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File 149121427058.jpg - (274.96KB , 1920x1080 , lets win some crap.jpg )
3228 No. 3228 [Edit]
I've been thinking I should give more back to the site here, and figured a give away might not be a bad idea. I've got a number of figs I haven't been able to sell from my shop, and a few from my collection that could use new homes so this seemed like the most logical thing to do. If things go well maybe we'll be able to give out better prizes in the future.

So simply put, once every month I'll give out a fig (or figs) to a randomly selected winner. All you have to do is post your steam id in this thread, and if you win I'll message you asking for shipping details. I'll select the winner on the 22nd.

Why steam ids you might ask? It's a simple way of keeping people from cheating is all. TC has no user accounts and plenty of people here change IPs all the time (which would be an issue for confirming winner identities and make it easy for people to cheat), not to mention we have no PM system here. meanwhile most people aren't gonna have more than one or two steam accounts (with content on them at least).

Post edited on 3rd Apr 2017, 8:48pm
4 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 3233 [Edit]
You're a good guy, Tohno.

I'm going to be moving soon so I'll hold off on entering until then, but it's very generous of you to do this.
>> No. 3234 [Edit]
I gave this a bit of thought since I know no less than half of this site's users are from outside of the US. Some have suggested a small fee for people outside of the US to cover shipping costs, but I think paying for prizes is hella lame and defeats the point, so I'll cover it regardless of whatever country it's going to... within reason of course. I wont ship it if it's to some small obscure country that has insane shipping costs.
>> No. 3236 [Edit]
i dont have any figs, maybe this is my chance to have at least one. i dont mind paying for shipping.
>> No. 3237 [Edit]
It's things like this that remind me of how much of a great guy you are. Thanks for this, Tohno.
>> No. 3238 [Edit]
>> No. 3239 [Edit]
>> No. 3240 [Edit]
Five days left guys and only four people have entered so far. As is stands those four people each have a 25% chance of winning. If you join you'll still have a pretty good chance of winning. Just a reminder: This comes at no cost to you and entry is free.
>> No. 3241 [Edit]
This is a neat idea, though I wouldn't want to hassle you with the expensive overseas shipping cost.

Good luck everyone!
>> No. 3242 [Edit]
I just realized recently I'm going about this a bit wrong here. Rather than having a giveaway for a selected figure each month, what I should be doing is having a selection of figs/items that a winner can pick from. I think I'll try doing that instead next month. For this month things will continue as they are though with the currently selected figure.
>> No. 3243 [Edit]
Last chance for anyone who wants in. I'll be using in a few hours to decide the winner.
>> No. 3244 [Edit]
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Seems we got a winner here.
>> No. 3245 [Edit]
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>> No. 3246 [Edit]


Once I get photoshop working later this week, I'll upload a couple of pictures of her.
>> No. 3247 [Edit]
File 149362296347.jpg - (2.25MB , 1000x3499 , Prizes.jpg )
Gonna change things up a bit here. From now on the winner gets to choose their prize from a pool of items.
Previous entries will be nullified. As before if you would like to enter just submit your steam id and if you win I'll contact you. Participation is free and there is no charge for shipping. Note that many of these items are used, and some are missing parts or have some wear.

Here are the prizes for the month of may 2017:
Item 01: Petit Eva: Evangelion@School - Horaki Hikari - Banpresto (opened but like new)
Item 02: Quiz Magic Academy - Riel - Chii-Chara Sets Vol. 3 - Konami (new)
Item 03: set of four eva trading figures (new)
Item 04: Se Kirara - Shizuno Izumi - Figma #086 (used and missing some parts)
Item 05: Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q - Ayanami Rei - UCC Evangelion Project, keychain thing from eva, and clearfile? (all Pretty much new)
Item 06: Lucky☆Star - Hiiragi Kagami - Kusakabe Misao - Figma #047 (used and missing some parts)
Item 07: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS - Takamachi Nanoha - Figma - Barrier Jacket - 005 (used, just missing box)
Item 08: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS - Fate T. Harlaown - Figma #009 (used, just missing box)
Item 09: Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi - Kurumi (new)
Item 10: The Idolmaster - Futami Mami - Revoltech - Fraulein Revoltech 006FS (new)
Item 11: Shin Seiki Evangelion - Souryuu Asuka Langley - PM Figure Vol. 3 (used, missing box)
Item 12: Evangelion Shin Gekijouban - Makinami Mari Illustrious - PM Figure Vol. 3 (used, lot of scuffs, missing box)
Item 13: Stratos 4 - Honjou Mikaze (opened box but like new)
Item 14: Mayura - RMP 002 - Vance Project GSI Creos (new)

You can look them up on for more information on them.
>> No. 3254 [Edit]
>> No. 3257 [Edit]
>> No. 3259 [Edit]
Wow, I could really dig a free Rei or Asuka.

I've been mulling over making a small shelf diorama with cheaply acquired 80's/90's anime girls in an arcade. For now it's just 2 girls, some Mario candy tins and a Pac-man arcade cabinet, because I can't find the Space Invaders one.
I'd have to find and print cabinet art, but the hard part would be the patrons.

This is all irrelevant anyways, my only Steam has no paid games. Too bad there's no alternatives.
>> No. 3261 [Edit]
That's okay. Doesn't really have to have paid games on it.
>> No. 3262 [Edit]

I was mostly concerned people on my friends list might be vulnerable, but I guess no one can see if it's on private huh.

Steam is so lame.
Makes me really nostalgic for the golden days of Xfire.
>> No. 3263 [Edit]
>Steam is so lame.
Agreed. I loathe the platform.
>> No. 3264 [Edit]
Haven't heard that in ages. Definitely kept it simple. I think Steam was actually pretty good in the days when you used it sololy for Valve games. Went to shit when it tried (and succeeded) to become the M$ of gaming.
>> No. 3265 [Edit]
File 149550359930.jpg - (14.87KB , 206x232 , Capture.jpg )
I guess steam doesn't let you message people who aren't on your friends list already, so I sent an invite.
>> No. 3266 [Edit]
lucky! I'm happy for you.
>> No. 3267 [Edit]

God I hope they don't choose 05. I'd get another chance at best girl next month.
>> No. 3268 [Edit]
i want five too, we'll fight for it next time
>> No. 3269 [Edit]
File 149678710586.jpg - (2.18MB , 1000x3499 , Prizes june 2017.jpg )
Sorry for the delay folks, been kinda busy lately. >>3254 ended up picking Item 11 from last month. Other than item 11 it's all the same items from last month.

Here are the prizes for the month of June 2017:
Item 01: Petit Eva: Evangelion@School - Horaki Hikari - Banpresto (opened but like new)
Item 02: Quiz Magic Academy - Riel - Chii-Chara Sets Vol. 3 - Konami (new)
Item 03: set of four eva trading figures (new)
Item 04: Se Kirara - Shizuno Izumi - Figma #086 (used and missing some parts)
Item 05: Evangelion Shin Gekijouban: Q - Ayanami Rei - UCC Evangelion Project, keychain thing from eva, and clearfile? (all Pretty much new)
Item 06: Lucky☆Star - Hiiragi Kagami - Kusakabe Misao - Figma #047 (used and missing some parts)
Item 07: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS - Takamachi Nanoha - Figma - Barrier Jacket - 005 (used, just missing box)
Item 08: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS - Fate T. Harlaown - Figma #009 (used, just missing box)
Item 09: Koutetsu Tenshi Kurumi - Kurumi (new)
Item 10: The Idolmaster - Futami Mami - Revoltech - Fraulein Revoltech 006FS (new)
Item 11: Garbage quality clock with Ayanami Rei on it, Petit Eva R-style 3 Evangelion@School random figure, and I have no clue what those cylinders are but they're related to Eva somehow. 'Possibly' rolls of tape is my best guess.
Item 12: Evangelion Shin Gekijouban - Makinami Mari Illustrious - PM Figure Vol. 3 (used, lot of scuffs, missing box)
Item 13: Stratos 4 - Honjou Mikaze (opened box but like new)
Item 14: Mayura - RMP 002 - Vance Project GSI Creos (new)

You can look them up on for more information on them.
>> No. 3270 [Edit]
hory shitto, number eleven's even cooler than five now.
>> No. 3271 [Edit]
>> No. 3272 [Edit]
>> No. 3277 [Edit]
File 149788928415.jpg - (1.28MB , 2048x1536 , IMG_0430.jpg )
Thank you Tohno. I like it very much.
>> No. 3278 [Edit]
>not keeping your boxes in good condition
For what purpose?
>> No. 3279 [Edit]
For some people they take up too much space to justify holding onto.
>> No. 3280 [Edit]
Thats a moon cake box. The fig didnt come with a box
>> No. 3281 [Edit]
File 149821256813.jpg - (15.50KB , 278x264 , hgfhgfhgf.jpg )
Looks like we got our winner for June. congrats!
>> No. 3283 [Edit]
File 149876589264.jpg - (768.60KB , 2048x1152 , 20170629_124548.jpg )
Thanks Tohno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 3284 [Edit]
Wew, So 05 is still up for grabs.

I even use Steam now that someone's given me CS:GO and I downloaded a few free games so it's worth keeping one.
>> No. 3290 [Edit]
Is July's not happening?
>> No. 3293 [Edit]
Tohno is amazing guy. Call me your no 1. fan.

I won't be entering the run, but good luck to everyone that applies!
>> No. 3294 [Edit]
File 149988403737.jpg - (2.41MB , 1000x3499 , Prizes july 2017.jpg )
Shit, sorry I forgot to post for this month. Been really busy with selling our house and other irl bullcrap. I'll push the drawing back to the 25th instead this month because of the delay. It's all the same stuff but with 14 replaced by this Nanoha fig.
>> No. 3295 [Edit]
Good luck, does this mean you're moving?
Seeing the state of your room, that would take me weeks to pack.

>> No. 3312 [Edit]
I wouldn't feel right entering so soon after discovering this place, but I wish everyone the best of luck!
>> No. 3314 [Edit]
yup moving, it's gonna suck having to pack everything up. Haven't started yet but really should.

It'd be nice if winners didn't go again to give everyone a shot at winning something, but I suppose if someone really wants to enter again I wont stop em.
>> No. 3324 [Edit]
Tohno, it's the 26th.
I'm dying of anticipation.
>> No. 3325 [Edit]
File 150112399277.jpg - (32.38KB , 388x390 , heads.jpg )
Sorry about that, been really busy.

Whelp, since only two people entered I went with a coin flip and assigned heads to >>3295 and tails to >>3313

It landed heads so >>3295 wins this month, Congrats.
>> No. 3326 [Edit]
Congratulations! What will you choose?
>> No. 3327 [Edit]
File 150116206994.jpg - (151.71KB , 750x1000 , 1497239957900.jpg )
Thanks again Tohno.
I don't think I recognize the girl in 13, looks like Magical Girl Emi with twintails.

I've been waiting a few months to pick best girl
>> No. 3328 [Edit]
Ah, so you will be picking item 11, the Rei Ayanami clock?
>> No. 3340 [Edit]
File 150189129882.jpg - (6.57MB , 4608x3456 , DSCN0589.jpg )
Package came in safe. Thanks Tohno.

I wonder if the rumours are true and more tape does prevent lazy customs officers from opening things? Most of the figma I've ordered over the years get searched. I used to keep the customs tape, but I ended up having too much of it, became pointless to collect.

Sorry the picture is so ass, I tried to jury rig a decent light setup and I shake like like a blender on high when holding a camera.
The Rei is really pretty, amazing how far painting has come over the decades, she's so small, yet the details are exquisite.
The EVA-02 keychain fig looked like plastic uranium glass, so I put it under blacklight, but it only sorta fluoresces, doesn't seem intentional.

Sorry to keep you in suspense, but I didn't think it was worth posting to point out the obvious.
>> No. 3341 [Edit]
Sorry to say but I wont be doing the drawing this month since I'm in the middle of moving and have been very busy, and probably wont have easy access to my stuff for a while due to it going into storage for a few weeks.
Maybe I can start doing this again in October.
>> No. 3342 [Edit]
No problems Tohno. I hope the move goes as smooth as possible.
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