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File 149804492945.png - (630.76KB , 1000x1000 , 0e92dd99c6fd03e9396847644ecf8b3b.png )
2416 No. 2416 [Edit]
What do you want played at your funeral?

For me it's gotta be this.
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>> No. 2417 [Edit]

life is brief.
fall in love, maidens
before the crimson bloom
fades from your lips
before the tides of passion
cool within you,
for those of you
who know no tomorrow

life is brief
fall in love, maidens
before his hands
take up his boat
before the flush of his cheeks fades
for those of you
who will never return here

life is brief
fall in love, maidens
before the boat drifts away
on the waves
before the hand resting on your shoulder
becomes frail
for those who will never
be seen here again

life is brief
fall in love, maidens
before the raven tresses
begin to fade
before the flame in your hearts
flicker and die
for those to whom today
will never return
>> No. 2418 [Edit]
File 149806660823.jpg - (279.36KB , 600x485 , 1267721624261.jpg )

The place changes and goes, like a wind, like clouds
Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places.

The place is so far away, be far apart
People's hand does not reach, so merely has (the) worship.

The place is a lofty lord, can't meet nobody put on
We will lose the place, so lofty which changes.

Not all were desired, however, we're never sad
Still, there is still the place, far away, far away.

(The wind) blows through the place, an endless, with all
Like the ripple float on the water, it blows as it goes.

The place is no make at all, nothing is shown
Like the sand clasped by hand, it falls vainly.

The place is (a) profound lord, and wear the vain faint light
But we will find it in the place, the hut at which it stands still.

If not concerned with all, it will maintain that no dye
Therefore there is still the hut, it's lonely, solitary.

No halt at the wind, it soars to the sky
Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise, it grows up as reborn.

The hut has held new one that's different from all
Like the sand castle of the children, but realized with the mind.

The person is a vain statue wear taciturnity calm
Still, we will know a huge flow, it is stopped by nobody.

Soon, the wind wears the snow cloud, will be dyed to snow-white
Summer grass will incline, no sunlight, feebly shade.

The place buried in deep snow, like the collapsing castle
Like the head of the shade, figure will be thrown away

The hut buried in deep snow, it sinks in to the flood
and The "not dyeing" is dyed out, and waits for a oppose one.

Even if all are healed, be gonna no return
There is still the place, far away, far away.

The place changes and goes, like a wind, like clouds
Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places.

The place is a lofty lord, can't meet nobody put on
Still, there is still the place, far away, far away.
>> No. 2812 [Edit]
Good Riddance (Hades)

And an honorable mention to Blackbird (Alter Bridge)
>> No. 2814 [Edit]
“This is my brother
My bro
He is actually my only true friend
If that is how you say it.”
As if I'll get an eulogy though
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