No. 11256
>You're expecting her to be just as forgiving in terms of flaws as you are, or you won't love her.
Yes. For me point of having a waifu is to make me happy. If I have to make some meaningless rules and limit myself in my very own fantasy, I don't see the point. I couldn't be happy.
>If you don't like this, instead of someone else, you should be having a relationship with yourself.
There isn't "someone else". There isn't "relationship". It is waifu.
>Another contradiction
Care to explain?
>Where's the freedom and equality you mentioned in that ?
That there aren't any meaningless rules to limit my own fantasy and my happiness.
>This is starting to sound more and more like an 'imaginary' friend.
Yes. Waifu is imaginary friend for me, if you want to call it something like that.
>With stuff like religion and the bible you're twisting my arguments though, again.
Forcing "this is the right way to have a waifu" sounds very much like religion. I don't think anyone here will disagree with. There is no right way to have a waifu.
>Are we still talking about somebody else here or are you really having a relationship with yourself ? What do you even need 'Kurisu' for, if you decide the way she is ? I think any character you make up in your head could fit the empty space you need filled. Why Kurisu ? Would any other girl even make a difference for you ? I highly doubt so. To me, it looks like ANY female character would do because in you decide what they're like and what they think anyway. This very, very much bothers me.
Waifu isn't just a character. It presents something much more greater. Man can't create something from nothing. Ideas come from somewhere. For me she caught my eyes because she was something different. I loved her personality and she very was very cute. I felt connection to her. Canon Kurisu is very close to my ideal, but still to keep up fantasy where I can be together with her, some things from canon need to be ignore or changed. Like how she loves other man in canon.
Would any other female character do? Sometimes I toy with idea. Like I've said, I don't believe in soul mate or anything like that. I think falling for her was just because of random events. Back then it probably could've been someone else, but not anymore. She was something close to my ideal, but not exactly. Like I said, it would be very lucky if some random character designer just accidentally created your ideal partner and canon source gives you wide collection of information about her so you don't need to assume ANYTHING. Mostly I think that isn't the case. For my ideal isn't canon Makise Kurisu because of various reasons. It is "alternative version" who has the purest heart, accepts me as a person who I am right now, forgives my flaws and doesn't require me to be superhuman, my Makise Kurisu. So far, she is the one who has made me very happy man and she will be doing it in future too. I don't know or care about anything else, and does it even matter?
You seem to be criticizing me because I am making decisions of my very own fantasy, but who here isn't? Fantasy can be anything you want it to be and I think it is very it comes to the essential point of waifu: freedom. There is no right way to have a waifu. We all have our different ideal and fantasy because we are different individuals. Limiting yourself in your own fantasy because you take to consideration feelings of something which doesn't really exist, sounds silly for me, but I am not saying it is wrong. It is just something I don't really understand.
Let me ask you question. Do you have a waifu? Do you consider yourself in "relationship" with her, in other words you aren't just distant stalker? If your answer is yes, who made that decision that you are in "relationship"? If your answer is no, I hope you try understand. I don't mind if someone questions my way of waifu. It is sometimes nice to think stuff like this.
>Are you sure you're even reading my posts ? This is the second time you're stating something I've already covered beforehand.
Seems I totally lost my focus. Somehow I was under impression that you were having similar opinions that OP about this fapping to rape doujin stuff, because that was the subject originally, so seems half-skipped those texts. I am very sorry.