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File 149949739863.png - (87.35KB , 1888x714 , LinuxCommunistII.png )
254 No. 254 [Edit]
Did you realise things like piracy and open-software are the tools of, and propogated by, anarcho-communists?
I would guess most people don't, yet lots are ardent defenders of such things but they probably do not even know why. I was once like that myself.

'Anarchist scholar Uri Gordon has said that:
"the collaborative development of free software like the Linux operating system and applications such as OpenOffice clearly approximate an informational anarchist communism. Moreover, for anarchists it is precisely the logic of expropriation and electronic piracy that enables a radical political extension of the cultural ideals of the free manipulation, circulation and use of information associated with the "hacker ethic" (Himanen 2001). The space of illegality created by P2P (peer-to-peer) file-sharing opens up the possibility, not only of the open circulation of freely-given information and software as it is on the Internet today, but also of conscious copyright violation. The Internet, then, enables not only communist relations around information, but also the militant contamination and erosion of non-communist regimes of knowledge—a technological "weapon" to equalise access to information, eating away at intellectual property rights by rendering them unenforceable.[129]'
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>> No. 346 [Edit]
OK, this is plain bullshit. The fact that software can be shared and is most of the time free to use and modify doesn't mean there can't be businesses or capitalism flourishing around it. Look at the Linux Foundation ffs. Even the CEO uses a Mac. And so many companies like AMD, NVIDIA, Intel, Broadcom, god knows how many more contribute to the Linux Kernel almost daily.
>> No. 347 [Edit]
>Moreover, for anarchists it is precisely the logic of expropriation and electronic piracy that enables a radical political extension of the cultural ideals of the free manipulation, circulation and use of information associated with the "hacker ethic" (Himanen 2001). The space of illegality created by P2P (peer-to-peer) file-sharing opens up the possibility, not only of the open circulation of freely-given information and software as it is on the Internet today, but also of conscious copyright violation. The Internet, then, enables not only communist relations around information, but also the militant contamination and erosion of non-communist regimes of knowledge—a technological "weapon" to equalise access to information, eating away at intellectual property rights by rendering them unenforceable.[129]'
>> No. 348 [Edit]
Anarcho-Communism also loves individual freedom (they believe AnCom is the best way to achieve it) and a sharing society.
>> No. 349 [Edit]
>> No. 350 [Edit]
File 150608545655.png - (260.62KB , 1231x659 , Vanitas_vanitatum_omnia_vanitas.png )
>> No. 351 [Edit]
File 150608636484.png - (230.02KB , 726x720 , 1499518119868.png )
Clearly computer nerds can't accept the fact that they have been the 'useful idiots' for Anarcho-Communists.
Only good Commie is a dead Commie.

'Promising them liberty, whereas they themselves are the slaves of corruption. For by whom a man is overcome, of the same also he is the slave.'
- 2 Peter 2:19
>> No. 352 [Edit]
File 150609207487.png - (15.08KB , 300x300 , 1409112358096.png )
Please refrain from double posting & reaction images without text.
>> No. 353 [Edit]
The image has text; the text is what I'm using the image for.
>> No. 354 [Edit]
File 15060943179.jpg - (66.11KB , 717x1023 , jackie chen.jpg )
then write the text instead of double posting
>> No. 355 [Edit]
But you haven't posted anything to back your claims, just a screenshot of an opinion. No studies, no research, nothing. Like I asked here >>260, what I meant was that the thread was built with self-absorption in mind. Your only interest seems to be to create opportunities to insult those who reply. Maybe leave this attitude back where you usually discuss these topics?
>> No. 356 [Edit]
File 150614292447.png - (241.04KB , 1214x658 , Verba_volant_scripta_manent.png )
I did nothing of the sort. That you think that, it would appear to be some sort of denial.
And you somehow have completely missed the evidence that explicitely states that this is how AnComs propergate their ideology. I don't know what to make of that.
>> No. 358 [Edit]
OK. And that is terrible because...?
>> No. 359 [Edit]
File 150703757880.jpg - (50.62KB , 404x590 , 1495799238634.jpg )
All forms of Communism is a mess.
And Anarchism is a fucking joke.

Both together, needless to say.
But you Americans, it seems you have yet to realise your grand expirement with 'liberty' and 'equality' is just that: Anarchist-Communism.
All forms of Communists are disgusting and should be crucified.
>> No. 360 [Edit]
Even if it's political something-whatever it seems to be working fine for open software, no impending catastrophe in sight. Piracy isn't dying either, last week newest Denuvo was defeated in hours. Guess it caused some heart attacks over potentially lost profit but then you have those slavs and others who don't even bother with DRM and somehow their games still sell. Something doesn't add up.
These ideas that you oppose also seem close to how anonymous imageboards operate. Whatever views you're presenting in these places consider you might be expressing them using tools that allow for uncommon levels of liberty and equality.
>> No. 361 [Edit]
File 150719229180.png - (64.24KB , 796x1024 , Yoke_and_Arrows_svg.png )
It doesn't add up because you have a sum number (ideal) and are trying to find the numbers to fit your summed number, of which none exist. So of course it doesn't add up.
Of course Anarchist-Communism would a be a paradise, but so would any sort of political ideology, if it worked, which AnCom doesn't.
'Man is what he is, a wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics—you name it—is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what man is—not what do-gooders and well-meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be.' - Starship Troopers [Robert A. Heinlein]

Yes, the internet is a destructive tool, I would gladly not use it if it were destroyed.
'Scientists had to make thousands of calculations to create the (atomic) bomb and determine its effects...
Computeres and atomic bombs, both products of World War II, grew up together.' - Metal Gear Solid 2 opening quote.

ALL Commies should be crucified; ALL Anarachists should be crucified.
'Promising them liberty, whereas they themselves are the slaves of corruption. For by whom a man is overcome, of the same also he is the slave.' - 2 Peter 2:19
>> No. 417 [Edit]
Anarchy is good though
It's not supposed to work, it's supposed to destroy systems the that "worK" and uproot the structure that forces the world to maintain a order.
What people want to do with that anarchy, whether it be communism or capitalism, really doesn't matter to me.
>> No. 418 [Edit]
So because you don't like the game or maybe just suck at it, the table it's being played on should be flipped over and the board/pieces should be tossed in a fire while saying "fuck you" to the people who do like the game?
>> No. 420 [Edit]
Yes. I believe you meant to imply a problem in your words but I fail to see it. I'm selfish and not concerned with the fact that some people might like the game to continue being played.
>> No. 421 [Edit]
Not necessarily. It is indeed a hard and unfair game, even broken in some ways. Also borderline impossible to win or get a decent score in at this stage. It's fine to be selfish, but you can't call something 'good' if you're the only one who likes it, or at best part of a very small minority. There are plenty of people who find that the game being hard is what makes it worth playing, and others who are simply glad to be able to play it at all even if they suck at it. The game might be heavily flawed but that's no reason to stop playing it, not without a better alternative at least.
Distraction is easy and alone is nothing to be proud of. Anyone can break something, few can create something. A chef is someone who makes omelets by breaking eggs, but if you're breaking eggs and don't use them to make anything then you're just an jackass who's wasting eggs and there's nothing "good" about that.
>> No. 424 [Edit]
File 151532789294.png - (84.82KB , 1162x850 , 1386064885947.png )
By your logic, the government wouldn't be morally wrong to knock down your door and execute you summarily.

The government would simply be the strongest and biggest warlord faction in an Anarchist society. You're already living in your utopia, and yet you see it as a dystopia. Positivily humorous.
>> No. 425 [Edit]
Again you misinterpret the point of anarchy. Seeing the world, as you do, from the point of view that stability, sustainability, and morality are objectively the goal of any certain type of society.
>> No. 426 [Edit]
File 151540165379.jpg - (224.11KB , 835x798 , 1453556459436.jpg )
It really doesn't matter what it is. Anybody claiming to be an Anarchist should be shot on-site.
>> No. 434 [Edit]
yeah, cause capitalism works definitely well right?
fuck i'm becoming really tired of americans on the internet. You can't do anything against early-childhood macchartyist propaganda.
>> No. 435 [Edit]
I'm from the US but I've always hated the way people treat the concept of communism as objectively bad and the word itself like something foul. People here think no other system can work because humans are naturally selfish and greedy, ignoring the idea that they've simply been raised to be that way. Like programmed machines people point to Russia as the best and only needed example of why communism wont work, while conveniently forgetting what happened to Rome which had capitalist features and was just as big and powerful then as the US is today.
>> No. 436 [Edit]
File 151609305920.jpg - (123.88KB , 900x675 , ref2-24645.jpg )
American-style Capitalism is a shit show. Fuck that and fuck Communism.
Both preach that 'all men are born equal', so both are equally as stupid.

The Roman Empire alone lasted over one thousand years. And the USA is closer to the Roman Republic than the Empire. Roman Republic was pretty shit, which is why Julius Caesar started a civl war over it.
>> No. 437 [Edit]
File 151611787851.jpg - (6.22KB , 300x150 , goolag.jpg )
>Clearly computer nerds can't accept the fact that they have been the 'useful idiots' for Anarcho-Communists.
We're "idiots" because we've created an environment where we can now start IT-related businesses without paying thousands of dollars for shitty software packages? Interesting.

Having an Open Source software infrastructure isn't any more "communistic" than having a system of roads that anyone can use.

I actually hate it when Commies take credit for Open Source. Communist governments didn't do shit to support Linux compared to corporations like Intel. The Copyleft principle also cannot function in anarchy, because it relies on an established court system and the rule of law to enforce the terms of the GPL.

As far as political groups go, the chief beneficiaries of open source software and related technologies at the moment are nationalists, since they are the only group that is actively being fought by most globalist corporations.

For example, websites like and are all banned from PayPal, and the Institute for Historical Review is even being refused service by all major credit card companies. So they all ended up relying on Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies for donations and payments.
Daily Stormer was the first website in US history to be kicked off of its own .com domain without hosting any content that is illegal under US law, so they went on TOR so people could still read the site.
When you look at how Twitter, Facebook, Cloudflare and most webhosting companies kick (white) nationalists off of their services all the time, it would actually be conceivable that people would start getting locked out of their iPhones and Windows computers for their political beliefs. Can't do that with Open Source systems though, so Microsoft and Apple aren't going to risk this.
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