No. 502
There are ways to combat the overpopulation crisis without comitting crimes against humanity.
Bangladesh and India incentivize sterilization procedure among the worst-off segments of their population. The programs are expensive, but the poorest of the poor get money just for not continuing the cycle.
Numerous charities assist with developing agriculture in the Third World, getting small farms going and experimenting with maximizing the caloric output of arable and semi-arable land. Heifer Project, Trees That Feed Foundation, etc.
And of course, the LGBT rights movement has made strides worldwide, we cannot know the actual percentage of the population that is queer people but if we get them all out and proud they won't be shitting out babies in lavender marriages and similar fuckups. Queer families are planned families.
Other contributing factors are more difficult to fix. Cash crop agriculture like soybeans, cocaine, and chocolate are taking up vital land that could be used for staple foods such as yams, rice, and breadfruit.
Racist and fundamentalist movements still prioritize excessive reproduction in order to maximize demographic strength (see: Quiverfull) the result of which are financially and psychologically overwhelmed parents that fail to pass on their ideology despite the long term human cost of unwanted children.
Warfare has slowed to a crawl, reducing body count without reducing human suffering. More buildings get smashed, more civilians go hungry, more refugees wander the Earth to much controversy, only for campaigns to be smaller and less bloody, removing the only upsides to war: solidarity in national identity and the check of population growth.