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File 164817570477.png - (792.43KB , 1261x1253 , Turning Red.png )
1468 No. 1468 [Edit]
What are your thoughts on western companies trying to pass their stuff as Anime? Specially stuff like Turning Red or High Guardian Spice. Who are they trying to fool?
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>> No. 1470 [Edit]
File 16482244266.jpg - (368.64KB , 850x1202 , sizeee.jpg )
These are people who either 1. recognize the quality of anime, but are willfully ignorant of what makes it good. 2. dislike actual anime and want to co-opt it by any means necessary. 3. genuinely think any animation related to asian things is anime.

Funny how "cultural appropriation" never applies to them.

>Who are they trying to fool?

Post edited on 25th Mar 2022, 9:09am
>> No. 1471 [Edit]
Leftists are always modifying and assigning new meanings to words by force, this way they can create arguments based on their own definitions.

Anime is not something they can directly infiltrate like movies or comics, so they are trying to change what people call Anime.
>> No. 1509 [Edit]
by leftists you really mean white moderates, as attempting to change anime at all is racist - it provides a nonwhite perspective, eliminating that is the definition of white supremacy and anathema to any genuine progressivism.
>> No. 1517 [Edit]
The thing is western leftists don't even like actual non-white cultures, they just like the idea of people being non-white and somehow perfectly aligning with western liberal morality. Most non-white cultures that exist today that have not been heavily influenced by the west are insanely different from what a PC, liberal worldview sees as morally correct. And I say, more power to them. I hate the destruction of any cultures, and I grieve for the muslims and asians who will have their culture ripped to pieces and turned into some acceptable, sterile thing.
>> No. 1518 [Edit]
>And I say, more power to them. I hate the destruction of any cultures, and I grieve for the muslims and asians who will have their culture ripped to pieces and turned into some acceptable, sterile thing.
absolutely. if nonwhite perspectives in media are more conservative than white ones, then quite simply that has to be accepted uncritically. to single out any nonwhite media for this is attacking the few exceptions to white media dominance that exists, it's a liberal attempt to control people that aren't white.
>> No. 1526 [Edit]
This article seems extremely relevant in showing how the western animation world vies itself:

They even mention "Turning red" in there
>For us, it was really cherry-picking what we loved because anime is a huge range. [...] So, we were on the whole spectrum of anime, we were just kind of picking, “We like this, and we like this, and we like this. Okay, now, let’s put it all in the pot and put it into Turning Red.”

I guess the next step is having the gall to say that it's actually always been anime all along:

>Today, Disney’s past and present are both entrenched in anime. Same with Pixar — and so much else. In fact, what art or culture is totally separate from it?

It's one thing to pay homage to certain shows (e.g. the matrix/ghost in shell example), but the rest of the claims are almost enraging:

>we often watch a copy of one of Mr. Miyazaki’s films for inspiration. And it always works
>The look of Tangled has a lot of anime in it, too,... called Miyazaki “like a god to us.” Big Hero 6, Tangled and Frozen got even closer.

Ah yes... a completely computer-rendered anodyne princess tale is surely anime.
>> No. 1527 [Edit]
If you interact with western 'anime fans' you'll just get angry. Actually if you interact with westerners in general at this point you'll just get angry.
Of course we are all westerners and western anime fans but you know what I mean.

But look at the bright side. If the west does start making 'anime' and it takes off then maybe they will leave real anime alone.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
>we often watch a copy of one of Mr. Miyazaki’s films for inspiration
I'm not even much of a fan of his works, outside of the actual animation, but they must have been blindfolded each time they watched something.
>> No. 1532 [Edit]
They don't call it a blindfold, they call it a "lens".
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
Of course they do.

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