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File 151365409428.jpg - (48.39KB , 1280x720 , pwnodera.jpg )
405 No. 405 [Edit]
this retard is going to die in jail because he was desperate to be one of the krazy kewl kids on 4chumps
warning that this link contains images of 3dpd larpers, tryhards, wannabes and posers
this loser was a scientology protester at one point a long time ago, a big fan of the chan clearly, but no signs he was never interested weeabootry of any sort.
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>> No. 406 [Edit]
Yikes. Just goes to show, never trust anyone who tries to be your friend.
>> No. 407 [Edit]
File 151369355577.png - (74.57KB , 180x227 , 1493230462206.png )
But the USA was the one who funds ISIS with weapons to fight 'oppressive dictators' like Assad.
Does this mean the USA should be imprisoned for life?
>> No. 411 [Edit]
Yes. Very much yes. A million times yes. Yes.
>> No. 413 [Edit]
Over here in Germany and Austria, even sending funny pictures to your friends on whatsapp can land you in prison for a year:
>> No. 428 [Edit]
>help i'm being oppressed, i'm a victim! everyone give me upvotes for sympathy
i don't understand this instinct, but i would also like to point out that the entire genesis of online ironic nazidom is that people were upset about video games being banned in germany because of swastika content around the turn of the millennia. i think there was a lucasarts luftwaffe game that was one of them.
so its not like you're discovering some new issue or something, kid.
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