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File 129879443985.gif - (15.69KB , 100x100 , 1296613276766.gif )
410 No. 410 [Edit]
Question for photoshoppers.
Is it possible to edit .gif files and still keep the motion image it has?
Cause i'd really love a Kurokona edit of this one if possible.
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>> No. 416 [Edit]
File 129880474390.gif - (19.35KB , 100x100 , kuro.gif )
Gave it a shot, but the hair got messed up when conventing back to .gif, not sure how to fix it..
>> No. 421 [Edit]
That's just because the .gif file format only supports 256 colors, and her hair not being one of those 256 colors it just uses dithering to attempt to get as close as possible. If you wanna get the hair right you might wanna use an APNG since it uses a 24-bit color pallet.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
256 colors and black isn't one of them? weird.

Doesn't look too bad though
>> No. 451 [Edit]
>256 colors and black isn't one of them? weird.

There are many "shades" of black.
>> No. 585 [Edit]
its not a consistent set of 256 colors, generally whatever jpg->gif or png->gif you're using will choose the 256 most common colors in the original 24 bits per pixel image.
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