 99 Winter.jpg )
Here's a party of 3. The first two cards have a heavy bearing that is saddening to look at. The clothing also make them appear to be going through some sort of mourning. I prefer happy figures as I said before itt many times so those are not the sort of cards I would like to have inside my random pack. The third one is happier but due to the influence of the other two I can't shake the feeling she's feeling some discomfort herself.

Artist info

思い当たる (first card from left to right)

コゲどんぼ (middle card) (En version has very little info, try the Jp one.)

水上広樹 (third card from left to right)

I never followed Disgaea games closely, is he involved on the sprite work for the games too or is it the promo and box artwork that went anorexic? The Prinnies at least still look rather plump and healthy, at least that's what it looks like from a quick image search.

Post edited on 9th Aug 2022, 5:05am
>> No. 4022 [Edit]
>is he involved on the sprite work
I don't know. His art shows up inside the actual games though since there's a story line and plenty of dialogue.
>The Prinnies
I did not mean the prinnies.
>> No. 4023 [Edit]
File 166013960081.jpg - (272.03KB , 1029x277 , 99 Winter2.jpg )
Kiran's characters are a little bit shaped like the Smurfs now that I think about it. I really enjoy the second card here from left to right. If you're going to make a serious looking character, this pensive mode is probably the best way to go about it. Next is some tattered looking girl. She looks like she needs 4 or 5 days of uninterrupted sleep.

I've posted the nurse before (>>3963). Interesting to see her here again with more Winter Private cards. Last but not least, and in fact this is my favorite both in style and posing, we have this card by Mr. Suzuki. It's interesting for this figure to be included in a Winter set when she's wearing a yukata with strong summery motif, and also her pose really strikes me as someone having fun in a warm season.

Artist Info
From left to right:


なかの弥生 (inactive) (this site lists all her work)



Seems like this artist worked on every field within the Japanese entertainment industry at this point. Manga, games, anime, he did it all.,491919/

I know you meant the human figures anon, it was just a bad joke. I don't know if he did the sprites either but if you look his twitter up, he does lots of pixel art as well.

Post edited on 10th Aug 2022, 7:24am
>> No. 4024 [Edit]
File 166023922431.jpg - (263.82KB , 764x354 , 99 Summer2.jpg )
It's funny, I mentioned something about hairs like the ones in the first card (>>3967) but this one goes above and beyond, it almost doesn't feel like hair at all. Perhaps that was the point. This is a very safe illustration, both the clothing and the posing, and makes it feel a little inhibited. The second card is signed by a group rather than a single artist. This one also feels very by the numbers (not a bad thing necessarily) but it has a stronger summer feel than the first one and the pose is also a lot more relaxed. Perhaps the first one feels a little tense to me because she has to focus on that can she's about to catch.

Third one if my favorite of this upload. I like the traditional burial clothing both in ghosts and people pretending to be ghosts, which seems to be the case here, I even bought a Figma a while back because of it and my only complaint about that figure (yurei-zu #SP-107) is she didn't come with a tenkan (天冠) the triangular headwear you can clearly see in this card. Such a shame. I'm assuming she's the designed ghost in a test of courage. It is summer after all.

Artist Info



>> No. 4025 [Edit]
File 166034785032.jpg - (321.04KB , 785x354 , 99 Summer3.jpg )
One more by Mr. Kagawa (first left to right). I feel like his style reaches its full potential and it works best on characters where the face and head occupies a more prominent place in the overall composition. His more proportionate characters maybe don't have the grace that his more chibi characters do. Regardless, I like this one, specially the hair which I reminds me of Yae from the Goemon games. Next one is a very safe summery card. I find it curious she's wearing shoes in there and fairly office-like shoes at that. Casual friday?

Third card for the day is by Mr. Suzuki. I really like his lighthearted figures. They seem like they don't have a care in the world. These cards are badly photographed and behind a plastic holder at that, I'm trying my best on ps. I hope I'll eventually find better copies, but these will do for now.

Artist info

Tomonobu Kagawa

Yasutomo Miyagi (inactive) (He deleted all his content for some reason)

Suzuki Noritaka (鈴木典孝)
>> No. 4027 [Edit]
File 16603918167.jpg - (343.71KB , 795x365 , 99 Summer 4.jpg )
Artist info

Takumi Yano

Ryusuke Mita (some manga narration can be found here)

Suzumari Shimokitazawa
>> No. 4028 [Edit]
File 166048271734.jpg - (349.15KB , 810x376 , 99 Summer Innocence.jpg )
I feel like the first card would work better with a background. Her hair is so strongly braided it defies gravity. She seems to be wiping sweat out of her brow but I see no sweat anywhere. Second card is the artist behind Umihara Kawase again. To go on a tangent here, Kawase is one of those female characters that kept getting bigger boobs as more games got released. She's back to more regular size recently. Last we have a peasant girl back from picking flowers on the field. Funny, the student seems a little out of place here, surrounded by rural people. Notice how radically different the styles are from the last card in this post and >>3906. This happens a lot, specially among artists who are strictly illustrators, often you see artists trying very different approaches to their figures and it's also common to see they abandoning a style completely in favor of something else.

Artist info

Rururu Kondoh

Toshinobu Kondo

Naoko Kanazawa

Post edited on 14th Aug 2022, 6:18am
>> No. 4029 [Edit]
File 16606116544.jpg - (429.90KB , 561x789 , 2000 Winter.jpg )
Artist info
介錯 (Kaishaku)

竹本泉 (Takemoto Izumi)
>> No. 4030 [Edit]
File 166078609152.jpg - (312.72KB , 866x402 , 99 Summer Pleasure.jpg )
Artist info

Yumeji Kiriko

Yasuyuki Syuri

Fujimoto Sei
>> No. 4031 [Edit]
Just want to say that you're doing a great job. I appreciate it very much. Keep it going.
>> No. 4038 [Edit]
It's been a while since the last reply in this thread but I'm replying to say that I'm trying to buy a bunch of V.I.P cards online and if i get any that aren't in this thread I'll post them with information.
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