Last weekend, I went to a big regional con. Full three days, drained my wallet and account to thirteen dollars. I hope you don't mind if I post what I bought in this thread. Things I bought were at a reasonable price compared to others I have seen online. Also a lot of import goods I never saw anywhere else. The best part is that you can check everything and make sure you have a quality purchase. First is an overview of all the merch I purchased. There are some really overpriced items I went nowhere near, and a few dealers were selling with overinflated prices. I'll find out the names of them so I can avoid them.
First purchase was this Erica Hartmann that I have wanted for a long time. She's same scale as the Yoshika Miyafuji Mobip, so I'll pose them together in attack formation when I rearrange my bedstand.
Next was this. I found it for $4, which is unheard of. I've had this insatiable urge to have one for a while.
Next was the Lucky Star OVA statue of Konata. One of my best quality items, not a bad price for it. Saw it "marked down" for $40 at another booth.
Yoshika Miyafuji plushie. It's been so long since I have bought one (Five years) and when I saw it... Had to have it. $25. I consider it a steal.
This was actually a personal consolation prize. I wanted a Cirno keychain like this, but it sold out by the time I found the booth again. I bought this after finally finding the booth. These are usually overpriced, if you do go to a convention, I don't suggest falling for it unless it's hard to find anywhere else.
Listening to radio chatter, or Lili Marleen...?
Final purchase (of interest to TC) was this Konata plush for a decent price. I know I could find lower than $15 online but sneaking shipped packages into my house is harder than just packing it into my suitcase and bringing it home.
My last pic is my new setup, after an hour of rearranging, dusting, setting up, relocating and trashing. If anyone wants other angles or info, please ask. Has anyone else made purchases from conventions?
>>1025 Looks nice. The only things I ever bought from the four conventions to which I've been were a Lucky Star trading figure, a TTGL shirt, and a Hoshii Miki Revoltech. Conventions rarely have things I can't find online, and online is usually for cheaper.
>>1025 Sexy set up. The colored lights are a nice touch.
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