I'm not sure. If I wanted to make a lewd figs thread, should I make it here or on /ns/?
>>1280 Her boobs look really weird in the front shot. It's like someone welded them together
>>1281 I was thinking the same, like, someone super glued her breast together and she tried pulling them apart. Or as if something crawled in there, and was crushed.
>>1282 >Or as if something crawled in there, and was crushed. This is my fetish.
Oh yeah, there's no image spoiler on /fig/, deal with it.
>>1297 wow you're right, I wonder how I missed that one.
I always end up saving big boobed figs but I don't like them that much. I prefer nice well rounded ones like this >>1311.
Those hips.
I fail at kakusu apparently.
>>1317 The horror that is naked figmas. They all have the same bust size.
>>1318 They're not rally naked since the panties are still there I think. Also, they have the same bust size since they all use the same body, there's only been one cast off figma released so far after all.
>>1317 Same body, different heads?
>>1321 yes, although one of the photos there shows the body with her original head it came with, try to guess which one.
>>1322 must be that coffee aya fig. I've seen it before. Must be the pantsu and that shirt.
>>1323 yeah, only thing was they also changed out the arms, since the aya fig came with white ones, as shown in the corner of that image.
Does this thing actually come with the green glue?
>there's only been one cast off figma released so far after all. I think you can buy unofficial figma boobs in different sizes
>>1331 where would that be from? also, what good would it be without the lower part of the torso? most figma bodies are made with the top and bottom being attached, even the ones that aren't are still made with clothing.
>>1332 I remember seeing it on /toy/ ages ago, I think they were on Yahoo Japan auctions. It was a nude figma body that came with different breast sizes.
>>1293 >>1297 would be nice to know the origin site( tineye and google failed me)
This thread pleases me. >>1314 What's this from? A picture in particular as with headphone girl?
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