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File 171941936842.png - (293.20KB , 318x499 , YOZAKURA_vol_1.png )
4153 No. 4153 [Edit]
This manga, Mission: Yozakura Family, I ended up reading the volume 1.

Recently, I just interested in reading manga. My friend told me, reading manga will complete the story than the anime itself. So I went to book store and finding some mangas I want to buy.

I bought some mangas. Between those, it has Mission: Yozakura Family. I read the manga in less than a hour. The manga made me laugh in the middle of the pages.

When I saw the back cover (in my region, there's a barcode and on top of the manga's barcode, it shows a text of its manga's audience), it's a Girls Comic (for some reason it's written manga instead of comic).

Well, there's some question(s) you may need to answer,

Do I need always check the manga audience or I just pick my favourite manga without noticing its audience? What differences between boys and girls manga (optional: some addition information from personal experiences)? And if you have seen some similarities with this manga, is there any manga that has Category: Spy, like Mission: Yozakura Family? (except: Spy x Family)

I'm new in manga discussion if y'all curious.

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