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File 166425671038.jpg - (135.65KB , 980x1307 , 1663382640803.jpg )
4092 No. 4092 [Edit]
does anyone know a manga with a lot f vomit,blood, and other bodily fluids?
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>> No. 4093 [Edit]
You mean the entire guro genre?
>> No. 4149 [Edit]
goblin slayer
>> No. 4150 [Edit]
File 17093139624.jpg - (167.05KB , 861x1200 , 1659212979440255.jpg )
Made in Abyss. It has pee, vomit, blood, shiet and who knows what else. And those are the author fetishes so he recreates himself with it. Seems perfect for your request. And besides all that is a great work.
>> No. 4156 [Edit]
File 172024437146.jpg - (78.16KB , 728x1021 , 20190827062537215.jpg )
Elfenlied has some disgusting gore scenes, but they're not nearly as detailed as in the Anime.
>> No. 4158 [Edit]
File 172183727591.jpg - (718.30KB , 1801x2560 , 40a90b4b-1c5c-40cb-a376-ea0b5e0904d3.jpg )
I finished Iyagatteru Kimi ga Suki recently and there's a lot of vomit, piss, sometimes (period) blood but mostly vomit.
Hearing people scream when they're being flung around by invisible arms somehow feels more gruesome than just reading it.

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