No. 398
No one hoards more money than the wealthy elite. I think you missed the part where the anon said >100 of the wealthiest people of the world have enough money to buy out 4 billion of the poorest.
Some people trying to fill up their water bottles is nothing compared to just one person with their own privet lake. Those few wealthy fucks are what's killing the economy.
Money isn't printed because of people hoarding money, You can thank wealthy bankers for that and making our money worthless thanks to the money they create out of thin air. You know there's more debt in this world than there is money to pay it off? Up until not that long ago, money was backed by real solid precious metals. You couldn't just print off more money when money was just a stand in for the gold it represented, gold you could trade that money in for. Once that gold standard was removed, that's when money became worthless, because there was nothing backing it.
>If you gave those slum fuckers a billion dollars, they'd become exactly the elite rich that once subjected them.
Yeah, no. Most would eventually go back to living the same way that lead them where they are. People who are bad with money don't stop being bad with money just because you give them more money. I've seen people sue their way into tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars just to quickly burn it up on stupid shit and invest next to none of it. I've spent a lot of time at casinos and watched countless strangers manage to win only to keep gambling and piss it all away or walk out empty handed after going in with stacks of bills. Go watch the beverly hillbillies sometime, you might find it educational.