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733 No. 733 [Edit]
Can Nazis and fundamentalist Christians and Muslims be otaku? Iran is kind of like modern Nazi Germany. Look how that turned out.
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>> No. 734 [Edit]
>Iran is kind of like modern Nazi Germany.

So is China and they have ben making Otaku culture like things as well. But it's not Otaku culture because I was told that it can only be Otaku culture if it fit's into what you say Otaku culture is and you say it can only be Otaku culture if it's some kind of Freedom of speech movement(good luck with that in China).

Post edited on 16th Feb 2020, 9:13pm
>> No. 735 [Edit]
Actually come to think of it a great many artists are from China. But of course they aren't creating Otaku culture not are they Otaku at all because, well, that would be silly wouldn't it?
>> No. 736 [Edit]
>So is China
Except their ideology took a major back seat to economic growth. They're not communist in their actions. They're fakes drowning in hypocrisy. Parts of the country were also exposed to outside influences and remained out the government' reach for a long time(Hong Kong and Taiwan). The Iranian government's far more genuinely Islamic than China is communist. China's also right next to Japan. Even still, there's quite a few things not allowed there and if all of that communist shit was stripped from their nation, they would be producing a lot more.

Post edited on 16th Feb 2020, 9:26pm
>> No. 737 [Edit]
>They're not communist in their actions.

Neither was Germany, communism is a vast subject anyway.

>The Iranian government's far more genuinely Islamic

Yeah, sounds a lot like Germany.

>China's also right next to Japan.

Well then ideology has no impact does it?

>they would be producing a lot more.

More? By your own logic they can't produce any to begin with.
>> No. 738 [Edit]
>Neither was Germany
So you're saying that nazis in Nazi Germany weren't really Nazis? They didn't act as Nazis? If you don't act like a nazi, you are not a nazi. You're a pretender at best. Real nazis, real communists, real religous fundementalists, would not produce anything resembling otaku media. They would not tolerate a large amount of otaku media. Individual people can exist in a place like Iran and be an otaku, but they could not be a real Muslim. A real communist or nazi nation would not be a good place for otaku. Even a fake one would be bad.

Post edited on 16th Feb 2020, 9:43pm
>> No. 739 [Edit]
Nazi Germany was not a communist nation(although they were socialist). Funnily enough in many ways Nazi Germany was what China became after it embraced capitalism(only a bit more liberal). Nazi German was a socialist party controlling a capitalist nation with private property and free enterprise(although it often did interfere with these more than other nations perhaps would), China is now a Communist party controlling a capitalist nation as well(but with much more government involvement and there is still technically no private ownership, if you 'buy' a house you are in fact just leasing it for 90 years).

What is acting like a Nazi? What is a Muslim? What is an Otaku? Enlighten me to this Schizo head cannon of yours.
>> No. 740 [Edit]
>Nazi Germany was not a communist nation
Didn't say it was. Nazism, Communism, Islam and Christianity are all ideologies with notions of objective morality that must be shared by all because it is correct. All media must adhere to this morality. Real adherents of these ideologies doggedly try to control what other people do and can create so that it falls in line with what they think are objective morals.

They do not tolerate the existence of things which violate their standards. They do not ignore it and allow it to be in peace. If they can't destroy it, they censor it as much as they can. That is a real Nazi. Nazi has become synonymous with control freak for a reason.

An otaku cannot be a real adherent of these ideologies because so much otaku media violates their morals. They would not enjoy vast amounts of otaku media and they would condemn many creators and those who tolerate them. If every or most "otaku' acted in this way, otaku culture as it exists now would be impossible.

Post edited on 16th Feb 2020, 10:08pm
>> No. 741 [Edit]

>Real adherents of these ideologies doggedly try to control what other people do and can create so that it falls in line with what they think are objective morals.

You could argue that case for any ideology. 'You say you believe in democracy? Prove it, when was the last time you bombed a Syrian village or did anything for our cause? What never? Will clearly you don't follow our cause'.

Your idea that people should be able to create whatever they like itself is an objective morality, by your own logic you are a Nazi.

>They do not tolerate the existence of things which violate their standards.

Because you yourself have been so tolerant? You yourself have been so tolerant of the idea that a Nazi could be an Otaku? Well no you haven't, you refuse to be tolerant of anything 'violating your standards', again, you are a Nazi by your own logic.

>An otaku cannot be a real adherent of these ideologies because so much otaku media violates their morals.

Not all of it, you are now just arguing what kind of Otaku. So even by your own logic you can still be an Otaku and a Muslim so long as the Otaku like things you are interested in do not go against Islam. And again, really tolerant of you.

Also, you still never defined what an Otaku actually is.
>> No. 742 [Edit]
>You say you believe in democracy?
Whether bombing Syrian villages is inherently supported by democracy is iffy, but fine. Democracy is broader than Communism. Assuming it is though, you could help pay for it with your money(taxes). There's lots of way to help. You could provide matches for burning books. Christians are expected to do certain things too. Many would say a Christian who ignores the great commission or doesn't do everything for the glory of god is a fake.

>Your idea that people should be able to create whatever they like itself is an objective morality, by your own logic you are a Nazi.
My morals aren't the same as theirs, so I can't be.

>Well no you haven't, you refuse to be tolerant of anything 'violating your standards', again
I'd never censor something made by Nazis, be it books or music. Many others would though. Same type who'd also censor plenty of things I've got an interest in.

>Also, you still never defined what an Otaku actually is.
Besides it's original meaning of a person with an obsessive interest in something, which isn't used in english, a person who strongly appreciates the subset of Japanese pop-culture related to manga, anime, light novels and visual novels. The behavior and mindset I associate with this type of person totally clashes with a Nazi. If what i'm describing isn't an otaku, what am I describing? Would you call a guy who only likes doki doki literature club and nothing else an otaku? Lots of people liked Dragon Ball. I guess they're all otaku too.

Post edited on 16th Feb 2020, 10:58pm
>> No. 743 [Edit]
>you could help pay for it with your money(taxes)

That's not voluntary nor does it show support, by that logic a Nazi could not even exist now because they would all be supporting ideologies that are not there own, also by that logic EVERY tax payer must be in complete agreement with EVERYthing the government does, because they are supporting it after all.

>My morals aren't the same as theirs, so I can't be.

You never mentioned such a thing on your definition of what a Nazi or a Muslim was. If you would like to revise your head cannon on what a Nazi and what a Muslim are then that is fine, I will wait. But your original definition was

>Nazism, Communism, Islam and Christianity are all ideologies with notions of objective morality that must be shared by all because it is correct.


>They do not tolerate the existence of things which violate their standards.

All things that apply to you.

>a person who strongly appreciates the subset of Japanese pop-culture related to manga, anime, light novels and visual novels.

Now we are getting somewhere. Nothing about Religion or ideology within that now is there?

>The behavior and mindset I associate with this type of person totally clashes with a Nazi.

Well that's just your head cannon, I don't see how it would. Hitler himself could be an Otaku by the above words, if such things were even around at the time and if he had an interest in them.
>> No. 744 [Edit]
>That's not voluntary
You could move to China if you don't like it. The states isn't even an actual democracy, it's a republic. I don't know how an average person could "support democracy". There's not much in the way of clear ideology there related to everyday life.
>You never mentioned such a thing on your definition of what a Nazi or a Muslim was.
I didn't give one.
>Nazism, Communism, Islam and Christianity are all ideologies with notions of objective morality
Is a commonality. Having to agree with Nazi ideology to be a Nazi seems obvious to me to the point where it doesn't need to be stated.
>All things that apply to you.
What don't I tolerate the existence of? I'm denying the existence of something.
>Nothing about Religion or ideology within that now is there?
It's like you haven't understood any of what i've been saying. The definition of hot never says it can't be cold. So I guess something can be hot and cold at the same time.

Post edited on 16th Feb 2020, 11:29pm
>> No. 745 [Edit]
>You could move to China if you don't like it.

Yeah, because that's really practical... It doesn't even make any sense, that still means Nazis can't exist as there is no Nazi Government in existence.

>I didn't give one.

Well I asked for one, it's important. You can't say why a Nazi cannot be an Otaku if you don't even have a definition of what a Nazi is to begin with.

>What don't I tolerate the existence of? I'm denying the existence of something.

And you don't see how that could be considered intolerant? You have some dead set idea of what A Nazi is and what an Otaku is and refuse to tolerate any notion that they could ever overlap.

>It's like you haven't understood any of what i've been saying. The definition of hot never says it can't be cold. So I guess something can be hot and cold at the same time.

Eugh... If the definition of Otaku is that they like Japanese culture and these people like Japanese culture then by that definition they must be Otaku. If the definition of hot says it must exceed a certain temperature and it does then I don't know, maybe it's hot?
>> No. 746 [Edit]
>that still means Nazis can't exist as there is no Nazi Government
Being a Nazi is tough.
>Well I asked for one
Okay. A Nazi is somebody who agrees with Nazi ideology and actively tries to promote and enforce it.
>And you don't see how that could be considered intolerant?
Sure i'm intolerant then. What i'm intolerant of doesn't seem contradictory to being an otaku though.
>If the definition of Otaku is that they like Japanese culture and these people like Japanese culture then by that definition they must be Otaku.
Okay, so I like cars. But wait, I hate windows, doors, side-mirrors, wheels, engines, exhausts, seats, seat-belts, steering wheels, suspension, gear sticks and pedals. Don't get me started on that electric shit. And driving? That's for perverts, that should be illegal. Tell me, what kind of car enthusiast am I?
>> No. 747 [Edit]
>Being a Nazi is tough.
Yeah, it must be, they aren't even allowed to be Otaku.

>Okay. A Nazi is somebody who agrees with Nazi ideology and actively tries to promote and enforce it.

Good, good. So how does that go against being an Otaku?

>Okay, so I like cars. But wait, I hate windows, doors, side-mirrors, wheels, engines, exhausts, seats, seat-belts, steering wheels, suspension, gear sticks and pedals. Don't get me started on that electric shit. And driving? That's for perverts, that should be illegal. Tell me, what kind of car enthusiast am I?

I know what you are trying to say but even your own example still has you liking cars in the end. To be interested in cars you don't have to like EVERY car and EVERYthing about them do you? TO be an Otaku you don't have to like ALL anime, ALL Games, ALL VNs, etc etc. IN fact I would be surprised if such a person existed who liked all of it without exception.
>> No. 748 [Edit]
>So how does that go against being an Otaku?
Everything I've said thus far. That's how. I love the bears, so I come to their house and piss on their floor and tear their curtains down and wait in the closet. They come home and I kill them because they're disgusting bears and I've got to take care of them. It's my duty. That's makes total sense.
>To be interested in cars you don't have to like EVERY car and EVERYthing about them
There's a very wide gulf between liking everything and hating nearly everything with a burning passion and wanting to destroy it.
>> No. 749 [Edit]
I think you are really going to have to be more specific than that don't you? Perhaps try explaining what exactly about Otaku culture they must hate why they can't be Otaku because of it.
>> No. 752 [Edit]
Everything pornographic for one. It's degenerate and harmful to the psyche in their view. It's Jewish perversion. That excludes a very large swath of VNs and doujin. Everything escapist. Another commonality between these ideologies is a strong preference for "realism". Communist realism for example. Art has no value to them unless it propagates their ideology, their perfect reality. Mao states that clearly in his little red book. He didn't believe non-political art existed. If you define Chinese communism by that book and Mao's ideals, the Chinese certainly aren't adhering to it.

A Nazi may like German folklore and other Arayan type things, which anything Japanese falls outside of, but they would also never approve something which does not uphold traditional German values. This excludes anything which might encourage the "herbivore men" phenomena. The entire concept of waifus is totally out of the question too. Escapism is a danger to raising good, strong Germans. Wanting to go off into a fantasy world is poisonous.

Everything which does not respect German and Aryan culture. A Nazi would be disgusted by the mockery made of medieval society and Christian traditions in otaku media. They easily take offense to that. Wagner, who Nazis loved, certainly disliked the notion of outsiders trying to "appropriate" German culture. Japanese as "honorary Aryans" was a political move. Most Nazis made fun of the notion. Hitler called the Japanese "lacquered monkeys".

I've lurked a lot on stormfront. Plenty of people there are fans of Hitler. They don't hide it or anything. I've seen quite a few say "I used to watch anime, but after I became racially aware I stopped and got a life". They certainly dislike the notion of it influencing young people. It's foreign. Nazis would be adverse to it for that alone. They definitely wouldn't call themself otaku. That's another thing. To be an otaku, I think you need to identity as one. A Nazi wouldn't identify themself in that way, with a foreign concept.

So, what's left? I don't believe in your magic nazi otaku. At best there's some idiot "history buffs" who like futa and would be thrown in a labour camp. By your definition, everybody with a passing interest in anything Japanese is an otaku.

Post edited on 17th Feb 2020, 9:16am
>> No. 753 [Edit]
>Everything pornographic for one. It's degenerate and harmful to the psyche in their view. It's Jewish perversion. That excludes a very large swath of VNs and doujin.

We have already been through the fact that it was not actually solely Nazi Germany that shared this view, that kind of thing was frowned on in Britain and the Us as well. But even so, that leaves a great deal of media, most media in fact.

>Everything escapist. Another commonality between these ideologies is a strong preference for "realism". Communist realism for example. Art has no value to them unless it propagates their ideology, their perfect reality. Mao states that clearly in his little red book. He didn't believe non-political art existed. If you define Chinese communism by that book and Mao's ideals, the Chinese certainly aren't adhering to it.

Ahh.... I really wouldn't go confusing Communism and Nazis on this one. The Nazi I ideology was a form of escapism all of it's own.

>Art has no value to them unless it propagates their ideology, their perfect reality.

Yeah, you really should look more into this, Hitler was a massive fan of art, he was an artist and even when he was in power he surrounded himself with artists and actors and the like.

>A Nazi would be disgusted by the mockery made of medieval society and Christian traditions in otaku media

Why? Also you do realise the Nazi movement was atheist right?

>I've lurked a lot on stormfront.


>So, what's left? I don't believe in your magic nazi otaku.

Everything but porn pretty much and even that's debatable.
>> No. 754 [Edit]
Also, another thing I should mention. This may blow your mind and turn your world upside down(provided you don't just ignore it) but Nazis can actually disagree with each other, so can Communists, so can any group(and that really should be no surprise). Even though the NAZI movement was relatively young, it too had differing opinions on things leading to bloody consequences. Even if Hitler himself had said that anime was gay, you could still disagree with him and be a NAZI. HIs words are not absoulute, they are not a testement sent from god on matters that mus be obeyed word for word. It's a political ideology, there is ALWAYS going to be debate among such(not that there was not debate amongst religious groups). I mentioned before how the NAZI movement was atheist, well many members of the Nazi party were religious. They don't have to agree 100% with what Hitler says. If that was the case the world would be a lot simpler.
>> No. 755 [Edit]
>it was not actually solely Nazi Germany that shared this view
And I've already said Nazi Germany was more extreme and would not change in the same way Britain and the US did. Why not? I already said. Very clearly.
>I really wouldn't go confusing Communism and Nazis on this one
I'm pointing out their similarities. How was Nazism escpaism? Because it's ridiculous? Communism is far more so in it's "pure form". I do not buy the notion that they saw it as escapsim.
>Hitler was a massive fan of art
So long as that art was in the European tradition and suited his preferences and moral sensibilities. Everything else was trash to him.
>you do realise the Nazi movement was atheist
And Christianity came from the middle east. It doesn't matter. Germans saw Christianity as something they made their own. A integral part of their culture and traditions. Hitler acknowledged this. He acknowledged religious music, not because it's religious, but because it is German. Nazism was secular, not atheist like communism. A mockery of European, anglo-saxon Christianity would not please Hitler.
>Everything but porn
You're just ignoring large parts of my post. The part about herbivore men? How escapism as a whole clashes with their ideology? Their aversion to foreign, non-white things in general? How a Nazi identifying as an otaku is very improbable? How by your definiton everybody with a passing interest in anything Japanese is an otaku?
If you expand that to its most extreme, nothing means anything then. A nazi otaku cannot exist because there's no such thing as a nazi or otaku. I think there's general things that vary in importance which makes a nazi a nazi and an otaku and otaku.

Post edited on 17th Feb 2020, 9:03pm
>> No. 756 [Edit]
>And I've already said Nazi Germany was more extreme and would not change in the same way Britain and the US did. Why not? I already said. Very clearly.

You have also also noted how extreme Mao was, but that changed didn't it? We don't know whether Germany would change because it ceased existing(although even China changed), had Britain lost the war I could use you logic to say that porn would never be allowed in Britain.

>I'm pointing out their similarities. How was Nazism escpaism? Because it's ridiculous? Communism is far more so in it's "pure form". I do not buy the notion that they saw it as escapsim.

Well they are completely opposite when it comes to art. Communism is a grounded anti-cultre movement, hence why Mao tried to remove Chinese culture, it meant nothing to him and he only saw it as something to hold him back. However Nation-Socialism strongly emphasises culture, and culture is art. Why do you think the Nazis stole so much art in the first place? Because they hated it? Because they had no place for it?

As for the escapism part, both could be seen as escapism but Nazi-German escapism was closer to what you often find in anime. Slice of Life anime actually would not be that different form that Goebbels would have produced were he alive now, it's basically propaganda portraying what girls should do and how they should behave. Nazis had this idea that they would create a society the likes of which had never been seen they would build bigger, better structures than had ever been seen, structures so large that they would have produced precipitation within the building itself, they were going to create the ideal society. It could easily be seen as escapism.

>So long as that art was in the European tradition and suited his preferences and moral sensibilities. Everything else was trash to him.

Not really, he was a fan of Greek classics and the like as well.

>And Christianity came from the middle east. It doesn't matter. Germans saw Christianity as something they made their own. A integral part of their culture and traditions. Hitler acknowledged this. He acknowledged religious music, not because it's religious, but because it is German. Nazism was secular, not atheist like communism. A mockery of European, anglo-saxon Christianity would not please Hitler.

Hitler did his best to destroy Christian influence, there were no chaplains in his SS divisions because Christianity had no place in his Ideology. You can acknowledge religious music and even like it without being Christian.

>You're just ignoring large parts of my post.

Like you do in your next sentence?

>The part about herbivore men?

I don't get what you mean, you mean how Hitler was a herbivore so therefore you have to be a herbivore to be a Nazi and so therefore only probably one Nazi ever existed in the world? Certainly seems like a claim you would make.

>How escapism as a whole clashes with their ideology?

It doesn't and I addressed that?

>Their aversion to foreign, non-white things in general?

Like how there were blacks in the German army? Or how they sent researchers to research Tibetans? But even so it's not as if it was just German that was racist at the time either. As I said in the other thread, it's silly to compare 1940 Germany with 2020 America.

>How by your definiton everybody with a passing interest in anything Japanese is an otaku?

You were the one that posted the definition that said that.

>If you expand that to its most extreme, nothing means anything then. A nazi otaku cannot exist because there's no such thing as a nazi or otaku.

Hah, I knew it would be something you not be able to understand. It doesn't mean that nothing can exist, only that your narrow view of what something is, is well, narrow. There are a vast number of differing opinion and ideologies within Islam. So does that mean Muslims can't exist? Or that one of these branches is Islam and none of the others are? Well I'm sure some Muslims think that and it's the way you seem to view things.

>I think there's general things that vary in importance which makes a nazi a nazi and an otaku and otaku.

Yes, and they don't necesrally conflict now do they?
>> No. 757 [Edit]
>but that changed didn't it?
Because they abandoned their ideological roots. They ceased being Mao communists. They're pretenders now. I've already said this.
>I could use you logic to say that porn would never be allowed in Britain.
You could if Britain was a theocracy, or America. They aren't.
>Why do you think the Nazis stole so much art in the first place?
European art. They saw art as a tool to support their ideology, just like communists. They did not value art which was not useful as a tool. If they did, they would not have banned Meyerbeer's music. That's the similarity. Whether traditional art was seen as useful to the movement or not is a difference, but that's irrelevant. How much otaku media is useful to the Nazi movement? How much glorifies Germany and promotes traditional family values and having lots of white children?
>it's basically propaganda portraying what girls should do and how they should behave
It's not. Not in its intent or execution or effect. Nobody expects real girls to like 2-d ones. They just make 3-d girls even less appealing to a lot of people. Men are also the prime consumers. Goebbels would not approve.
>It could easily be seen as escapism
Except they didn't see it that way. Christianity is escapism then because in it an all powerful being loves humans and will give people who love him back a perfect world with no bad things after death. Tell them its escapism and watch them get hysterical. The majority of otaku probably don't think the things that happen in anime are real or realistic.
>Greek classics
European. Also white, but of a lesser breed or course.
>Herbivore men or grass-eater men is a term used in Japan to describe men who have no interest in getting married or finding a girlfriend. The term herbivore men was also a term that is described as young men who had lost their "manliness"
>Hitler did his best to destroy Christian influence
Except nazis worked with priests. Also, you don't have to be a Christian to get offended when somebody perverts white, Christian culture.
>it's not as if it was just German that was racist at the time
You really think racism isn't an integral part of being a Nazi? Racism in the form it took in Nazism is an integral part of their ideology.
>You were the one that posted the definition that said that.
You implied it. What are your criteria for being an otaku then?
>I'm sure some Muslims think that
It's state mandated in some Islamic nations, so yes. There's a limit to how much you can diverge from your espoused ideology before it stops being your ideology. If i'm a christian who does not believe in Jesus, I am not a christian. I'm not a different, quirky christian who likes Jesus a lot, but thinks he's fictional. I'm not a christian. If my definition of a nazi is narrow, you have no definition.

Post edited on 18th Feb 2020, 4:58am
>> No. 758 [Edit]
You are far too simple to waste more time on, therefore I won't. I'm pretty sure I've wasted time on you before on this site as well, there is no helping some people. You need to stop being so small minded and take a step back and look at how things actually are, not just how you arrange them in your head. But you won't.
>> No. 759 [Edit]
File 158203380840.jpg - (816.28KB , 827x2898 , __ikari_shinji_and_katsuragi_misato_neon_genesis_e.jpg )
Uh huh, enjoy your dream land full of nazi otaku and christian satan-worshippers.
>> No. 760 [Edit]
Would you count a Catholic as a fundamentalist Christian? St. Augustine always urged to interpret the Bible as literally as possible so when Christ says that to live eternally, one must consume his flesh, he truly means to literally commit cannibalism and eat his flesh and that's what Catholics believe they are consuming when they receive the Eucharist on Sunday.

If you're willing to believe Catholics are a kind of fundamentalist Christian then yes, I'd say there are Catholic fans of Anime and Manga. I've met some online and I believe I could be counted as one myself.

I'm sure you can imagine that there's a lot of content I can't consume but nonetheless, there is stuff that I can consume. According to Fr. Ripperger, if something is strongly enticing and there's no mitigating reason (e.g. you're not a Doctor examining a female patient for diagnosis and yet you're looking at nude female bodies), that's a mortal sin. Meanwhile, if something is lightly enticing, like the cheerleaders in a football match, then it's only venially sinful at worst and even then, that's only if you give in to your basal urges due to curiosity perhaps and begin to leer. It's very strange to me but I've noticed that when an anime movie with perverted scenes is being shown in western cinemas and the audience is viewing the perverted scene, their typical reaction is to laugh rather than watch in silent arousal as I do. The lightly enticing scenes don't impact them and so they're not even venially sinning.
I also want to note that Fr. Ripperger is a Catholic exorcist and that the effectiveness of his ability to cast out demons is wholly dependent on his own virtuousness and holiness so I believe he's a reliable source on this topic.

The casually sexually provocative nature of anime is certainly an element to consider when consuming it as a Catholic but when consuming media, you really need to consider other things such as whether or not God's name is blasphemed in it or whether God would be offended by elements of the show however the Japanese are not a Christian nor post-Christian nation and so I don't think there's any offenses to God as that would require to first acknowledge him. Well, that's my take on things anyway.
>> No. 761 [Edit]
>Would you count a Catholic as a fundamentalist Christian?
Catholics are strange and seem in some ways more traditional than protestants, and in other ways less so. How Christianity as a whole is practiced has undoubtably changed over the centuries on top of that. Would you call yourself an otaku? Thinking about it more, there's isn't really any concrete meaning to Nazi or Otaku or even Christian. They're all subjective, ever-changing yard sticks. Lots say Christian by definition have to love all other Christians, yet that's pretty far from reality. Within this arbitrary sphere of human thought, connections can be made though.

I don't have a solid answer for you. I will say you'd be a lot more free without your religion. I can't say I hope your pope worshipping faith endures, or any abrahamic religion.

Post edited on 24th Feb 2020, 9:00pm
>> No. 762 [Edit]
Anyone can watch anime these days. I realized that like 5 years ago. The days of anime being a losers-only domain where normal people only watched Bleach and Naruto is long, long gone. Who cares? Not this guy.
>> No. 767 [Edit]
I don't think I would call myself an otaku at all, no. I'm far too casual to consider myself one. Spoiler'd for blogging.
I watch some Anime but that's typically just one or two shows every season. Like, I watched a bit of Choyoyu but I think the introduction of the nekololi character caused me to drop it (I think not liking loli that isn't oppai loli is a severe detriment to my "otakuness"). I wanted to watch Cautious Hero and Kemono Michi but I only have a CrunchyRoll subscription as of now. Missing out on BOFURI is causing me to seriously consider subscribing to Funimation too.
With regards to Manga, I think I'll have to learn Japanese and start importing because I don't think I can find complete sets of legally available, translated manga. It's possible I simply haven't searched hard enough though.
With regards to videogames, I believe my life is moving in a direction where I won't have the time for something like a JRPG. I currently play an MMORPG but it's not Japanese. It's not even Asian. I like its art style, its lack of sexualised and violent content and somewhat fun gameplay. I play it for roughly an hour, killing Lord Vanaduke once every day. In the near future, once I'm employed, I imagine I'll have less time to sink into it and I imagine this will even moreso be the case once I'm a family man. Due to the restrictions on my time, what I'll need is a game that you can pick up and play but at the same time, has depth to it so it's engaging and I think Fighting Games are the only games that offer this. From what I see of TheMainManSWE, it seems that Tekken 7 is a fighting game worthy of investment so it might do me good to get good at Tekken 7 so that in the future, with perhaps a little bit of learning, I can pick up and play whatever is the most modern installment in the series. Currently though, I'm typically at or just below blue ranks and I lost at least 5 straight matches to a Lucky Chloe player which caused me to drop the game and I believe I've only touched it once, since.

In order to know the meaning of the word, I typically use my expectation of a general person's idea of the word's meaning as the definition. For example, as a Catholic, I accept the idea that we are Christian but I believe that for the general person, there's a difference between being Christian and being Catholic so I call myself Catholic. Even if the meaning of words vary depending on who you talk to, you'll always find some kind of consensus amongst some group of people and so as long as that's true, as long as there's some kind of consensus on what the idea is, I believe it's still possible to discuss the idea so I don't think there's any reason to be disheartened by attempting to discuss these things just because the words' meanings aren't absolute amongst all people.

I've never heard anyone say that Christians are obligated to love other Christians. While I've never seen a call to hate other Christians, I've never seen a call to love them either. What I typically see is Christians of one branch saying that they'll pray for the Christians of the other branches, that is, pray that those Christians convert to the branch of the one making the prayer. I also want to say that the online Protestants behave very differently from the Protestants in the real world according to what I've read. There's a lot of Protestants that don't have a militant hatred of the Catholic Church. I suppose it could be argued though that Protestants that don't hate the Catholic Church are not true Protestants just as there are those that call themselves Muslims and yet feel apathy towards the idea of imposing Islam upon the rest of the world (despite the explicit teachings of the Quran) but there doesn't seem to be anything in the doctrines of Protestant churches to assert a hatred of Catholicism as every other denomination along with Catholicism is all asserting sole supremacy. It's just that a hatred of Catholicism seems unusually common among internet Protestants. Although perhaps one should consider that the Protestants were protesting against the Catholic Church so perhaps vitriol does make sense for them.

You see, I don't think I would ever be free. Spoiler'd for blogging about my past life.
Before I became Catholic, I was on 8chan/fringe/ studying the occult, New Age practises, New Thought practises, parapsychology and other paranormal phenomena. I genuinely believed, based off of the Electric Universe theory and the sensations I was experiencing when experimentally worshipping them, that the planets and the Sun were actually conscious entities so I wanted to take Astrology very seriously. I would have most certainly practised some sort of Sun worship. I was listening to and meditating to particular Binaural Beats frequencies, believing that I could unlock ESP abilities. I was constantly refreshing the front page of reddit and checking the catalogs of 8/pol/ and 8/v/ because I believed that particular threads would appear, based upon messages the Universe wanted to give me. I wanted to be an Esoteric Hitlerist and, following the teachings of Miguel Serrano, take the fight against the Jews to the Astral Plane as well as discover hidden libraries (Astral Libraries) containing secret knowledge of man's past and what was known in Atlantis. I wanted to use Lucid Dreaming to trap some kind of spirit in a prison so I could harness it for its energy (or "loosh", as it's called in these communities). I wanted to investigate the Montauk project. I believed in the Montalk website's teachings. I used to follow Aug Tellez. When my psychosis began, I thought I was under the influence of a "negative entity" and so I started listening to DrVirtual7 videos, listening to the frequencies and emptying my mind so that I could absorb the messages more deeply. I wanted to use lucid dreaming in conjunction with Carl Jung's theories and go on some kind of journey of self-discovery. After doing that, then maybe I'd feel motivated towards getting work done and feeling an unbreakable zest towards life.
I also remember wanting to use some kind of electric signal detector so that I could look for regions of low or high activity (a paranormal investigator suggested this although I cannot remember if the activity needed to be low or high) and then, in the back of a caravan, I would go to sleep with a device to monitor the motion of my eyeballs. According to some scientific experiment I read, it was possible for one lucid dreamer to move his eyeballs in a specific way which would then cause his eyeballs in the real world to move in that same way. With this, the lucid dreamer was able to communicate that he was in a dream. Then, using that device, I could communicate that I was in a dream to a machine that would then start drip-feeding liquid DMT into my veins. Now I can take DMT whilst being inside of a lucid dream and have what should be a very interesting trip.

There is something very distinct that I remember when I wasn't Catholic and it was the fact that I felt, at the back of my mind, a deep dread whenever I pondered the idea that I was free to do whatever I wanted and that there were no "real" rules. "Freedom" made me anxious. Combine that dread with all of the things I had a natural interest in and I was going to be into something. Even now, I still haven't abandoned lucid dreaming, even if I won't be trapping a spirit, taking DMT or discovering my true self. Stumbling upon Robert Waggoner has made lucid dreaming incredibly appealing to me as the potential is phenomenal. I definitely intend to read his "Gateway to the Inner Self" book. I haven't abandoned Carl Jung either. I hope to become a Thomist and then combine that with lucid dreaming to somehow understand Carl Jung's work in a new way. To produce something close to the kind of work Jung himself might've produced had he been a Thomist.

We Catholics don't worship the Pope. As Dr. Brant Pitre said in a talk about his book "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary", when Catholics worship God, they offer sacrifice to him. The sacrifice of the Mass for instance is the one most highly favoured by God. Nobody offers sacrifice to the Pope. He is venerated, yes, but not sacrificed to and thus, not worshipped. If you so sincerely believe that the world would be better off without Catholicism, I would like to ask for your opinion on Catholic exorcists. You see, these men battle with the demons that plague people and the reason why demons are able to affect these people's physical health, mental health or finances is either because of their own sin or someone else's (e.g. generational spirits passed down from evil ancestor or rape/child molestation). What do you think of the work of exorcists? Do you think they and the victims of demons they deal with are all just in some collective delusion? I think it's worth noting that Fr. Ripperger states that whilst demons can be the cause of a mental illness, not all mentally ill people are so due to demons. Putting it quite frankly, he says some people are just nuts. He also talks about how genetic entropy is real (and then says that it disproves evolution. I don't know if things are really that straightforward but he's fairly educated so I'll put some faith in him but I'll verify it for myself with my own research) and that this is partly why mental illness is appearing.
>> No. 768 [Edit]
>I only have a CrunchyRoll subscription as of now. Missing out on BOFURI is causing me to seriously consider subscribing to Funimation too.
Uuuugh, holy shit, goddamn, Jesus Christ on a candle stick. Your life sounds like torture.
>I don't think I would ever be free.
Yes, you're right. You were never free. You've been a prisoner for a long time.
>I hope to become a Thomist and then combine that with lucid dreaming to somehow understand Carl Jung's work in a new way. To produce something close to the kind of work Jung himself might've produced had he been a Thomist.
No, please don't. Please don't do any of that. Try starting from scratch and embracing personal choice as a good thing. There can be rules. You can make your own. They don't have to be true for everyone.
>Do you think they and the victims of demons they deal with are all just in some collective delusion?
>7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 9 In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 10 In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 12 No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. - 1 John 4:1-21

Post edited on 26th Feb 2020, 5:03pm
>> No. 769 [Edit]
>Your life sounds like torture
Firstly, I'd like to kindly ask that when you speak with me that you don't use the Lord's name in vain like that. It's a violation of a commandment. Of course, you're not obliged to comply since I have no authority, it's just that since you're conversing with me, I think I'm obliged to both request that you stop as well as warn you of what you're doing.
Nonetheless, like I said, I'm quite casual when it comes to Anime and so I don't really hate using CrunchyRoll and I have no real reason to hate using Funimation. I know that it's common to find Anime fans on imageboards that bash CrunchyRoll (I've never seen discussion of Funimation) but I'm quite certain their reasons are things I wouldn't particularly care for. Spoiler'd for blogging.
I remember when I used to try hard to fit in with the elitists on 4chan/a/, I would pirate Anime in Hi10p rather than stream it and play it in Media Player Classic rather than VLC Media Player even though I couldn't see the difference. It's true that with a stream, the quality can be temporarily bad but it's only temporary and I believe that's just a connection issue. The quality drops simply because that's the best you can get at that instant. Anyway, nowadays I'm willing to be more honest with where I'm at. If, one day in the future, I act upon my desire to take art more seriously and so I actually begin to notice the supremacy of Hi10p then yeah, I'll try to pursue it but otherwise, as it's not noticeably enhancing my experience, I see no reason to care.
/a/ used to have a rule that it was forbidden to discuss Naruto. There was a belief that if discussion of Naruto were to ever be tolerated, /a/ would get its fanbase and so posting quality would plummet. I was exposed to arguments for why Naruto was bad that I didn't really understand (I think one reason was its pacing but even now, I can't tell what good or bad pacing is and I don't think I really know what it is). I vividly remember blindly bashing Naruto in conversation with an acquaintance in some attempt to assert myself as superior and knowledgeable. Nowadays, I'd be more willing to admit to liking Naruto if I liked it (in fact, I haven't watched it in some years and I think I'll try to get back into it if possible). If, at some point in the future, I come to make proper study of Literature and I come back to Naruto and find that it is poorly written, then yes, I'll disregard and critique the show but for the time being, if I like it then that's that.
I believe I did once see a critique of the CrunchyRoll subs of an Anime. They did something which wasn't approved. I think it might've been something like, using slang in the subs because the character speaks using Japanese slang or something. To me, I don't really mind such things. All I'm bothered by is the fact that I'll be looked down upon by the elitists for not minding such things however I'm beginning to let go of that in favour of an honest acceptance of where I'm at although I am curious to know why CrunchyRoll is so despised. I do intend to learn Japanese some day so I can watch Anime, read Manga and read Light Novels raw, so I can pick up any series that fancies my interest without being forced to consider whether or not it's been translated and to be able to follow Virtual YouTubers (my understanding of Japanese is that there are rude words but no curse words. Being able to watch someone play games I find interesting without hearing curses would be nice) but to me, with regards to Anime, Manga and LNs, the pursuit of Japanese would really just be the perfecting of an experience I already find acceptable.
I used to be the kind of person that would buy headphones that /g/ recommends but now, knowing that I'm not an audiophile and that I probably won't be able to distinguish between the quality in sound between a pair of Sennheisers and a pair of Beats by Dre, I don't mind buying the Beats. The only thing that could put me off is the price.

Basically, I feel no suffering regarding my situation regarding Japanese media because I believe I have what I believe would be considered to be, putting it gently, a rather "undeveloped" taste. Now, I imagine there's room for growth with serious self-study but that would take a lot of time and unfortunately, I've only recently begun to seriously pursue self-development (I'll be entering my late 20s in less than three months. ...Just giving you an idea of the volume of time I've wasted).
There was one time where, in relation to my situation regarding Japanese media, that I did suffer. It was when someone tricked me and others into reading his Mahoiku fanfiction that he passed off as legitimate translations of the LNs. I'm partly motivated in my desire to learn Jap to never be humiliated like that again.
My final point on this topic will be that for me, the true suffering isn't in how my life is regarding the consumption of Japanese media. It's the fact that I have to constantly monitor and control my mind because even thinking about sexual matters is severely sinful (assuming you're unmarried) and demands confession before communion and especially before death lest you eternally damn yourself.

>Yes, you're right. You were never free.
What does it even mean to be "free"? In my mind, being free would be to not care about what follows on from death and just be content blindly pursuing your individual hobbies. Now, I think this "freedom" becomes a bit of a problem when what you want is to raise a family. You're going to want to your children to be in a particular environment as you raise them and so everyone else's behaviour becomes something you want controlled. Well, I suppose this presumes that you're not so radically left that you're comfortable with your child being read books to it by a drag queen. Nonetheless, I had an interest in topics regarding the mystical and I believe I was freely pursuing that interest. I believe the most common lesson in the works I was reading was that you were God. They would teach that you were the master of your destiny but then this would mean that you have to assume responsibility and attain self-mastery so I feel there was always some kind of shackle.

>Try starting from scratch and embracing personal choice as a good thing
I believe free will is a good thing since it's something God gave us. It's just that we need to choose the right thing. I also wanted to say that, upon seeing the existence of Trotskyist Anime Reviewers, I wanted to be a Thomist Anime Reviewer however, I'd only review the shows that I wanted to talk about rather than every single show that comes out every season and make it my job to review them. I mention this because you seem irked by Thomism. In any case, with my belief in the Church's teachings, I fully embrace the belief that everything can be objectively evaluated and that there is an objectively correct way to live one's life (depending on your calling of course).
Do you perhaps have some sort of attachment to Jung?

Thanks for posting the Bible quote. My issue though is that Christians of all denominations have a desire to, say, see the Third World uplifted for instance. I was really hoping for something specific about other Christians that was spoken by a high-ranking member of a particular denomination of Christianity. Or perhaps even, a collection of various accounts by various high-ranking members of various denominations, all saying more or less the same thing about positivity towards Christians of the other denominations.
>> No. 770 [Edit]
>I've never heard anyone say that Christians are obligated to love other Christians.

>1 John 4:20

>If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.

And then there is the love thy neighbour as they love thyself one but I can't be bothered finding it. But then Christians have a history of not following their own teachings anyway(although to be fair often it can be interpreted in many ways, but not so much in this case).

It's funding evil. But anyway, Horrible Subs just rips directly from Crunchy Role and Funimation so it's the same but free, it also has anime not from Crunchy role or Funimation, (although they are lazy so often they don't, Fate Being a good example of that Even though it's literally the example they use in their search engine). Another issue with Crunchy role is licensing, you can't even use Crunchy Role to watch some anime in certain countries.

Post edited on 27th Feb 2020, 4:24am
>> No. 771 [Edit]
How did you find tohno-chan?
>What does it even mean to be "free"?
To not have any restrictions on what you can think and consume and not obsessively search for answers that don't really exist. All of that mysticism crap is poisonous. Reality, as described by math, is what's real, and it doesn't expect you to do anything.
>when what you want is to raise a family
It's overrated and expensive. Great for control freaks though.
>I believe free will is a good thing since it's something God gave us
Yeah, how nice, expect it's the reason why everything bad ever happens. And God knew that's what the consequences would be, and he knew what the consequences would be for making Lucifer, but he still did it according to your religion. He could have done things in a way that what happened wouldn't, effortlessly. Nothing ever surprises God. In heaven, people will never want to do bad things, so will they have free will, or will it be taken away from them? If free will is necessary to love God, then in heaven people must have free will, then free will doesn't necessarily have to have the consequences it did. Plus there's no marriage in heaven, so any family you make will be pointless ultimately.

Post edited on 27th Feb 2020, 4:45am
>> No. 772 [Edit]
You haven't explained the evil of CrunchyRoll but yes, despite subscribing, I've been a victim of the licensing issue as well a few times. Truly, the sooner I can start understanding and importing raw anime, the better.

>How did you find tohno-chan?
I believe, around the time there was talk about 7chan over on 4chan, I got curious about the other chans so I googled something along the lines of "list of chans" or "list of imageboards" and then I found a list. I believe the website was called "overchan" (I don't know if it's still up). Tohno-chan was listed as well as, lainchan, uboachan and I believe wizardchan (now wizchan) was added to the list eventually. I've known about tohno-chan for years, forgetting it and remembering it.
>Reality, as described by math, is what's real, and it doesn't expect you to do anything
But doesn't Godel's Incompleteness Theorem prove that Math can't be perfect? If you rely solely on Math then you can't have any kind of Metaphysics, surely?
Also, I remember reading a complaint somewhere that most Mathematicians don't consider themselves Logicians or Philosophers but the fact is, they are taking a particular Logical and Philosophical stance, it's just that they pick the one they see as "neutral" culturally.
>Yeah, how nice, expect it's the reason why everything bad ever happens
There's an Ascension Presents video I watched on YouTube that's titled "The Lesser-Known Last Judgement" that I thought was very interesting. Supposedly, at the end of time, when Christ finally returns and the story of Creation is truly concluded, God will reveal, to the fullest extent, to every human being that ever existed, the consequences of every good deed they did and didn't do. I've seen your complaint before. "If God is so merciful and he foresaw the consequences of Adam's sin, he predicted all the death and carnage and suffering that would ensue, why didn't God scrap Adam and Eve and start afresh?" Only at the end of time will we finally find out what the purpose of creation was.
>In heaven, people will never want to do bad things, so will they have free will, or will it be taken away from them?
I'm quite certain that if you're in heaven, it's because you're perfect. You're still free-willed however your will is in perfect subjection to God. You will nothing but to serve him totally.
>then free will doesn't necessarily have to have the consequences it did
Right. We Catholics uphold a Marian Dogma that Mary was immaculately conceived i.e. from the moment of conception, she was preserved from original sin and throughout her life, she was preserved from ever experiencing temptation. God could've done this with the rest of us but he made Mary an exception. Just as I've stated, I believe we'll only know the truth behind this decision in the end.
>Plus there's no marriage in heaven, so any family you make will be pointless ultimately
You and your spouse not being together eternally doesn't negate marriage's purpose because its purpose is that it creates a good environment for God's future worshippers and Earthly servants to grow up in. Marriage may fulfill your desire to be with someone but that is not its purpose.
What do you think should be the point of a family?
>> No. 773 [Edit]
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>you can't have any kind of Metaphysics
Yep you can't. I believe whatever can't be expained by physical phenomena now, will eventually be.
>God will reveal, to the fullest extent, to every human being that ever existed, the consequences of every good deed they did and didn't do.
That's nice, is it anywhere in scripture?
>You're still free-willed however your will is in perfect subjection to God
Unlike on earth? What changes? Or do only perfect people get into heaven?
>What do you think should be the point of a family?
I don't believe in having children. I hope there's no such thing as families in the future. In my ideal world there isn't. Relationships would just be two minds, co-dependent, loving each other and synchronizing their thoughts and actions to each other and having sex just for enjoyment.
>> No. 774 [Edit]
>I believe whatever can't be expained by physical phenomena now, will eventually be.
Well I'm afraid that seems to be your own unfounded belief. I believe presently, as things stand, the attempt of Physics to have a Metaphysics can be summarised as "things just happen". E. Michael Jones talks about this in his talk with another fellow. Do you have faith then that in time, the Metaphysics will be developed beyond this? I remember watching a talk by Bob Lazar on the Joe Rogan show where he talks about how the US Military is in possession of alien spacecraft.
>That's nice, is it anywhere in scripture?
I'm pretty sure this is something strictly found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I'm very young in my faith so I don't know how this conclusion was reached.
>Unlike on earth? What changes? Or do only perfect people get into heaven?
Matthew 5:25-26
If you're a normal person then no, your will is not in perfect subjection to God. You may be willing to follow him but the defects we carry due to original sin are deep. Fr. Chad Ripperger explains in a series of videos in the "Spiritual Life" playlist on the Sensus Fidelium YouTube Channel that even if you reach a point where you have stopped even venially sinning, you still need to go through the passive purgation - a process where God will reach down into the depths of your soul and uproot the imperfections. The only way to endure it is if your love for God exceeds the pain. If your love for God does exceed the pain then yes, after a "Dark Night of the Senses" and some other "Dark Night" (I don't recall), you'll become a living saint - someone who, upon death, will go straight to heaven (i.e. not need to spend time in purgatory). According to Fr. Ripperger, you can indeed become perfect. It is a known process.
If you fail to attain perfection but died in a state of grace (i.e. your soul was not stained with a single mortal sin), you'll have to spend some time in purgatory. I believe, according to one saint, one venial sin requires seven years in purgatory. God is merciful but he is also just. The imperfect will not be in his presence.
>I don't believe in having children. I hope there's no such thing as families in the future. In my ideal world there isn't. Relationships would just be two minds, co-dependent, loving each other and synchronizing their thoughts and actions to each other and having sex just for enjoyment.
You seem to desire the destruction of the nuclear family and have a focus on individuals. I feel like you're bitter due to a bad family but rather than desire good ones and hate the factors that led to your family's poor state, you desire to be rid of the family altogether but I suppose that's just armchair psychology.
In any case, in your ideal world, I suppose you would have the government demand regular egg donations and sperm donations from its citizens and then, with IVF, the eggs could be fertilised and with artificial womb technology, the children could be gestated and birthed, then raised by the government. After all, even as you desire nomore families, I'm sure you acknowledge the need for new people in order for a society to perpetuate itself. Even if you maintained a low population and used advanced robot technologies to automate all the jobs real people were originally needed for, somebody has to have children and so government-mandated egg and sperm donations along with IVF and artificial womb technologies as well as government-hired child carers seems to be the only way for such a family-less society to work.
Although there is that communist idea of how it takes a village to raise a child. Perhaps you would rather community-raised children? And what are the values of this community?
>> No. 775 [Edit]
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>Do you have faith then that in time, the Metaphysics will be developed beyond this?
I don't see how considering how contrary it is the scientific method. Math which hasn't been connected to any physical phenomena is the closest thing to metaphysics which I think can be "developed". Math is "meta"physics without the philosophy.
>something strictly found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church
This aspect of Catholicism is bothersome to me. If the scripture is true, you can't add to it. You also can't elect a "venerated" man to listen to as if his word carries more weight than any other mortal man. The spirit of it is disagreeable to me.
>passive purgation
Another Catholic-add-on. Why is it more compelling to you than Protestantism? I understand if it's a familial thing, but you're a convert.
>I feel like you're bitter due to a bad family but rather than desire good ones and hate the factors that led to your family's poor state, you desire to be rid of the family altogether
No, my family was okay. There's probably better out there, and there's much worse too. It was okay. What I dislike is the role families play in society. Having kids changes people. It messes with their priorities. They become protective of their own families and others. This gets in the way of the individual's freedom. Among adults, individuals are in the minority.
>Perhaps you would rather community-raised children? And what are the values of this community?
Machines would do it, not anybody hired. It wouldn't be in a communal way either. There would be separate homes. Adult people wouldn't be concerned in the least about them.
>> No. 776 [Edit]
>Iran is kind of like modern Nazi Germany.
Phahahhaa oh wait you're serious
>> No. 777 [Edit]
Militaristic, obsessively ideological, similar groups to the gestapo, nationalistic and prioritizing race, hatred of Jewish/western influence, led by former revolutionaries, has a supreme leader that picks everybody else in charge, has socialistic, state controlled enterpise. So yes, they are kind of similar.
>> No. 778 [Edit]
>> No. 779 [Edit]
>> No. 780 [Edit]
Only normalfags call people normalfags.

Same with this.
>> No. 781 [Edit]
>Only normalfags call people normalfags.
So you're a normalfag? If you weren't, maybe you'd both have more to say than buzzwords and how much you agree with each other.
>> No. 782 [Edit]
>If you weren't, maybe you'd both have more to say than buzzwords

That was the implication of my post...
>> No. 783 [Edit]
Make a shitpost, get a shitpost response.

Tell me how i'm an "edgelord". Explain it to me on the same board people say they want niggers and chinks to die. On the same site people constantly talk about hating people and hating going outside.

Post edited on 8th Mar 2020, 7:51pm
>> No. 784 [Edit]
No, I was implying that by saying he was an 'edgelord' you were a 'normalfag' as well but I can see how it could be read the other way.
>> No. 1268 [Edit]
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I just came across nude cartoons in a BF 109 manual and I rememberer that there are nude cartoon of girls in the Tigerfibel and Pantherfibel as well. This is from the Tigerfibel.
>> No. 1269 [Edit]
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>> No. 1270 [Edit]
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>> No. 1271 [Edit]
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>> No. 1272 [Edit]
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Wow, how tantalizing. Nazi Germany really was a paradise of free expression. Just ignore everything to the contrary.
>> No. 1274 [Edit]
>> No. 1275 [Edit]
But anyway, this was more in response to something someone had said before(I don't even think it was in this thread) where somebody said lewd cartoon images would never be allowed in Nazi Germany. I kept thinking of that when I come across these and thought I should post them.
>> No. 1276 [Edit]
One broadcast station isn't the same as a nation-wide ban.
nudity =/= lewd, let alone pornography. Nudity being conflated with sexual content is a puritan thing.
>> No. 1277 [Edit]
>> No. 1278 [Edit]
I can't even find the post I was thinking off...
>> No. 1279 [Edit]
Maybe this one.

'another commonality between these ideologies is a strong preference for "realism". Communist realism for example. Art has no value to them unless it propagates their ideology, their perfect reality. Mao states that clearly in his little red book. He didn't believe non-political art existed.'
>> No. 1280 [Edit]
The UK is also a free expression shit hole legally. What's your point? At least they're not fascistic enough to strongly enforce obscenity laws, unlike Nazi Germany, Iran and China.

Did I ever say no other place has censorship? No. Do you just revel in having a thick skull and idealizing a society which had a state-enforced ideology? Do you like larping as a Nazi? Don't infect this site with poltard bullshit.
>> No. 1281 [Edit]
All you are doing is shifting hurdles. Anyway, that was not the point >>1279 was. So I won't argue on it further.
>> No. 1282 [Edit]
It's called abstract reasoning. Too bad it's not something everyone can learn. Your Wikipedia articles didn't disprove anything I wrote.
>> No. 1283 [Edit]
Your reasoning is certainly abstract and this does explain a lot.
>> No. 1284 [Edit]
You used the word lewd without even understanding what it means. Throw in the towel and stop making yourself look even more dense. What was your goal exactly? A misfired attempt at pedantically correcting someone? Go back to looking at tanks and stop pretending you're capable of understanding people, society or culture.
>> No. 1285 [Edit]
I was using lewd in the way that it most often used online(which is not the definition) but I guess that would have required abstract reasoning to understand. Too bad it's not something everybody can understand.
>> No. 1286 [Edit]
As for my goal, >>1275

Maybe your abstract reasoning can deduce something out of that?
>> No. 1287 [Edit]
>I was using lewd in the way that it most often used online
>nudity =/= lewd, let alone pornography.
You completely ignored that. Very simplistic, cartoonish outlines of a nude women aren't lewd. Neither is the birth of Venus. Nobody would refer to it as that but you.

Aren't you an autist? Maybe asexual too? Now that would explain things.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2021, 1:58am
>> No. 1288 [Edit]
...Maybe your abstract reasoning will help you understand why exactly I would have posted >>1279 . I was not talking about Pornography at all. I was referring to this idea that all Nazi media has to be political or realistic depictions of men in factories or men fighting wars.

I think was the post I was thinking off.

>Nazist outlook on media is similar to bible-belt conservatives. They're obsessive about the family unit, being "family friendly", protecting the precious childrens as much as possible, and reinforcing "healthy thinking". It's based on protestant "stoic" culture. Anything they deem "degenerate" gets purged. They were book burners. They only see media as tolerable fluff, ideological, or subversive. It must be "realist". 99% of otaku media would either be entirely unacceptable or need extreme changes to fit their standards. If you don't love and embrace "degeneracy", you're not an otaku.

>Mecha? Must only have burly men fighting for the good of the state. Loli??? At best chemical castration, at worst execution.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2021, 2:02am
>> No. 1289 [Edit]
>I was not talking about Pornography at all.
>somebody said lewd cartoon images would never be allowed in Nazi Germany
Huh. But did you never talk about "lewd cartoon images"?
>I was referring to this idea that all Nazi media has to be political or realistic depictions of men in factories or men fighting wars
>They only see media as tolerable fluff, ideological, or subversive
Tolerable fluff includes non-lascivious nudity in art. Maybe that even served ideological purposes in some cases.

Go back to your tanks instead of dredging up something from months ago.
>> No. 1290 [Edit]
File 161977468720.png - (852.89KB , 914x458 , Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 18-52-01 Pantherfibel.png )
You abstract reasoning really is quite defective isn't it? But then it's not something anybody can learn.

>Tolerable fluff includes non-lascivious nudity in art.

Moving the hurdles again now?

>>Mecha? Must only have burly men fighting for the good of the state.

I would not call these the most burly of men(or realistic).
>> No. 1291 [Edit]
File 161979787224.jpg - (100.59KB , 625x850 , 4d754965f2088b20bbb4278680df2d43.jpg )
I'm not going to have to same argument with you twice where your try pedantically picking at every word looking for a "gotcha" while outright ignoring everything you have no response to and the general message, because you're incapable of perceiving it.
>> No. 1292 [Edit]
Well it's not the same argument, I already gave up on that >>758

Your abstract reasoning is failing you again I see, I am not looking for a 'gotcha' and as for outright ignoring everything you have no response to and the general message, because you're incapable of perceiving it.' Well I mean, I outright told you here >>1285 what I had meant by lewd, you then followed up with this >>1287 completely ignoring that and I responded(again) that I was not talking about pornography and you ignored it(again) with 'Huh. But did you never talk about "lewd cartoon images"?' I had told you what I meant by that already.

If somebody is incapable of perceiving things here it is you.
>> No. 1294 [Edit]
>I had told you what I meant by that already.
And I told you you were wrong, because you were. You can't even pick up on that apparently
>>1291 the image here is lewd. The image here is not >>1268
Somebody who's not an asexual autist would understand that.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2021, 10:00am
>> No. 1295 [Edit]

>pedantically picking at every word looking for a "gotcha" while

Who is the one doing that I wonder? I already told you, multiple times what I meant by it, I told you multiple times I was not referring to the literal definition, that I was not referring to anything pornographic but to the internet usage of the word lewd(which is basically anything that is revealing in anyway even if it is not lascivious, in fact most the time somebody says lewd it is not lewd, even the image you say is lewd by the literal definition is barely lewd if at all). Even making fun of your abysmal abstract reasoning is getting tiresome now.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2021, 10:11am
>> No. 1296 [Edit]
>but to the internet usage of the word lewd (which is basically anything that is revealing in anyway
Where on the internet? I don't know what you're talking about, so it can't be as wide-spread as you think it is. If you mean people who are clearly joking, why would you ever use "that definition" when even the people who use it that way aren't being serious?
>> No. 1298 [Edit]
File 16198034477.png - (100.51KB , 210x256 , Screenshot 2021-05-01 at 02-51-16 Tigerfibel esn 0.png )
Everywhere, all the time, you just did it yourself.

>Definition of lewd

>1a : obscene, vulgar lewd remarks
>b : sexually unchaste or licentious (see licentious sense 1) lewd behavior
>2 obsolete : evil, wicked

That slime is doing no such thing. She is just sliming around being a slime, just like this image is just a girl in a bath. When people say lewd they usually just mean a naked girl or even a girl that has her underwear visible.
>> No. 1299 [Edit]
>That slime is doing no such thing. She is just sliming around being a slime
This proves my earlier point about you not being able to understand what makes something actually lewd/lascivious. That can't be taught. At least you've admitted it now. Last reply.
>> No. 1303 [Edit]
The definition for lewd is right above your post if you would have cared to read it.

This is all is ridiculous and 'pedantically picking at every word looking for a "gotcha"' anyway. I had told you numerous times and I am telling you again, whether the image is lewd or not by the literal definition doesn't matter as I had never meant it by that. Your abstract reasoning keeps fixating you on this pointless thing while ignoring the elephant in the room, is this because your abstract reasoning cannot even see the elephant to begin with?
>> No. 1307 [Edit]
You realize that dumb cartoon tank manual was never issued, right.
>> No. 1308 [Edit]
Source? I am fairly sure it was and I also know they were both approved.
>> No. 1309 [Edit]
>It's not a myth. As I said however, It's a waste of effort searching for when you have no ability to even address the basis of this.
You have no ability to to understand what makes something obscene/vulgar/lewd because you're autistic and probably asexual, so you think it's just about nudity. Pose, style, detail, subject-matter and context don't register in your disabled mind. Otherwise you wouldn't have posted those manual images as if they prove something. Apparently you're a blatant hypocrite too.
>> No. 1310 [Edit]
I have told you so many times now, I never said it was just about nudity and in fact have said the opposite quite a few times, I even posted the definition that you constantly ignore. And AGAIN!!!!!! This is not even relevant it's arguing semantics and ignoring the actual point. I had said, right from the beginning that I was not using lewd in the literal definition yet you keep going on as if I was regardless of how many times I try to get through your thick head that I wasn't.

And again, it's just a slime sliming.

And also where is the source?

Post edited on 1st May 2021, 6:53pm
>> No. 1357 [Edit]
of course they can be, by handwaving and making excuses and so on. but I found I could not in good conscience reconcile the two, and consequently anime ended up saving me from both Christianity AND the Far Right.
>> No. 1378 [Edit]
What hand waving and excuses would need to be made?
>> No. 1379 [Edit]
Just a fair warning, don't respond to this annoying prick.
>> No. 1380 [Edit]
Yes, don't reply to me, it will make his flawed proposition appear even more flawed.
>> No. 1420 [Edit]
On the Muslim note, both ISIS and the Taliban have expressed that anime is okay with the Taliban saying "It's just a cartoon"
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
If this is your source, it's not very convincing.
Libtards are also "okay" with video games. See how that turned out.
>> No. 1426 [Edit]
they're far more accepting than Conservatives, see Jack Thompson
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
Of course they can, I am one.
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