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File 158153492091.png - (146.64KB , 1836x962 , 8.png )
7032 No. 7032 [Edit]
I don't know how interested others are, but I love seeing and recording stuff people write, especially about other boards. They always age in a funny way.
85 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 7142 [Edit]
At least half of the CC and lolcow population are just males LARPing and traps. Even if any of them left their containment boards, rule 12 exists for a reason.

What concerns me more is the growing amount of posts I've seen lately that add absolutely nothing discussion-wise and aren't even complete sentences. I'm not expecting to see PhD theses in each thread, but part of the reason why I post here is because it's clear that most posts are made with effort and sincerity. I see more and more examples of people bumping threads that haven't had replies in over 2 years just to post three words and an irrelevant image (or using their waifu as a makeshift avatar).
>> No. 7143 [Edit]
>At least half of the CC and lolcow population are just males LARPing and traps.
I don't know how you would know that. It seems like the kind of stupid meme people tell themself because it's what they want to hear.
>I see more and more examples of people bumping threads that haven't had replies in over 2 years just to post three words and an irrelevant image
I haven't noticed much of that. Bumping old threads also isn't something i'd consider a bad thing since it often leads to renewed interest in them.
>> No. 7144 [Edit]
There isn't anything wrong with bumping older threads. Older threads being bumped while nothing of value is being added to the discussion is part of the problem. However, it's not the main problem which is low-effort shitposting. I'm sure you can find examples of what I mean and I'd rather not turn this into a meta thread.
>> No. 7150 [Edit]
File 160432699145.png - (99.30KB , 1801x877 , ugh.png )
>> No. 7155 [Edit]
File 160538894126.png - (60.57KB , 1805x517 , reasonstobethankfultotohnp.png )
>> No. 7166 [Edit]
He's being sarcastic, right?
>> No. 7168 [Edit]
I'd call it shitposting.
>> No. 7186 [Edit]
File 160579478312.png - (50.79KB , 1749x166 , wants.png )
>I love seeing and recording stuff people write, especially about other boards.
I wouldn't use the word 'love' for that in general, but this excerpt from the image in >>7044 has a very nice feeling. I want the same things as this anon.
>> No. 7239 [Edit]
I don't follow internet drama much so I was only vaguely aware of kiwifarms until recent news that they had harassed the developer of higan snes emulator into killing himself. Then again I don't trust the media's reporting of anything considering they inflate 4chan's /pol/ into some sort of boogeyman, but it does seem like the entire shtick of the forum is harassment of individual people.
>> No. 7242 [Edit]
File 162619867682.png - (427.77KB , 1801x762 , deathPNG.png )
God damn. Web masters give up so easily too. Fucking spineless.
>> No. 7243 [Edit]
After recommending them a new domain service, the crisis has been averted.
>> No. 7252 [Edit]
File 162728755876.png - (453.41KB , 1869x701 , how.png )
You know, at some point, you think something can't disappoint you more than it already has. Like you've already reached the bottom of the barrel and things couldn't possibly get worse. And then somehow, in some way, you get surprised. It's really amazing.
>> No. 7253 [Edit]
File 162732660077.png - (401.02KB , 1848x1396 , death2.png )
lol. I didn't use any slurs, just told him off. He even deleted his own response.
>> No. 7254 [Edit]
File 162733227887.jpg - (77.18KB , 500x667 , 210726_03.jpg )
What a faggot.
>> No. 7255 [Edit]
dare I say, based.
>> No. 7271 [Edit]
File 165052458016.png - (124.36KB , 1920x1554 , cocaine.png )
>> No. 7272 [Edit]
Is this for real I can't find anything about that board even in the archives. Do you know what is even worse than making such a board? Retreating afterwards. At least stand for your own damn opinion if you wanted to make it.
>> No. 7273 [Edit]
File 165082485666.png - (277.54KB , 1819x624 , no face.png )
He deleted it soon after that screenshot was taken.
>> No. 7274 [Edit]
That's kind of hilarious. Thanks for the post.
>> No. 7328 [Edit]
File 165743963182.png - (36.65KB , 1846x200 , sigh.png )
>> No. 7343 [Edit]
File 166273825730.png - (159.97KB , 1502x1004 , death of an era.png )
On R34, the featured image right now is a photo-shopped picture of a young queen Elizabeth's face on a nude, buxom woman in a kneeling position.

Here are some comments I picked. While I expected ambivalence, I was surprised that some have a strongly negative opinion of her. In any case, I find the reactions of people in this very particular, unusual context to be interesting.
>> No. 7344 [Edit]
I'm fascinated that people have any opinion at all. I mean at this point I expect normals to basically take up the topic du jour and beat it to a pulp, but as far as I understand (which is minimal considering I don't live there) the queen was just a figurehead who looked fancy sipping tea and had zero influence on any policy. So it makes no sense to mourn (or exalt) the passing of someone who's entire presence was basically just a no-op in terms of influence on the average person's life. I can at least appreciate the passing of someone who has contributed meaningfully in a unique way to art or math, because their contributions are not fungible: if a manga artist hadn't been there, it's unlikely that particular series would have ever existed; but if the queen hadn't been there, another person would have taken her place.
>> No. 7345 [Edit]
I talked about it with someone who does live there and has a negative opinion on the whole royal system. They resent its use of tax dollars, and certain members' involvement with shady people and groups. Epstein, Free Masons, stuff like that. William apparently also has some skeletons in the closet that have been totally covered up.

To give the Queen credit, her way of conducting herself was smart and must have taken quite a bit of resolve. In the hands of a less competent person, the system very well could have collapsed. Maybe that will even happen with Charles as king.

Culturally, I kind of get it. There's some religious aspect to it, and I would consider her role similar to that of Japan's emperor.

Post edited on 9th Sep 2022, 3:40pm
>> No. 7346 [Edit]
Some people are just horrible and there are quite a few conspiracy theories about her.
It's also based on politics I would say, those on the far left hating her for being a monarch and those on the far right hating her for representing a system that is failing them even if she is not the cause of it.

She does do nothing, but she is a symbol and something we all grew up with.

I think she probably gives more back the the English economy than she takes. In the same way that France has an image of romance and sophistication, Britain has an image of royalty and things that are old and that is based around the fact that they have a monarchy. In the same way the image France has attracts millions of tourists a year, I would say the image Britain has would do the same, particularly amongst Asian tourists.
>> No. 7356 [Edit]
File 167509702837.png - (562.85KB , 1836x1672 , convo.png )
This conversation I had resonated with me. 66749 was my first post. As usual, people don't have a proper response to the truth.
>> No. 7357 [Edit]
I replied to your post on lainchan, since my post is pretty long and I didn't want to derail the thread
>> No. 7379 [Edit]
File 170537978714.png - (15.73KB , 1327x130 , tcuserinthewild.png )
Adding to the growing collection of TC mentions screencaps.
>> No. 7380 [Edit]
Always had the impression uboachan has more users, but I stopped going there regularly years ago.
>> No. 7381 [Edit]
I don't know. That place always seemed dead to me. Maybe that's because it has too many boards.
>> No. 7382 [Edit]
Every time I tried to go on there it was always spammed with images. (Not spam in the "spam" sense, but more like a bunch of posts with only images attached and no text. There was no actual discussion to be found.)
>> No. 7383 [Edit]
File 170543485526.png - (1.43MB , 1340x2808 , 1601017442535.png )
>> No. 7386 [Edit]
File 171037322689.jpg - (467.30KB , 1434x1800 , 1710369804889688.jpg )
Very suspicious.
>> No. 7387 [Edit]
File 171037324777.png - (333.02KB , 1898x1252 , b day 2.png )
>> No. 7388 [Edit]
That's almost 2 decades past now though. It really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that basically every federal agency and state-police has direct access to posts and IPs of every user.
>> No. 7389 [Edit]
File 171037743726.png - (541.90KB , 1877x2167 , 1710370217470736.png )
So why haven't people moved on?
>> No. 7419 [Edit]
File 172082746010.jpg - (54.75KB , 788x383 , 1118076705814.jpg )
i needed to look at it twice initially as well
>> No. 7425 [Edit]
File 172500504230.png - (166.40KB , 1239x712 , 1724971425993896.png )
>> No. 7432 [Edit]
File 173233299579.png - (190.20KB , 1603x568 , rickastley.png )
It goes on and on.
>> No. 7433 [Edit]
File 173233303154.png - (89.23KB , 1190x1142 , rulecreep.png )
How things change...
>> No. 7434 [Edit]
You can tell the admin did not fare well in the intervening years. Makes me appreciate all the more the stability of tohno even as he goes through his rough patches. This board has held up very well.
>> No. 7435 [Edit]
While going down the list, the new rules seemed reasonable until about half way down, which is when I thought to myself "oh boy, here we go..."
>> No. 7436 [Edit]
It honestly makes me sad to see, I used it quite a lot in the early 2010s. I don't remember when, but I ditched both Uboa and Sushi years ago. Although old Sushi wasn't owned by Sei.

TC is the only place I know that withstood time. It makes me worried that there is no other site left I enjoy, but at the same time I am very grateful for TC and those who maintain it and impressed by their work.

2016 really opened the floodgates and swept away almost everything. Nothing like the occasional flood that occured earlier, where either only one thing went under or took a hit but was build durable enough to take it.
>> No. 7437 [Edit]
It's funny I remember talking about the decline of Uboa on a different thread offsite and everyone was just blind to it. On Uboa itself they even do historic revisionism saying "we [trans users] were always here first". I suppose the decline makes sense, it was frequently advertised on Tumblr early on. It was bound to happen.
I really admire the resilience of both Tohno and TC. Even when he's at his lowest, I hope he remembers that people here appreciate him.
>> No. 7438 [Edit]
We should have a tohno appreciation day (nanchatte). Likewise I really do appreciate having this forum for discourse. I don't know anything about Tohno himself as a person; I don't know what his mental state is, or if he ha e.g. ever posted in the /so/ anime girl for your thoughts thread. But I do know that maintaining this forum against tides of time must require a lot of patience and fortitude, and I will assume those qualities reflect on Tohno himself as well.
>> No. 7439 [Edit]
File 173239574915.png - (210.75KB , 1920x1506 , begging.png )
I actually only posted there from late 2016 to early 2019. At the time I was an underage highschooler. Many of my posts were dumb and annoying, but I made a lot of them. If you look at /ot/'s catalog, at least a third of those threads were made by me. So I like to think I didn't contribute to its decline.

sei was always an inattentive admin, and all the mods had moved onto their official discord, which had siphoned off the majority of activity. So whenever there was a flamewar or something, it took forever for anything to be done about it. In 2018, he started begging for hosting money. Uboachan even went down a few times. This is despite a friend of his already offering to pay for hosting. Regardless of his mental health issues, I think this is unforgivable.

I finally left after a rule change was made I disagreed with. It came from the staff, the very same who abandoned ship as you can see here >>7273
In retrospect it was petty, but that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

>it was frequently advertised on Tumblr early on
I figured he proactively advertised it in places like that.

Post edited on 23rd Nov 2024, 1:15pm
>> No. 7440 [Edit]
File 173240816648.jpg - (566.27KB , 680x510 , 62532789_p0.jpg )
> It's funny I remember talking about the decline of Uboa on a different thread offsite and everyone was just blind to it.
I made the horrible experience that a lot of people don't even know how it was in the past and therefore have no idea what you are talking about.

> On Uboa itself they even do historic revisionism saying "we [trans users] were always here first"
History is something I love. Be it Internet History or not, if I see something like this I wish I had a Death Note.

> I suppose the decline makes sense, it was frequently advertised on Tumblr early on.
Advertising imageboards is an awful idea. Find it on your own, at most word-of-mouth. Even when you look up a list of them you have at least to know what an imageboard is and it implies you know the basics of them.

> I really admire the resilience of both Tohno and TC. Even when he's at his lowest
Tohno cares about TC. Unlike for example Sei, who pushes his ideology. Even worse is that he tainted Sushi with it, something he snatched from a previous owner and perverted it.

> forum
Nigger please.

> and all the mods had moved onto their official discord
Already hated IRC for that and Discord made it even worse. Maybe I am alone with that, but I think all activity should go to the board and an imageboard should not have anything affiliating with it.
>> No. 7441 [Edit]
I appreciate the kind words, but again I feel like I don't deserve it. I don't do nearly as much for the site and community as I could (but should have some more free time now that I'm going back to being a NEET again). I've had help along the way from people who I feel don't get enough credit. Most of the bans or deleted garbage you see is probably thanks to them.

I do have to say though, I'll never understand admins/owners who beg for money and keep their sites hostage in the process. TC is a home for me as much as it is for anyone else, probably more so. With the increasingly condensed dumbed down corporatized and sanitized landfill that the internet is turning into, floating in a sea of brainrot, It's feels like I'm stranded on an island and it gives me some peace of mind knowing I'm not alone in being alone.
Even when I was flat broke I didn't have much trouble paying for this. Then I see stuff like >>7439 with "$4 needed by the 9th to keep the boards running." What the fug is this? Who can't pay $4 for their own site?
You know the only reason I haven't already paid off our servers for decades in advanced (so the site can go on without me) is because people keep recommending we change servers, which is something I try to keep in mind.

>the /so/ anime girl for your thoughts thread.
If you mean the post cute anime girls thread, yeah a few times...
If you ever want to talk, I'm chronically on our IRC channel (I have no life) chatting with others about pretty much anything and everything. At the risk of sounding narcissistic, I've also made a number of posts here and have taken to making blog like posts on twitter It's kinda the only large social platform I've used, and even then it can feel like a chore which is why I'm always so far behind with my posts. I dunno, even with all the artists uploading content to it "something" about using twitter just doesn't feel right to me, maybe it's too normie for me, too social, too mainstream, I don't know.
Hopefully that can paint a bit more complete picture. If you want to know more, we could make a thread on /fb/ for Q&A, maybe something other staff can join in with too, but again I'm always on IRC anyway and can be a bit of an open book. I can understand it can be a bit concerning to know the community you join hinges on it's owner, so I'd like to try and give you guys some peace of mind in that regard if I can.
>> No. 7442 [Edit]
I personally prefer preserving the mystery of it. I feel like if I learned too much about you I probably wouldn't like you (it's not an indictment of you, there's just very few people I would imagine myself getting along with.)
>> No. 7443 [Edit]
File 173251228487.png - (859.74KB , 1680x857 , channel4bbs.png )
All boards on Channel4 BBS just show this picture. Does this mean it's kill now? Well, I don't know. Posting this for archival purposes.
>> No. 7444 [Edit]
It looks like it's just the links in the sidebar that were changed. Access to the boards still appears to be available via their actual URLs.
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