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3556 No. 3556 [Edit]
What do you guys do with old stuff that you don't really like anymore, or possibly bought really early on for cheap? I can't sell them on craigslist or anything, but I'd feel bad throwing them away. I'm only really concerned about the crab one but at some point I want more like the 1/7th size ones in the back, and I think it would look nice to have all my figures be similarly sized.
>> No. 3557 [Edit]
sorry i didnt know my picture was so big
>> No. 3558 [Edit]
I've sold mine on ebay, but this can be a problem if they're not worth anything. In such cases grouping them together in a single listing for money can make up for shipping costs and fees.
>> No. 3559 [Edit]
I usually stuff them in a cardboard box and bury them underground. Once they pile up I gather them all together and throw them away. Don't feel bad throwing them away OP, give them a big hug and a goodbye.
>> No. 3560 [Edit]
That feels almost cruel.
>> No. 3561 [Edit]
It's put into a care package (with manga, old DVDs and flash drives filled with downloads) and dropped off at a nearby orphanage for Christmas. They really do appreciate the stuff, and it makes me feel better knowing I've found a good home for my figs.
>> No. 3563 [Edit]
That's very nice of you. What have the said about the flash drives and their contents though?
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