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File 147842741731.jpg - (93.39KB , 640x480 , hammybattle4t43g45.jpg )
1490 No. 1490 [Edit]
Lets see some battle stations guys!
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>> No. 1504 [Edit]
File 148469322653.jpg - (750.15KB , 1200x900 , SEYZFlF.jpg )
I'm thinking of adding some LED back lights and am still waiting on a new keyboard but this is my set up for the time being.
>> No. 2214 [Edit]
Tangentially related, but I was wondering what computer (/office) chair you guys use. Up until recently I'd just been sitting on my bed (leaning against the wall with a pillow) to use my laptop, but that's (unsurprisingly) been resulting in back pain lately.
>> No. 2215 [Edit]
I'm thinking about hanging something in the walls since there's so much emptiness and it feels opressive but I can't find anything with a good quality/price relation. I could get something printed I guess, but I've never tried that.
>> No. 2216 [Edit]
File 16159729841.jpg - (9.52KB , 450x450 , 51qFBoUkR+L__AC_SS450_.jpg )
I use an Ikea chair because it seemed the cheapest alternative (70€) to those super expensive desktop chairs, but I can't say if they are good or bad since most of my life I used the most atrocious shit to sit in front of the computer, so anything designed for it feels good to me.
Still, I end laying in bed most of the time, it's like a death drive manifestation that makes me end in bed doesn't matter the time of the day.
>> No. 2217 [Edit]
File 161598858524.jpg - (156.66KB , 619x938 , chair.jpg )
I use an ergonomic mesh chair I got on sale since my back's pretty bad. Got it for around $120 bucks after a nice deal along with a coupon — normally twice that. It looks quite uncomfortable but it's actually one of the comfiest chairs I've had.
>> No. 2218 [Edit]
My dad has that chair. It leans back too much for my taste. I like sitting closer to the edge of my seat, so that sloping feeling annoys me.

Post edited on 17th Mar 2021, 6:55am
>> No. 2220 [Edit]
(According to reverse image search that's Staples Hyken).
You can actually get the higher-end ones for quite cheap used. For instance, you can get Aerons for $250-$350 if you hunt around a bit. And considering that they last 20 years or so and are designed to be repairable it doesn't seem too outrageous. But I don't know if the Aerons are actually as comfortable as people say they are or they're just overhyped placebos.
There's probably a way to adjust recline tension
>> No. 2221 [Edit]
Yes, it's Staples Hyken. Sorry for not specifying that.
And yes, you can adjust the recline angle as well as "disable" it completely to allow for it to be similar to a rocking chair.
>> No. 2315 [Edit]
I was able to test a bunch of chairs in my quest to buy a comfortable one. Here are some quick thoughts, in case it might help anyone else:

* Steelcase Leap V2: A bit overrated in my opinion, I felt "boxed in" by the seat (especially the way the sides sort of curve slightly inwards like a bucket racing seat). It just felt overengineered and heavy, but a lot of people seem to like these so your mileage may vary.

* Think V1: A lot lighter than the v2, and an interesting hybrid between mesh and foam seat/back where they suspend a thin piece of foam on a bunch of metal wires that can flex to mold to your body. But in practice the seat felt pretty uncomfortable, there was almost no lumbar support 9even with their adjustable plastic contraption), and there was no way to set recline tension. I feel like there's a weight threshold to get the metal wires to actually bend, and I guess I was below that cutoff (I guesstimate you need to be > 140 ish)

* Haworth Zody: Currently trying this, I like the mesh back and its lightweight feel. It doesn't have any fancy gizmos like the other two steelcase chairs, it's just a solidly designed chair with all the things you would expect.

Note that the one chair I didn't have the chance to try was the much-hyped Aeron, although I think the hard plastic edges of the mesh seat would have been an instant dealbreaker.

If you're shopping for chairs, it would behoove you to try to find a ushed/refurbished furniture dealer nearby. Depending on your location (rural or urban) this might be easier said than done, but you can usually get chairs from liquidation places or office closing sales for a fraction of their original cost. This guy's [1] reviews of various chairs were also very helpful in identifying things to look for.

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