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File 152646451620.jpg - (151.94KB , 800x575 , music.jpg )
2492 No. 2492 [Edit]
How do you folks classify your Japanese music? I'm re-organizing all my files and hit a wall because I started classifying my music under year of release (e.g. "(2010) Artist - Song name") and genre + sub-genre, but I'm stumped with anime-related music because I have singles that do not warrant having their own folder, yet their classification is so varied that they'd be all over the place (e.g. pop, rock, alternative, instrumental, jazz, etc.). I was thinking of just making a "Japanese" folder since that would solve the issue, but then do I put all the soundtracks related to anime or films there instead of my general soundtrack folder? Anyway, I was curious about how other people classify their music files, since I had never wondered before.
>> No. 2493 [Edit]
I don't really organize my things, but I think in the case of soundtracks source material might be a good way to separate them.
>> No. 2500 [Edit]
I organize all my music in folders alphabetically by circle/band name then album. For example,
...Music\X\[XL Project]\East Side Lounge

I have a general Japanese folder for bands that start with Japanese names. I'd like to organize that alphabetically too but there's so much in there that it'd be way too much of a pain.

For soundtracks I usually use the name of the company I associate the game/anime/film/etc. with for the band name, instead of whatever label the soundtrack was released under. So, a Kirby soundtrack would go under HAL Laboratory, a Higurashi soundtrack would go under 07th Expansion, and a Madoka soundtrack would go under Shaft.
>> No. 2501 [Edit]
>For soundtracks I usually use the name of the company
I like this idea, thanks. Will help a lot when shedding folders like with Squaresoft or Campcom games.
>> No. 2527 [Edit]
I organize my things, including music pretty poorly. I have a handful of music folders, all I fill up till they get reasonably big and then make a new one (Music1, Music2, etc) and if I want to find anything in particular I can do that either by searching the library in a music program or going through the folders, which I sort of know where things are just based on when I was filling up each folder and what I listened to at that time. Same goes for how I sort anime, tv shows, and movies. No organization, just many folders with 25-50 separate things in each.

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