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1795 No. 1795 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Okay so a little background,i tend to worry a lot and i am stuck in the state of being independent because my parents are both in the right wing "cult" and sometimes i am afraid to say the wrong thing around them. Aside from that,i get along okay but it seems like with every discourse we have they try to get me to agree with everything their side says and sometimes i don't really agree. I live on my own in an apartment but i have to go to their house every other weekend so i can't really have no contact quite yet.I am just hoping i can get some advice or words of encouragement through this thread,maybe it would be sort of a hugbox for others who are going through the same,i don't know,but i need to get this off my chest and if anyone has decent advice for me (and possibly others like me) let me know i would appreciate it.
>> No. 1796 [Edit]
You being independent means you're already well past half-way there. Good job. Every other weekend isn't even that often. I would just nod my head and zone out whenever they want to talk about politics.
>> No. 1797 [Edit]
Isn't that the case with most normalfags? If you say anything that goes against their views they take it personally.
>> No. 1798 [Edit]
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Political topics pertain to /tat/.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
I don't know how they are, if they're just normal people who have gone and become politically obsessed, don't worry about it and try to change the subject. If they still need to bring it up and don't like you disagreeing with them either tell them you don't know anything because you're not interested in and do not follow politics, or go uh-huh, yeah and agree without elaborating to whatever they say.
I live with my mother and have every day for the past near decade been forced to hear about American politics and how Trump is like the second coming of Christ who's going to fix everything just trust the plan!! I don't even live anywhere near the US. I wouldn't care if it only was every weekend instead of daily and if I never had to hear any of the talking heads she listens to again.

All of politics are a cult, fuck em all. This shit is the new sports for normalfags. Wish people could go back to arguing over sports teams instead of which kidfucker suit is going to save us the most. Spoiler alert, none of them will.

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1799 No. 1799 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I used to be very in favor of the GNU GPL and put every work I had under the terms of it. My reasoning being, that Stallman's 4 essential freedoms are important, for software to
A) be auditable for potential security flaws, be it intentional or accidental
B) make it repairable, once the original maintainer, leaves the project
C) ensure, that your code isn't stolen by big corporations without credit.
One thought I had, was that without the GNU GPL, we would never have gotten a fully-functional free software operating system, like with Linux. Perhaps the GPL is what made the difference between the BSDs and Linux, why Linux now in 2024 is where it is and why BSDs are, where Linux was several years ago with no real prospect of ever getting further. I don't know if it's solely the permissive license of the BSDs, that caused this, but I'm certain it's at least partly due to this.

However, as of lately, I've been taking a closer look at releasing into the public domain/CC0. As far as my understanding goes, CC0 and releasing something into the public domain, are both functionally equivalent in the sense, that you give up all rights of your work, with the exception, that the CC0 is "safer", since it's made to work in all jurisdictions, meanwhile the public domain mechanism, is something, that is specific to the legal system of anglophone states. There exist many equivalents in other countries, but they work differently most of the time and are therefor, it's not as "safe" as the CC0. In particular European laws, seems to have caused problems in the past, for people that released something in the public domain.

That being said, I prefer the CC0, because I don't want to impose artificial restriction on other people. Nobody should own program code. Many of those free software types argue, that the only restriction imposed by the GPL, is taking away "other people's freedom", but I don't see a problem in closed source software in itself. I wouldn't see a problem with distributing a copy of an executable binary only, if that the distributor/programmer/maintainer has given all rights on that binary and lets people do with it, whatever they want. I don't see how you lose freedom, when you have only a binary. Of course it
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>> No. 1801 [Edit]
Unless you're writing something of enough quality or popularity that you think it's going to be used by bigco, it's probably not an issue worth giving any thought. Even just dumping source without an attached license works, since only nitpickers and people commercializing things will care about making sure all the t's are dotted with regard to licensing.

If you want to give up all rights in principle while philosophically discouraging bigco from using it, wtfpl license will work because they don't actually recognize those so are scared of using it. Also since it's tat it would be remiss not to mention the plusnigger license which is fun.
>> No. 1802 [Edit]
>C) ensure, that your code isn't stolen by big corporations without credit.
The GPL may help prevent this, but the Four Essential Freedoms aren't relevant to this.

>I prefer the CC0, because I don't want to impose artificial restriction on other people.
The FSF recommends against using this for software.
If you want to release your non-software work to the public domain, we recommend you use CC0. For works of software it is not recommended, as CC0 has a term expressly stating it does not grant you any patent licenses.

The relevant term:
No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned, surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.

>I don't see how you lose freedom, when you have only a binary. Of course it's better, when the source code is available, but I don't think there is any harm done, as long you can do with it whatever you want.
It makes it much more inconvenient and difficult to study how it works and to modify it to do what you want it to do (freedom 1). It needlessly wastes users' time, hindering users from doing A and B that you mentioned above. That is harmful.

>ISC/Clause-2 BSD/MIT still impose artificial restriction, that are, in my opinion, needless and hence harmful.
Then you could try the 0BSD (actually modified ISC) or MIT-0 licenses, which remove these artificial restrictions and are also considered to be public-domain-equivalent. You can also release your works under multiple licenses so that users can choose whichever one works for them.
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>> No. 1804 [Edit]
If you distribute only a binary then the question of software license is moot. (There's EULAs but I don't think those are enforceable anyhow).

Even the most restrictive open-source license is better than a binary for a user though, because at least if the source is available the user can always read through it to understand how it works and reimplement things themselves. Or they can use the knowledge of the source to make binary patches.

What annoys me is when companies want to use the label of open-source but don't actually release any meaningful source. They'll call this "limited open source" or "open core" but really they keep all the interesting parts hidden and just open-source something useless like the GUI portion. If you want to keep things proprietary to avoid competition that's fine, but at least be honest about it.
>> No. 1807 [Edit]
Although I must say that I hate GPL on principle because those who defend it tend be cult-like fsf members. The idea of GPL resulting in source being made available is good in spirit, but for some reason it always ends with catching people on trivialities that don't matter much. See e.g. the recent Winamp open-source controversy [1]. The source is already made available, and yet that's not enough for some people; just because some of trivial modifications to #define constants or stripping of license (which may have even just been automated and unintentional considering how old the codebase is), they want to nail the devs to the wall.


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1792 No. 1792 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think the school system is good if you want to give children immunity against the current corrupt believe of the world. As for College, I think it's complete ass. I myself are mentally disabled (hence why I'm here in the first place), so I am in no place to be lecturing you about college. But if I am president, I will put everyone In STEM, whether you like it or not. I never understand why, if you can go to college, why not just pick the useful fields. Also, the mentally disabled and the likes will be seperated since diagnosis.
>> No. 1805 [Edit]
Mods/Staff OP here. Delete this thread please, I shouldn't post this as a thread. this thread is a thrash in this board. Delete it please.

No. 1788 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
what do you guys think of the Brownies?
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>> No. 1790 [Edit]
I prefer brownies that are nicely crisped at the edges, and not cloyingly sweet.

But based on the response and removed image I imagine you meant mlp fans instead (not sure if there is a word filter that was attempted to be avoided). There's some discussion in >>/ot/42600 and >>/ot/42192.

I don't really have any strong thoughts, they don't bother anyone else and mostly stay out of the limelight. I've even watched some episodes of Friendship is Magic and it easily beats most of the trash on "disney" or other american cartoons. They have even managed to remain mostly separate from "furries" which is surprisingly unexpected [1].

[1] From - "21% of furries consider themselves to be bronie[s], 44% consider themselves to be anime fans". And 20% of bronies consider themselves furry according to the "2014 herd census"(!?).
>> No. 1791 [Edit]
>img deleted
why? it gives context
>> No. 1793 [Edit]
Rule 5
>> No. 1803 [Edit]
>I prefer brownies that are nicely crisped at the edges, and not cloyingly sweet.
Yeah, this.

Negros and Indians I don't mind as long as they stay in their own countries. Just like the My Little Pony fans, that's one community who seemingly learned to keep to themselves and not bother or invade others. They used to be a pest in the very early days, but it's nothing you ever think about because you hardly ever see them now.

What few episodes I saw of Friendship Is Magic I remember were mediocre, but I agree it's better than most modern cartoon garbage.

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380 No. 380 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some thing you believe that most people wouldn't agree with, or would possibly get upset about if you told them how you really feel about it?
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>> No. 1784 [Edit]
>I think that given the right circumstances, a being capable of self-contemplation could enjoy its life in perpetuity.
Given the right circumstances I could well be such a being. As long as self contemplation is not completely detached from the self it is impossible to not experience the full gamut.
>> No. 1785 [Edit]
What's "detached"? What's the "self"? What's the "full gamut"?

Post edited on 1st Sep 2024, 9:31am
>> No. 1787 [Edit]
It's whatever I meant it to be, sorry.
>> No. 1809 [Edit]
It's a made up term that promotes black and white thinking about people but the condition that makes someone a normalfag is experiencing love and having sekkusu at least once (making ¨love¨), in my opinion.

Call it a failed normalfag post if you want, I still think it's a fundamental (normal) part of the human experience I don't have. More importantly, I don't have a point of reference to truly say ¨Meh, it's not that great¨ or ¨well, at least I experienced it¨ , so the thought of it comes up whenever I see it depicted in fiction. I could theoretically do it but the juice I can get isn't worth the squeeze and it'd be something transactional for someone like me.

I know fiction (anime) and ¨love¨ are highly idealized but that's the point of this post, really. What bothers me is not having a point of reference and seeing constant reminders of it with nothing to compare it to. A normalfag will never know what this is like. They can feel lonely and be in the same position as I am in the present but they had a normal experience in the past me and others can't relate to.

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1765 No. 1765 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you guys believe in the things they told you about the USSR? which one do you guys don't believe? which one do you think will soon be outed as bullshit?
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>> No. 1769 [Edit]
More and more people stop believing the big hoaxes, those hoaxes that have fancy tittle to name itself with, you guys know what I'm talking about. I'm not even from a Anglo country and I can attest to this. I'm from a SEA country that are anticom, full of liberal-progressives, and full of idiots who believes in literally any victim story narrative. Despite that people nowadays stop believing the mainstream narratives. Anybody from highschooler to the elderly just suddenly stop believing in them. it's not just my nation, I've heard same story from other nations. Take Ukraine and Russia for example. or USA and every other Anglo nation for example. something is about to go down.
>> No. 1774 [Edit]
I didn't hear much about the USSR in class either, it was mostly just how evil Germans were during the 30's and 40's over and over, and in passing that also Russians and the Japanese were evil too, but at least the evil Soviets defeated the more evil nazis.
I think many of the heinous things we're supposed to believe about current bad guys (Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, whatever other sand lands, etc) and former bad guys (USSR, Japan, Germany, etc) are either way overblown or made up propaganda bullshit.

These stories are the believable ones. >>1767
The young retards glorifying the USSR/communism wouldn't last a day under it. Would they even last a day during the 90's, without their damn phone.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2024, 5:15pm
>> No. 1776 [Edit]
>The young retards glorifying the USSR/communism wouldn't last a day under it. Would they even last a day during the 90's, without their damn phone.

True. I'm one of them. But I'll still glorify it.
>> No. 1781 [Edit]
It wasn't so bad as America portrays it. Wasn't so good as USSR itself makes it to appear. Persecutions were brutal, but it's not like EU/America is much different. Not brutal, but you just try publicly opposing SJW values. You'll get crushed with not even a glimpse of mercy. Apart from that, average quality of life was more or less as miserable as literally anywhere else.

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1632 No. 1632 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Where does the rumor that anime turns you into a tranny come from? Why do so many people think that?
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>> No. 1736 [Edit]
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I think what is key here is community and not content. Otherwise we would dealing with a lot more trannies from the past. I just really can't believe that anime, in isolation, no matter how girly the content may be that it would convince someone that they are a female. They would need to have this idea from the start or peer pressured into them.

Though I do wonder, if some of the problem comes from the corruption of waifu culture. Like normalfags that just pick some random cute anime girl and call it a waifu. They then get/let themselves be reinforced into the idea that they must embody that form. Which in turn creates some sort of positive feedback loop from interacting with "anime" communities. And through this disingenuity of the relationship, you get the results in all bad traits you usually see in trannies.

The tranny problem is one more of social media or what eventually happens when human cattle interact especially when some bad actors are able to wheel and deal there shit onto the masses.
>> No. 1755 [Edit]
I commented this on a KYM article related to tomboys and got banned for being a "troll".

>Those in power want women to be weak and malleable, because if you control women, you control men. Part of that is undermining women who are actually strong, and capable(not the indoctrinated, danger hair types), i.e "masculine". "Conservatives" bully the adult ones for not being "feminine" enough. "Liberals" corrupt the young ones by telling them they're actually boys(destroying the possibility of a romantic relationship with "biological men"). It's a pincer attack.
>> No. 1758 [Edit]
I was following some links and ended up in a reddit where some women were talking about how Uranus and Neptune in Sailor Moon S woke them up to their lesbianism when they were teenagers, and that made me wonder, how much of homosexuality/transsexuality in the anime community is not just some form of chuunibyou that got out of control?
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
This kind of thread is fun. But you people's kind needed to realize that people outside and normal people will be confused when reading things like this. I recommend explaining things

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1764 No. 1764 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you keep yourself in good physical shape? What exercises do you do?

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30 No. 30 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's your stance on abortion?
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>> No. 1642 [Edit]
after having to spend some time around disabled people recently i can safely say i am pro-abortion. and you know what? why does it matter if theyre born or not, just kill them when theyre kids as well, hell, when theyre adults even. this topic troubles me, because beforehand i had thought i was pretty staunchly against murder, but when it comes to disabled people i find i dont give a shit. and well fuck it if were doing away with disabled people we might as well get rid of the blacks while were at it. no no, i mustve missed something somewhere, i just cant put my finger on it...
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
My stance is simple. I agree with both the Catholic, and the Satanist: Abortion is murder.
Predictably, I also agree with the Catholic on the matter of not permitting it.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
It's murder. But murder can be an act of mercy. Ie. it's OK for getting rid of people with severe deformities/disablities, etc., but it shouldn't be used for silly reasons like it just being an unintended child (including rape).
I view some races (basketball devils, indians) as sub-human, though, and the word "murder" only applies for humans. Ie. I don't care if those races get abortions, and it should actually be beneficial.
>> No. 1763 [Edit]
I can only defend abortion in case of rape or if the fetus is dysgenic, don't want a women wanting to be forced to have a subhuman kid..

Christianity in this area is cuckolry, because a women is forced to be cursed by a subhuman breed because it's is apparently a "plan of God"

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798 No. 798 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think japan and it's culture would be like today if it stayed out of WW2?
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>> No. 1004 [Edit]
That's simply impossible since the state ideology of Imperial Japan, State-Shinto, was religious in nature. Japan staying out the war or winning the war would have meant a strengthening of its native religious traditions (Shinto) and a weakening of all foreign doctrines, including Buddhism, which wass already happening prior to the war.
That and the fact that Christianity had already been present in Japan for centuries and never managed to spread outside of these obscure little communities.
>> No. 1005 [Edit]
Korean culture is shit so that's okay.
Chinese killed more of each other during their civil war than Japan did in their war against them.
>> No. 1006 [Edit]
>Age is irrelevant
'They cannot believe that there are cultural values that are the result of centuries of historical development, which cannot simply be bought. It was no bad joke when, after the war, they bought the ruins of German castles and moved them stone by stone to the U.S.A. They really thought that they had purchased a piece of national history embodied in stone, and were naive enough to think that mocking laughter from Europe was respect for the wealth that enabled them to buy what their own tradition and culture lacked'.

'Although we affirm the technical achievements of our age, we see behind them an intellectual strength that grows from the roots of our people. Machines are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. As much as we appreciate the achievements of modern civilization and use them to improve life, we know that they are not the sole meaning of life. There are national values that are the result of centuries of history and tradition. They cannot be purchased, only built by the labor of generations'.
>> No. 1762 [Edit]
Hirohito actually offered to make Japan a christian country during the peace talks, but it got refused from the U.S.

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1757 No. 1757 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Japan is the only country on earth inhabited by real human beings and running on a cultural operating system relatively unmolested by judeo-christian slave morality.
The west is shit because it was literally built on "virtue ethics" that became stoicism and then amalgamated with Judaism into Christianity to form the slave morality BS that we see today. Nietzsche explains all of this. One of the hallmarks of slave morality is "free will" (which is now environmental reductionism in the atheist humanists) and the idea that intelligence, creativity, and kindness are all uncorrelated. Furthermore, westerners HATE cute and beauty. They have underdeveloped amygdalas which results in "cute aggression" and they call everything moe Japan produces a "pedophilia" nature.
This cancer in embedded in the english language itself and everyone takes part in it. NEVER give an INCH to westerners they are zealots all of them, including the atheists and the vulgar harlots. The christians have NO power over this vulgarity because their religion itself is the cause; relative morality is the foundation of christianity and post-modernism has no hand to turn the other cheek to.
You are fucked in the head and I hope all of you post-christian ironic weebs get the israeli version of covid.
>> No. 1759 [Edit]
Is the Buddhist roots of Japanese morality not the slave morality you hate so much? Nietzche criticizes the ascetics as being no better than Judeo-Christian repressive slave morality in that the ascetic priest willingly represses his will to power, rejecting natural desires and sources of joy, to numb the emotions and to give meaning to life. This is done by occupying the mind with vast amounts of mindless work and a sense of "loving your neighbor" - a community of shared interest. This sounds a lot like the ideals Japan has, and if you had actually spent any time there instead of basing your knowledge of Japan on its cultural exports, you'd realize the reason anime is so morally different from western media is because it acts as a moral escape from the extremely repressive Japanese working life - no wonder there are millions of shut-ins unable to comply with these ideals, expending all of their time to that beautiful moral escape of Japanese media!

I'll agree with you for the most part, except for the idea of Japan being an exception to this. The specific moral values of Japan may be different, as you've identified it being untainted by Judeo-Christian ideals, but the morality it does have is equally as repressive. Perhaps they are simply more self-aware of this and have created an adequate escapist medium for sustainability.
>> No. 1760 [Edit]
Japan is even more consumerist than the US. The average American is a hedonist, consumerist, and has to work a lot to barely make it by and save a couple hundred a month for savings. Japan takes these and multiplies it.

Westerners don't hate cuteness. Both the US and Japan use tactics to psychologically influence people in a bad way. Japan uses the most text on TV out of any other country to keep people watching, youtubers adopted this. The US uses seх in almost every form of media. Both brainwash their people to pacify them and make them work a lot and spend what little they have on consumerist bs.
>> No. 1761 [Edit]
The only kind of country which would allow for a more pleasant lifestyle for the average person, are those like Norway. Small, low population, overflowing with cash.

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