No. 6260
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>I have an unhealthy obsession with abandoned places, like Hashima, Pripyat, and abandoned villages in Japan and the US.
Me too. Too bad there aren't any abandoned houses anywhere near me, so I can't go take any pictures. There used to be one, which I explored to death but never took any photos. And there have been a few house fires in the recent years, but they always get torn down in a matter of days so I don't even have the time to explore them. Too bad I don't have a car, because there's an abandoned mill on the old bus route to my old school, and I've always wanted to explore it but the buses don't pass it anymore and it's too far away to go with a bike or by foot.
I've always wanted to check out the city of Pripyat, and a couple abandoned places in Japan too. But I can't afford that stuff.
Here's an interesting site by the way:
It has lots of abandoned places too. I've never really visited any, because of the aforementioned lack of a car, but I found a couple abandoned military bunkers used in WWII etc. around my own country. There are some caches hidden really close to where I live too, but none are abandoned places or such, so I'm not really interested in those...