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File 151107707276.png - (135.20KB , 349x333 , 1080240_1342802474977_full.png )
376 No. 376 [Edit]
lets say there was a nation of otaku, the whole country populated exclusively by people who were only interested in anime, manga, and related games, merchandise and unauthorized pornagraphy, etc.
if a whole bunch of people who weren't otaku announced that they wanted to immigrate to otakuland and not adopt the local culture, but to try and change the otakuland culture so that it more closely resembles the place the immigrants originated from, do you think that the otakulanders should welcome the immigrants with open arms or do you think that they should try to keep the immigrants out?
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>> No. 378 [Edit]
This is so low quality that I'm only posting to ask you to reflect upon your choices.
>> No. 379 [Edit]
Ironic that you want to go full Fascist on the Fascists coming here.
DO you see it? or are you so stubborn and thick-skulled that you will erase this comment from your memory?

This must be the Communist's 'doublethink'.
>> No. 382 [Edit]
So in other words, you're asking if we'd go US style and let those immigrants (like the Mexicans) invade and force their culture on us. Or japan style and go full xenophobic and stick to our ways but also slowly die out as a result?
>> No. 385 [Edit]
File 151130851699.jpg - (214.65KB , 1207x1772 , pop17_anime12.jpg )
that later
japan ain't dead yet
>> No. 386 [Edit]
"yet" being the key word there.
>> No. 387 [Edit]
File 151131049083.png - (3.01MB , 1768x2548 , 1490646148023.png )
Japan's birth rate is up over the past decade.
>> No. 394 [Edit]
And it's not going to die. They don't need to breed to be; though some benefit from people believing this myth. If anything it's good because populations need to start shrinking dramatically.
Desperately throwing more and more bodies onto the pyres of glorious market won't work forever. It's killing humanity, what irony.
Even if people are considered disposable and free (as in "free beer") space and resources are not unlimited. But this barbarian economy keeps the rich and powerful in control so nothing will ever change. Even if it means misery for billions and eventually extinction for all they'll keep us living like yeast, trapped in futile cycle of consumption and multiplication until there's no more sugar left, only a deadly amount of alcohol.

Immigration is exploited to prolong this suffering. Immigrants are used to fuck up locals and break up homogenous nations into more manageable melange, they also provide dirt cheap slave-fuel needed to keep the machine going unchanged. They're strikebreakers.
>> No. 408 [Edit]

*throws acid on your dakimakura and rapes it*
>> No. 410 [Edit]
Pretty much on-point. Though I doubt the extinction part, even the Black Plague couldn't finish us off (in fact made life better after-wards due to culling of people raised an individual's worth).

And there's the paradox stated by pro-immigrants: 1) they'll do the jobs we won't want to do, 2) they aren't stealing your jobs, you're being a fear-monger.

Funnily, I learnt first-hand how mass-immigration just pushes you down a class, to make room, from when they moved the Koreans and Taiwanese to the Global Love Live SIF.
Before they came I would often get two SR with average effort (from events), now I don't even get one.
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