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File 167786323099.jpg - (328.10KB , 1256x1853 , misaki rain beautiful.jpg )
4113 No. 4113 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone know what chapter exactly there is the hasshaku sama scene? When kii chan dresses as hasshakusama and scares tomoko, when they are on summer break or something. I want it for reference to draw.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2023, 9:07am
>> No. 4114 [Edit]
File 167804927410.gif - (11.60KB , 465x375 , __suigintou_rozen_maiden_drawn_by_hida_naria__1cb1.gif )
I looked it up and it seems to be chapter 61.
>> No. 4115 [Edit]
File 167811258757.jpg - (558.84KB , 1000x1306 , futakuchionna.jpg )
Thank you!!

File 168249817292.png - (133.18KB , 230x345 , b3941-wZfQC9er2LSd.png )
4119 No. 4119 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I want to talk about the manga mpd psycho, the ending was butchered, it is really really bad

File 166728670931.jpg - (240.17KB , 1133x1600 , 364p1.jpg )
4095 No. 4095 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Berserk thread since the last one stayed afloat for almost 7 years. This is also a thread for the continuation project by Studio Gaga with story assistance from Kouji Mori after Miura's unexpected passing in 2021. Fantasia Elf Island Chapter ended recently and a new arc will begin in December.
>> No. 4096 [Edit]
File 166728681565.jpg - (525.55KB , 1133x1521 , Berserk_v42c370p01.jpg )
>> No. 4097 [Edit]
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Has it gotten any better since the garbage chapters made by his assistants?

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4088 No. 4088 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Did anyone read this relatively obscure masterpiece?
>> No. 4089 [Edit]
It's on my backlog.
>> No. 4090 [Edit]
File 16642322581.png - (33.84KB , 200x300 , 1640786467541.png )
Lukyon's fate is rather happy as she get reincarnated as Kuroe's child

at least my precious little lukyon got a happy end for her
>> No. 4091 [Edit]
File 166423653543.jpg - (698.37KB , 1200x820 , 121331321321.jpg )
oh fuck sorry about than spoiler

File 157168077549.jpg - (208.95KB , 1024x1536 , うつうつひでお日記.jpg )
3785 No. 3785 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Azuma Hideo passed away on 13 October 2019, at 69. The family kept the news from fans until today, when they released a note on Azuma's official Twitter account I don't know what else to do to pay respects to my favorite manga artist other than posting a thread here so people remember him/look him up, at least for a little while. I never felt so close to someone through an work of art as did with Mr. Azuma's manga. He was an imaginative, funny and talented artist and his stuff always managed to make me cry, laugh and be weirded out in the best way possible. I'll miss him. For the past few years I had been following him on Twitter and it was a joy to go to that website and find out he had uploaded a sketch, drawing or anything else he wanted to talk/post about. I was cogitating on breaking the rules and posting a 3D picture of him (giving the importance of Mr. Azuma, I'm sure the admin would understand) however I realized the artist would prefer to see himself in his manga form, doing what he loved to do. Pushing melancholy away by imagining funny things and cute girls, while enjoying a cigarette. Uploaded is a page from うつうつひでお日記.

16 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3952 [Edit]
File 160390620074.png - (16.26KB , 605x388 , dropbox-email.png )
No, Dropbox suspended the link.
Here's a working on.
>> No. 3953 [Edit]
Megaupload has it out for loli, so I wouldn't be suprised if that also gets removed. You should make a torrent. I tried, but couldn't get it to work.
>> No. 3954 [Edit]
I see what I can do. In the meantime, if the link goes under, just let me know and I'll upload somewhere else.
>> No. 4020 [Edit]
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File 160723756750.jpg - (874.64KB , 2894x4093 , warm mom.jpg )
3969 No. 3969 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A short and sweet story about a droid who finds an abandoned child and takes him in to be his mother. It's a very easygoing manga, there is very little in the way of consistent significant danger or conflict and what is there is mostly to bring out certain parts of their personality. Otherwise the rest is occasionally silly parent-child antics between the two.
There is little to say, and thankfully, little to spoil. I liked this one a lot. It was a shame it was so short but at this point, if I have to choose just one, I prefer to see a series end early instead of continue on too long only to lose it's focus. It was nice to read a manga that focuses on a mother taking care of her kid. I find a lot more manga about fatherhood than I do about motherhood so it was nice to find something I had been looking for for a while now.

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3927 No. 3927 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A snowman turns into a Yuki-onna and engages in wild antics over summer break with her best friend Himari and Himari's aunt, Haru. Along the way new characters and friends are introduced and we get to see what their dynamics are with each other.
I think I can safely say this is a favorite of mine given it's great art, extremely expressive characters, excellent humor, retained focus, and easygoing setting. Unfortunately, translation stopped on this one but I would highly recommend reading what is available. While I doubt it, I do truly hope for an adaptation someday.
>> No. 3930 [Edit]
This is a weird note but the hands and faces looked really good in it.
Another sad casualty in translation for less popular manga.
>> No. 3967 [Edit]
It was picked up by another scanlation group.
>> No. 3968 [Edit]
Holy fuck, the mermaid's a riot. I love it.

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3912 No. 3912 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is your dream manga? What do you want it to be about? Do you want to discover it after it ended so you can read it at your own pace or so you can read it all at once? Who do you want it to be made by? Do you want it to be short or long? Do you want short or long chapters? What kind of characters do you want it to have? What kind of setting and atmosphere? Please post any and all of the juicy details of your ideal manga.
11 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3937 [Edit]
That's life.
>> No. 3984 [Edit]
This would actually make for a good oneshot.
>> No. 3992 [Edit]
File 161422371112.jpg - (497.46KB , 850x1240 , jj.jpg )
I took the basic premise from a shitty tv show, but changed a lot. Maybe it's cheesey, but it sounds really good in my head.

It would be about how on earth there was some calamity that happened a long time ago, and up in space a last vestige of humanity from before remained, a space colony that was hurriedly made in anticipation of the event. The colony has became bureaucratic and draconian in an effort to preserve order and resources throughout the centuries, but now they're near the end of their rope and need to go down to earth or die. They have next to no idea what's down there now because of story reasons. Overall, they have no optimism about their chances of success.

They decide to send 30 of their worst performing, or delinquent students, the people least valued in their society, as a preliminary test, to see if earth is survivable. Among them is a human experiment, the main character. The space colony had a research department for the sake of advancing humanity, and the culmination of their biological research was a genetically modified super soldier, the daughter of their lead geneticist, a cold and sadistic woman. The mc was grown in an incubator and has no father, basically being a modified clone of her mother.

At first she was diligent and trained/studied hard, but started to crumble under the pressure her cold, ever criticizing mother and other adults put on her, the complete lack of meaning she saw in her own life and the isolation from her peers she felt. She started drinking and slacking off excessively, eventually giving up on putting in any effort at all. As punishment, she was being kept in a holding cell for months already, which she didn't really mind. She was fine laying on the flood and staring into the ceiling in a daze all day, only really missing alcohol.

So they get sent down to earth, with vague instructions and little training. They've been extremely repressed their entire lives, so even the delinquents are like scared mice. Earth has transformed into an overgrown, fantasy like setting with bizarre races and cultures scattered about, most of which being superstitious and hostile. The organizers of the mission secretly expected the mc to take control of the group and lead it despite her current state, but because of story reasons, an adult male stoway
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>> No. 4012 [Edit]
Was fapping to an isekai where the elves find the isekai portal and go through it to conquer normalfaggotworld and I was thinking. Neat. But then the manga ended. I'd like to see that expanded upon in more detail.

I'd also like an isekai where Heroes are treated like sexpats in China who get entrapped with lolis and drugs IRL then do all sorts of menial shit for whatever demon king. Funny aff.

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3738 No. 3738 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This thread should serve as a place to discuss any aspect of scanning or manga translation, but I have a question to start off that I have been wondering about. I have asked this in a handful of places but have yet to receive a concrete answer.

What is the best way to scan physical manga volumes? There is a lack of info online on best practices (from what I can find anyway, maybe I haven't looked enough). Of course, there are two ways you can scan books in general: Destroying the binding and scanning the pages individually in a flatbed scanner, or using a book scanning rig (details to such a thing linked below) which on a budget (which I am) one would set up an angled surface for the book to lay open with a lamp shining down and a camera on tripod to take pictures of the pages. Of course the latter method sounds better because you aren't required to destroy the bindings of each book you want to scan. However, my question now is whether that method is even viable for manga, which of course is not only text but images which would ideally be copied with good quality. I would think the rig/camera method would produce subpar images with any kind of comic in addition to photographing a non-flat surface with a volume laid open (pages bending towards the binding), but I'd like to confirm this with anyone who actually knows something about it and has experience scanning manga themselves. If scanning with a flatbed is the only viable way to do this, how do you go about preparing volumes for this? I have heard using a CCD flatbed scanner is best with a black backing behind what you are trying to scan instead of a white one.

Link to book scanning rig info (see cardboard version):
15 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4006 [Edit]
Oh thank you, that's a useful script to have. Somewhat unfortunate but it seems like a lot of scanlators that doesn't have their own sites are using either discord or dumping their scans on sites like 4chan/reddit.

Ah I assume you're also the guy who originally posted about it on the recommendations thread. Thanks for the recommendations I'll look into them sometime.
>> No. 4010 [Edit]
If they didn't backup then they knew their work was TRASH and deserved to be lost forever.
I have 5 backups for every piece of half-finished fanfiction I've wrote both paper and text documents on hardware, cloud, external and internal drives.
Big Manga sites die every five years without fail. When will they learn?!
>> No. 4011 [Edit]
If they didn't backup then they knew their work was TRASH and deserved to be lost forever.
I have 5 backups for every piece of half-finished fanfiction I've wrote both paper and text documents on hardware, cloud, external and internal drives.
Big Manga sites die every five years without fail. When will they learn?!
>> No. 4013 [Edit]
I don't like MangaDex's new API for the fact that, when requesting a chapter's metadata, one must make a separate request to obtain the name of the groups that released it. Yeah, you can request the metadata of groups in bulk via just one request, but it's still kind of a hassle compared to the previous APIs: there's more state to track internally.

File 161936720228.jpg - (154.40KB , 1200x675 , __amayadori_machi_and_kumai_natsu_kumamiko_drawn_b.jpg )
4007 No. 4007 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some of your favorite series or mangaka? Are there recent chapters that catches your interest and feel like talking about? Post and discuss about anything manga related here.
>> No. 4008 [Edit]
File 161936972345.jpg - (306.00KB , 1280x1451 , __original_drawn_by_tsubana__ccc86321ed82fc452d1e4.jpg )
Not exactly my favorite but I have read a lot of works by Minoru Furuya, Yamamoto Hideo and Shuzo Oshimi as well as Urasawa Naoki. YKK is probably still my favorite manga and Ashinano Hitoshi changed my taste in manga considerably. Although I still occasionally read series in the same style as previously mentioned mangaka, I'm not as active in seeking them. Most recently, the mangaka that caught my attention the most is Tsubana. I've noticed that a lot of manga I've picked up/enjoyed in the last few years have mostly been written by female mangaka.
>> No. 4009 [Edit]
File 161963003188.jpg - (300.63KB , 1724x2464 , 01.jpg )
My favorites would be Yasuhiko Yoshikazu, Eldo Yoshimizu, Jiro Kuwata, Nakayama Atsushi, Koutaro Ohkoshi and some others
>Are there recent chapters that catches your interest and feel like talking about?
I've been into Akio Tanaka's work recently but I don't have much time to read nowadays. Can't seem to force myself to finish most things I start either.

File 161390380976.jpg - (172.73KB , 852x1200 , Sadako at the End of the World.jpg )
3988 No. 3988 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This one might be hard for me to write because I don't really have much to say about it. Without giving away spoilers, Sadako at the End of the World is about two young sisters, Ai and Hii, living in a post-apocalyptic world who stumble upon Sadako's tape, watch it, and summon her. Being young and not knowing the rumor that is way before their time, they ask Sadako to accompany them as they look for more people to meet. Each person they find has their own story and quirks and they enjoy simple fun things like performing a home-made stage play with the help of a projector or getting a haircut.
To a more optimistic person or someone who is used to the slice of life genre this might sound like a story that has the potential to become cutesy and add a silver-lining to everything with Sadako changing as a person but they would only be half-right. There is fun for all of the characters to have without mulling over post-apocalyptic doom & gloom but all of that feels ruined by Sadako... well... doing what Sadako does.

When I finished reading it I felt confused. I wondered what the point was. I'm not proud to admit I am, compared to the average Tohno-chan user, a newfag so I don't know the post-apocalyptic genre very well but something I remember from, and something that this manga has in common with, both Kemono Friends and Girls' Last Tour is that no matter how bad things are there is always some kind of silver lining. There is always something to strive for, something to enjoy, something to fight for. I could also remember other post-apocalyptic media which involves people just trying to survive and crying and shouting at each other to pretend they have good writing. Then I look back at Sadako at the End of the World and I realize that it has none of the drama that characterizes the latter and seems to waste the former. After that I'm left wondering what the "point" of the story was. Was it to teach me some kind of lesson? Was it to be cute and fun? Was it to paint a positive picture of death? Or was it just to have Sadako do Sadako things? Because when you have people open up a
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>> No. 3989 [Edit]
From what you describe, it probably doesn't have a point except the weird gimmick. Spending a lot of time on new characters only to kill them off might be absurd and confusing on purpose, like as a form of dark, ironic humor. Or if there is a point, it's to be nihilistic and show the inevitability of death.
>> No. 3990 [Edit]
I've just read it and can understand you feeling the way you do. Most that need to be said have been said by your post and the poster above but I'll just add that the author probably knows what they are doing that is why they kept it as a short and added okiku to not take itself too seriously. Another thing is that it's possible that Sadako herself is the reason for the state of the world, I think every chapter alludes to this. In conclusion, I think it's a decent if unspectacular read with an interesting premise.

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