No. 767
I don't think I would call myself an otaku at all, no. I'm far too casual to consider myself one. Spoiler'd for blogging.
I watch some Anime but that's typically just one or two shows every season. Like, I watched a bit of Choyoyu but I think the introduction of the nekololi character caused me to drop it (I think not liking loli that isn't oppai loli is a severe detriment to my "otakuness"). I wanted to watch Cautious Hero and Kemono Michi but I only have a CrunchyRoll subscription as of now. Missing out on BOFURI is causing me to seriously consider subscribing to Funimation too.
With regards to Manga, I think I'll have to learn Japanese and start importing because I don't think I can find complete sets of legally available, translated manga. It's possible I simply haven't searched hard enough though.
With regards to videogames, I believe my life is moving in a direction where I won't have the time for something like a JRPG. I currently play an MMORPG but it's not Japanese. It's not even Asian. I like its art style, its lack of sexualised and violent content and somewhat fun gameplay. I play it for roughly an hour, killing Lord Vanaduke once every day. In the near future, once I'm employed, I imagine I'll have less time to sink into it and I imagine this will even moreso be the case once I'm a family man. Due to the restrictions on my time, what I'll need is a game that you can pick up and play but at the same time, has depth to it so it's engaging and I think Fighting Games are the only games that offer this. From what I see of TheMainManSWE, it seems that Tekken 7 is a fighting game worthy of investment so it might do me good to get good at Tekken 7 so that in the future, with perhaps a little bit of learning, I can pick up and play whatever is the most modern installment in the series. Currently though, I'm typically at or just below blue ranks and I lost at least 5 straight matches to a Lucky Chloe player which caused me to drop the game and I believe I've only touched it once, since.
In order to know the meaning of the word, I typically use my expectation of a general person's idea of the word's meaning as the definition. For example, as a Catholic, I accept the idea that we are Christian but I believe that for the general person, there's a difference between being Christian and being Catholic so I call myself Catholic. Even if the meaning of words vary depending on who you talk to, you'll always find some kind of consensus amongst some group of people and so as long as that's true, as long as there's some kind of consensus on what the idea is, I believe it's still possible to discuss the idea so I don't think there's any reason to be disheartened by attempting to discuss these things just because the words' meanings aren't absolute amongst all people.
I've never heard anyone say that Christians are obligated to love other Christians. While I've never seen a call to hate other Christians, I've never seen a call to love them either. What I typically see is Christians of one branch saying that they'll pray for the Christians of the other branches, that is, pray that those Christians convert to the branch of the one making the prayer. I also want to say that the online Protestants behave very differently from the Protestants in the real world according to what I've read. There's a lot of Protestants that don't have a militant hatred of the Catholic Church. I suppose it could be argued though that Protestants that don't hate the Catholic Church are not true Protestants just as there are those that call themselves Muslims and yet feel apathy towards the idea of imposing Islam upon the rest of the world (despite the explicit teachings of the Quran) but there doesn't seem to be anything in the doctrines of Protestant churches to assert a hatred of Catholicism as every other denomination along with Catholicism is all asserting sole supremacy. It's just that a hatred of Catholicism seems unusually common among internet Protestants. Although perhaps one should consider that the Protestants were protesting against the Catholic Church so perhaps vitriol does make sense for them.
You see, I don't think I would ever be free. Spoiler'd for blogging about my past life.
Before I became Catholic, I was on 8chan/fringe/ studying the occult, New Age practises, New Thought practises, parapsychology and other paranormal phenomena. I genuinely believed, based off of the Electric Universe theory and the sensations I was experiencing when experimentally worshipping them, that the planets and the Sun were actually conscious entities so I wanted to take Astrology very seriously. I would have most certainly practised some sort of Sun worship. I was listening to and meditating to particular Binaural Beats frequencies, believing that I could unlock ESP abilities. I was constantly refreshing the front page of reddit and checking the catalogs of 8/pol/ and 8/v/ because I believed that particular threads would appear, based upon messages the Universe wanted to give me. I wanted to be an Esoteric Hitlerist and, following the teachings of Miguel Serrano, take the fight against the Jews to the Astral Plane as well as discover hidden libraries (Astral Libraries) containing secret knowledge of man's past and what was known in Atlantis. I wanted to use Lucid Dreaming to trap some kind of spirit in a prison so I could harness it for its energy (or "loosh", as it's called in these communities). I wanted to investigate the Montauk project. I believed in the Montalk website's teachings. I used to follow Aug Tellez. When my psychosis began, I thought I was under the influence of a "negative entity" and so I started listening to DrVirtual7 videos, listening to the frequencies and emptying my mind so that I could absorb the messages more deeply. I wanted to use lucid dreaming in conjunction with Carl Jung's theories and go on some kind of journey of self-discovery. After doing that, then maybe I'd feel motivated towards getting work done and feeling an unbreakable zest towards life.
I also remember wanting to use some kind of electric signal detector so that I could look for regions of low or high activity (a paranormal investigator suggested this although I cannot remember if the activity needed to be low or high) and then, in the back of a caravan, I would go to sleep with a device to monitor the motion of my eyeballs. According to some scientific experiment I read, it was possible for one lucid dreamer to move his eyeballs in a specific way which would then cause his eyeballs in the real world to move in that same way. With this, the lucid dreamer was able to communicate that he was in a dream. Then, using that device, I could communicate that I was in a dream to a machine that would then start drip-feeding liquid DMT into my veins. Now I can take DMT whilst being inside of a lucid dream and have what should be a very interesting trip.
There is something very distinct that I remember when I wasn't Catholic and it was the fact that I felt, at the back of my mind, a deep dread whenever I pondered the idea that I was free to do whatever I wanted and that there were no "real" rules. "Freedom" made me anxious. Combine that dread with all of the things I had a natural interest in and I was going to be into something. Even now, I still haven't abandoned lucid dreaming, even if I won't be trapping a spirit, taking DMT or discovering my true self. Stumbling upon Robert Waggoner has made lucid dreaming incredibly appealing to me as the potential is phenomenal. I definitely intend to read his "Gateway to the Inner Self" book. I haven't abandoned Carl Jung either. I hope to become a Thomist and then combine that with lucid dreaming to somehow understand Carl Jung's work in a new way. To produce something close to the kind of work Jung himself might've produced had he been a Thomist.
We Catholics don't worship the Pope. As Dr. Brant Pitre said in a talk about his book "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary", when Catholics worship God, they offer sacrifice to him. The sacrifice of the Mass for instance is the one most highly favoured by God. Nobody offers sacrifice to the Pope. He is venerated, yes, but not sacrificed to and thus, not worshipped. If you so sincerely believe that the world would be better off without Catholicism, I would like to ask for your opinion on Catholic exorcists. You see, these men battle with the demons that plague people and the reason why demons are able to affect these people's physical health, mental health or finances is either because of their own sin or someone else's (e.g. generational spirits passed down from evil ancestor or rape/child molestation). What do you think of the work of exorcists? Do you think they and the victims of demons they deal with are all just in some collective delusion? I think it's worth noting that Fr. Ripperger states that whilst demons can be the cause of a mental illness, not all mentally ill people are so due to demons. Putting it quite frankly, he says some people are just nuts. He also talks about how genetic entropy is real (and then says that it disproves evolution. I don't know if things are really that straightforward but he's fairly educated so I'll put some faith in him but I'll verify it for myself with my own research) and that this is partly why mental illness is appearing.