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File 130671562064.jpg - (201.87KB , 900x600 , tamayura.jpg )
6209 No. 6209 [Edit]
I know we're a lazy bunch and we don't go out that much but I'd still like to propose you a photography thread as it can be funny like I'm imagining it.

It's simple. Use any device that let's you take photos and report back with something interesting you found. It can be anything. Outside your window, in your room, in your backyard, in your garage or house. It doesn't have to be any kind of professional stuff, although that's okay of course.

Please limit photos to a maximum resolution of 2560x1920 or something around that area for everyone's viewing pleasure. The photos have to be new and not something you took last year. がんばって!
354 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 6581 [Edit]
You can scrub my EXIF data, if you know what I mean.
>> No. 6582 [Edit]
I always scrub EXIF whenever I post something.
>> No. 6583 [Edit]
Only scrubs don't scrub their scrubby EXIF data from their pictures of scrubs scrubby scrub scrub the srub dub dub.
>> No. 6584 [Edit]
Only scrubs don't scrub their scrubby EXIF data from their pictures of scrubs scrubby scrubly scrub the srub dub dub.
>> No. 6590 [Edit]
File 140944661227.jpg - (1.15MB , 2560x1920 , 2014-08-15 10_50_42.jpg )
How pleasurable it is to see my old picture in this thread from 3 years ago!
>> No. 6591 [Edit]
File 141106509864.jpg - (617.52KB , 1624x1299 , DSC00875_v1.jpg )
Hey butterfly guy, my cat has started collecting dead lepidoptera too!
>> No. 6592 [Edit]
File 141106523591.jpg - (624.25KB , 1422x1600 , DSC00880_v1.jpg )
I only found two, but I'm sure he keeps more of them somewhere else.
>> No. 6593 [Edit]
Good for him. He already has one Opsiphanes invirae and one Eacles masoni (both females; curious taste).
>> No. 6595 [Edit]
File 14116278228.jpg - (644.77KB , 871x1204 , Un Emile 68 (louche).jpg )
Finally got to do this.
Not bad.
>> No. 6596 [Edit]
I guess green fairies don't show up in photos?
>> No. 6598 [Edit]
No, but they do in the form of dreams (or nightmares) afterwards. Geez, what a night.
>> No. 6601 [Edit]
File 141169456622.jpg - (16.60KB , 227x216 , fairies.jpg )
EDIT: Sorry, my mistake. They're right there: the fairies are the louche, that is, the wormwood oils' emulsion that gives absinth its peculiar taste. The intoxicating effects apparently are just due to the high alcohol level, though.
>> No. 6602 [Edit]
File 141368082197.jpg - (349.10KB , 1820x1024 , DSC00891_v1.jpg )
It's that time of the day again.
>> No. 6603 [Edit]
File 141368206196.jpg - (301.67KB , 1600x988 , DSC00895_v1.jpg )
He/she/whatever had a beautiful pattern on the inside of the wings, but it was really hard to photograph. That and she was gone when I was back from formatting my camera's disc.

A bit to the left: a big spider's web. She almost threw herself there fleeing from the camera's flash.
>> No. 6604 [Edit]
File 141368298055.jpg - (92.04KB , 1405x480 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 6605 [Edit]
File 141368374981.jpg - (104.91KB , 1092x840 , DSC00920_v1.jpg )
Case in point.

It's really hard to shoot this one due to where her web is placed. Really hard to get in good position, even harder to get the natural illumination to work for you and nighly impossible to keep the flash from doing a mess with the reflections on her body.
Nevertheless, I'm quite happy she's there. Not only she's apparently from the same species as my deceased one(related?), her web is right above where I buried her.
>> No. 6606 [Edit]

I don't know.

Probably a Hypna clytemnestra and some Consul sp., but I can't really tell for sure. Some Charaxinae, in any case.
>> No. 6607 [Edit]
File 141503053977.jpg - (289.97KB , 1340x1092 , spider1.jpg )
Improvised macro lens for my phone.
>> No. 6608 [Edit]
File 141503105769.jpg - (332.85KB , 1456x1092 , spiderbutt.jpg )
>> No. 6611 [Edit]
File 141503176365.jpg - (450.10KB , 1431x1011 , intel.jpg )
Intel D8742 1977 8-Bit Microcontroller
>> No. 6612 [Edit]
File 14150320967.jpg - (241.46KB , 1287x1053 , spider2.jpg )
>> No. 6613 [Edit]
File 141627372530.jpg - (1.40MB , 845x1900 , Chapulín (Tettigoniidae sp).jpg )
Well, that macro works alright. Arachnida will never be my thing, though; I've had to kill several nasty ones lately.

Anyway, I've been doing some garden work with my mom, so I've been watching these others guys again. I normally leave them alone, but I decided to collect one since I watch them flying (looked nice); here it is on the spreading board.
>> No. 6614 [Edit]
File 142717409939.png - (741.17KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Girl Friend Beta - 03 [720p]_mkv_sn.png )
Is bug guy still around?
>> No. 6615 [Edit]
File 142718292284.jpg - (519.07KB , 576x768 , Morpho-Prepona-Saturnidae.jpg )
There are at least two of us, but what is it?
>> No. 6616 [Edit]
File 142724071153.jpg - (1.37MB , 2560x1920 , P1160118.jpg )
I think I met one briefly a while back on a different image board. I collect bugs too but they are wasps instead of butterflies/moths/etc.
Just wondering since this thread looked dead.
>> No. 6617 [Edit]
Did he ask you about a Dolichovespula maculata?
>> No. 6618 [Edit]
File 142738666672.jpg - (328.18KB , 888x927 , P1160951.jpg )
Yes he did. The species is very common and widespread here.
>> No. 6620 [Edit]
Well it could've been me, then.
>> No. 6621 [Edit]
File 144168775318.jpg - (446.93KB , 1200x675 , leet water.jpg )
The place where I work has a filtered water dispenser that I visit here and there during my work day.
Almost missed it.
>> No. 6622 [Edit]
File 144168805226.jpg - (1.17MB , 1200x900 , coincidence much.jpg )
Also someone carved this into our desk, and I swear to god it wasn't me!
>> No. 6624 [Edit]
File 144281753057.jpg - (366.06KB , 1944x2592 , IMG_20150920_204255_0.jpg )
I found a marshmallow on the ground walking home today I was overjoyed with this find, an I wanted to share this with all of you it's these little things that make me happy in life :3
>> No. 6625 [Edit]
Did you eat it? Don't lie to me.

Post edited on 21st Sep 2015, 8:50pm
>> No. 6627 [Edit]
Sorry you just struck me as a person that would.
>> No. 6629 [Edit]

How pleasurable it is to see my post from 2.5 years ago about my post from 3 years ago!
>> No. 6631 [Edit]
File 150462838624.jpg - (238.92KB , 2260x1695 , 1.jpg )
view from my room
>> No. 6632 [Edit]
File 150462840898.jpg - (462.45KB , 2260x1695 , 2.jpg )
>> No. 6633 [Edit]
File 150462846070.jpg - (155.78KB , 2260x1695 , 3.jpg )
>> No. 6636 [Edit]
File 150838535380.jpg - (669.93KB , 2048x1152 , XEB2t2o.jpg )
I stayed at a place for a while that had these scratches behind the shower door.
>> No. 6637 [Edit]
File 150840628764.jpg - (762.80KB , 1125x1500 , Lizard 2.jpg )
A cute lizard I saw today.
>> No. 6640 [Edit]
File 150844300119.jpg - (445.05KB , 1125x1500 , squirrel 2.jpg )
>> No. 6642 [Edit]
File 150976675859.jpg - (539.21KB , 2048x1152 , cVzqnU9.jpg )
While wifi leaching at a near by Carl's jr this bee was trying to get out through the window next to me.
>> No. 6643 [Edit]
File 151262471983.jpg - (247.15KB , 562x750 , burying.jpg )
>> No. 6656 [Edit]
File 151523848441.jpg - (119.30KB , 1196x888 , View.jpg )
The view out my window.
>> No. 6657 [Edit]
File 151525839173.jpg - (250.38KB , 1190x892 , froze.jpg )
>> No. 6660 [Edit]
File 15153773854.jpg - (412.92KB , 1814x1012 , card reader.jpg )
>> No. 6733 [Edit]
File 152297535815.jpg - (293.55KB , 1600x900 , nekomimi.jpg )
>> No. 7119 [Edit]
File 158877760124.jpg - (1.90MB , 2560x1920 , IMG_20200505_174038.jpg )
Been coming to this place for a while now but recently it's been empty since that hotel and the one business next to it have been closed for weeks. Nice having the area to myself.
>> No. 7131 [Edit]
File 160023449241.jpg - (407.26KB , 1000x750 , sunset.jpg )
one of my old /fumo/ pictures
>> No. 7374 [Edit]
File 170447147163.png - (782.99KB , 1222x576 , Shelves.png )
Since you mentioned taking photos of something in your room, I decided to grab my phone and take a picture of one of my shelves from bed.

It's very zoomed in, which explains the resolution.
>> No. 7391 [Edit]
File 171258645032.jpg - (3.66MB , 4080x3060 , 旭丘分校.jpg )
I've finally made the trip there. There is an indescribable wave of emotion as you walk into the grounds and starts to play. Unfortunately the condition of the building itself has deteriorated to the point that visitors are no longer allowed inside.
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