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File 150962924518.jpg - (511.26KB , 600x800 , 1433309200339.jpg )
368 No. 368 [Edit]
Have you noticed that when a guy is part of a leftist, multiculti, save the immigrants type group, there just happens to be a female involved.
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>> No. 369 [Edit]
I've noticed that people who care about politics are often very easily controlled, without a will of their own, on both sides of the spectrum.
>> No. 370 [Edit]
File 150966878970.jpg - (112.83KB , 600x541 , e3988fa3bb6125f77b8e55d648ab1aebdd317bc7.jpg )
So that explains the term "SJW cuck" then.
For all the complaining people like to do about such people I haven't actually ever met anyone in real life who is like that.
I have only ever met one person who does that and that is a family member of mine. They don't try to make me think the way they do very often though.
Are they truly so common? Maybe they just aren't around where I live in the country?
>> No. 371 [Edit]
File 150968735069.jpg - (138.14KB , 595x842 , C_S9NIRU0AAHglH.jpg )
I think (or maybe hope) it's vocal minority type of thing. Though there are some places where these types of ideas thrive such as West coast USA.
>> No. 372 [Edit]
File 150970175312.png - (299.44KB , 591x333 , sk.png )
But is that even your own idea, or something Stirner told you?

I had been seeing it for awhile, but didn't really take notice until I watched a documentary and they were interviewing some leftist who houses refugees and some broad was at his side. His demeanor was typical of a normie who is rejected by normies.
>> No. 384 [Edit]
Absolutely. For as long as I can remember every time I see a SJW, male feminist, or whatever, I just assume they're whipped.
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