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File 130465001537.jpg - (89.04KB , 704x476 , hidamari-miyako-animalart.jpg )
1102 No. 1102 [Edit]
Have you ever wanted to write a work of fiction? If so, what would it be about? What medium, what genre, give us a synopsis of the story or idea behind it. What makes it interesting to you?
>> No. 1104 [Edit]
Yeah I have. Writing is a hobby of mine.

Ever since I was 15 I've been trying to write a story called (name removed). It was supposed to be a story about a boy with a friend who's a triad member, meeting two different mysterious girls and ending up with one of them. It was supposed to be able to be adapted to visual novel form.

In hindsight it was incredibly vague and charged with lots of teenage hormones (not that my current writings aren't full of hormones..).
>> No. 1105 [Edit]
For as long as I can remember I wanted to write fiction but never did. Then a little over a year ago I manned up and finally started writing. I've written a novel, a few short stories, and am currently writing my second novel and planning a third. I have too much stuff I want to write about.
>> No. 1109 [Edit]
Depends; do you mean strictly as a book? Because I've written plenty of cartoons.
>> No. 1117 [Edit]
No, any medium. Short story, visual novel, video game, anime, etc.
>> No. 1118 [Edit]
Yeah I have ideas for a lot of hentai, visual novels and games but I don't think I'll ever get them done.
>> No. 1119 [Edit]
Yes. All kinds of mediums appeal to me. Comics, video games, Visual Novels, etc. My problem is I can only draw and come up with ideas. Since I'm a terrible writer, I can't make a story work to save my life. I've started countless "projects" but I can't seem to finish even one. I go through the planning stages, make concept art, get started on the actual project (making a few pages, or sprites depending on what I'm working on) then hit a wall and can't seem to continue.

As for the ideas themselves, lots of them are post-apocalyptic, mixed with both sci-fi and fantasy elements. Nothing too interesting, just things that let me be as creative and crazy as I want with character and world designs.
>> No. 1125 [Edit]
Yeah, quite a bit.

I never knew what I wanted to do when I grew up when I was young so becoming an author has pretty much been the only aspiration i've ever had in life.

I have a great many ideas, despite knowing I will never actually write any of them, much less get published or something stupid like that. It's extremely depressing.
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