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File 173127951240.jpg - (920.67KB , 1940x1078 , Magical Girl Site - You are going to hell.jpg )
4161 No. 4161 [Edit]
I will post my random impressions here. You could post them too.

Since this board is mostly inactive I think nobody is going to care if I post here a bit. It's not like I am going to be around even a week later, because I'm not actually into manga.
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>> No. 4162 [Edit]
File 173128469255.jpg - (734.13KB , 1926x886 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Magical Girl Site spoiler on the image.

At some points it feels somehow even more feral than the anime, but also characters seem to be much more thoroughly developed and there is some real yuri! going on! Also, I like visuals more.
>> No. 4163 [Edit]
File 173128745437.jpg - (203.55KB , 994x620 , Magical Girl Site - c056 (v09) - p048 - Kayo 1.jpg )
Though honestly I didn't think through that manga and anime differ significantly. The way they wrapped the story in the anime seems is very different from what I read here. Though I don't think it's that much of an issue, it's still somewhat bewildering at times.
>> No. 4164 [Edit]
File 173136554271.jpg - (1.43MB , 1323x2171 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I honestly do not feel alright having this on my disk, huh. I wonder how legal that is at all. But details aside, this is very, very gross. It is off-putting, but at the same time it creates some tension that makes you sympathize with the girls. On the other hand, it is somewhat forced. You get raw brutality stuffed right in your mouse out of blue. I'm not trying to discredit it, but at this point it starts to feel dull and repetitive.
>> No. 4165 [Edit]
File 173136692455.jpg - (543.78KB , 2006x452 , Magical Girl Site - c059 (v09) - p112 - What.jpg )
Plot went completely sideways. It is nothing like the anime itself. Why would they do it? If they knew the couldn't finish the series because source was incomplete yet, why cramming and making up stuff that simply isn't there? Annoying!
>> No. 4166 [Edit]
That's nothing new. The anime is there to advertise the manga, but they don't want to just end it on a cliff hanger.
>> No. 4167 [Edit]
File 173136954871.jpg - (253.42KB , 616x808 , Magical Girl Site - c060 (v09) - p136 - Kayo 1.jpg )
You say so, but Magical Girl Site anime is finished on a cliff hanger. If they were going to do it anyway, they could it better.
>> No. 4168 [Edit]
File 173136989184.jpg - (1.00MB , 1986x822 , Magical Girl Site - c062 (v09) - p164 - Kayo 1.jpg )
Another thing that bugs me is that I have a very strong feeling I've read it already, though I do not remember ever reading it. The characters... it's like I'd known/seen them long ago. Also, the way I arrived at it is very unnatural. I do not read manga, as a rule, because I prefer books. Reading manga is more of an exception for me. Why would I care for this? Magical Girl Site isn't bad, but it's not good enough to warrant such efforts on my side.

It feels almost like discovering myself again. I don't remember ever watching the anime either, and when I decided to give it a try, I honestly thought I were watching it anew, but yet later I remembered some moments from some episodes.

Just what the fuck is going on with my head?
>> No. 4169 [Edit]
File 173144490011.png - (1.81MB , 2145x3056 , 97cm.png )
This is funny. Imagine being under 1m in height. Literal lilliputian. Anyway this girl is hilarious. Metallic aplomb, destructive power, calculating mind, blank poker face and whole 97 centimeters of height. This makes me smile.
>> No. 4170 [Edit]
File 173144926352.jpg - (208.77KB , 410x832 , Magical Girl Site - c073 (v10) - p153 - Sawtooth.jpg )
I don't understand what happens at all. One of the things I dislike about manga is how sometimes panes change so rapidly with so little insight you just loose track of things and have to imagine half of it yourself only to later discover yourself being wrong. Sometimes it's completely unclear what's happening. It happens in anime too, but it's worse in manga.

Also I don't like this sawtooth girl. Sharp pointed teeth don't fit into the broader picture of Japanese anime art style. It is offputting and meaningless. They shouldn't do that.
>> No. 4171 [Edit]
File 173153089724.jpg - (32.42KB , 261x312 , Magical Girl Site - c076 (v11) - p018 - Never the .jpg )
There are no words in the whole world to describe what bestial mix of emotions this simple scene has raised in me.
>> No. 4172 [Edit]
File 173153659974.jpg - (900.51KB , 1936x1160 , Magical Girl Site - c084 (v11) - p163.jpg )
I don't know if that's supposed to be funny or impressive or both, but I just can't take this chibi seriously. It's just too hilarious. Look at her. Must an apparition from a horror!
>> No. 4173 [Edit]
File 173161431954.jpg - (890.02KB , 1728x1144 , Magical Girl Site - c095 (v12) - p159 - Heretics.jpg )
You can only imagine all the possible uses for this amazing pane.
>> No. 4174 [Edit]
File 173161842366.jpg - (0.98MB , 1985x1436 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Imagine a story about wretched unfortunate girls without a story about adoption. I'm surprised I'm surprised.
>> No. 4175 [Edit]
File 173161918698.jpg - (2.12MB , 1993x2204 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I don't have to supply this with a comment, right? Right? Right? My eyes bleed
>> No. 4176 [Edit]
File 173170005658.jpg - (79.46KB , 495x450 , Magical Girl Site - c111 (v14) - p062 - Surprised .jpg )
Imagine waking up at the middle of the night wondering what that noise is only to discover that magical girls are fighting evil creatures in your house.
>> No. 4177 [Edit]
File 173170078017.jpg - (683.52KB , 2026x1448 , Magical Girl Site - c114 (v14) - p116 - Enough to .jpg )
That's pretty much it, Tohno. I may never be able to talk to you, but just existing here alongside you makes me happier.
>> No. 4178 [Edit]
File 173170180755.jpg - (1.65MB , 2032x1254 , Magical Girl Site - c116 (v14) - p161.jpg )
This pane didn't need to exist. Just why in the world...
>> No. 4179 [Edit]
File 173170640094.jpg - (483.00KB , 2032x534 , Magical Girl Site - c126 (v15) - p159 - Teenage an.jpg )
Another thing I learned is that web based manga reading is a fucking joke. Interfaces provided by sites for reading manga are a big stinking fucking abomination. There is absolutely no other choice of words to describe the average experience of reading manga online.

On the other hand, mComix is a God's blessing if nothing else. My experience with it has been so smooth and flawless I can't believe such software exists. Unfortunately, automatic page turning sometimes skips 5-10 pages for no reason, so I had to turn in off, but on the NumPad arrow down and page down are placed near each other so there is no problem at all to turn pages manually.
>> No. 4187 [Edit]
File 173693244476.png - (283.00KB , 1125x1600 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.png )
I don't like attaching an entire pane, but there's no way to cut it unfortunately.

This manga is hilarious. This pane sort of hits home, you know.
>> No. 4188 [Edit]
File 17369360506.jpg - (162.88KB , 1125x491 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
It is kind of fascinating how many people converge on the thought it's better to be in love with a monster girl that loves you than with a regular woman that is a monster.
>> No. 4189 [Edit]
File 173693699098.jpg - (464.29KB , 1052x1137 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
The absolute best pane. Its sheer cuteness is mind boggling.

Post edited on 15th Jan 2025, 2:30am
>> No. 4190 [Edit]
File 173693755916.jpg - (125.93KB , 938x363 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
Forgot there's kakusu so I don't appear too spammy

Fox girl is right, if this continues, the "I'm just not grown enough mentally" excuse will not do anymore~!

Post edited on 15th Jan 2025, 2:42am
>> No. 4191 [Edit]
File 173694105396.jpg - (86.20KB , 489x540 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
This chapter really stands out among all others in its premise. Usually you'd expect some sweet happy ending, but this here down to earth realism feels very peculiar and to the point. I guess trading your life for a brief but significant pleasure isn't that bad considering what's real life about.
>> No. 4192 [Edit]
File 173694266568.jpg - (152.03KB , 291x802 , Jingai no Yome to Icha Icha suru - Anthology Comic.jpg )
Took a few hours to read all 17 chapters. It's written in the last chapter that it was printed in 2017, so I reckon there will not be a continuation most likely, still, it was a nice experience. Mostly fun. Don't want to bother with a manga review to be honest, because this this thing is just a collection of very brief slices of life. Definitely worth a look.

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