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File 166748723385.jpg - (198.68KB , 1200x900 , __rahxephon_drawn_by_sarokanten__2980fdf91b205fd1b.jpg )
4098 No. 4098 [Edit]
What do you do about manga preservation? In what way do you store your manga? Do you use these manga sleeves/bags? If so, where do you buy them? If your manga have started yellowing have you tried those chemical yellow stain removal techniques?
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>> No. 4099 [Edit]
>> No. 4100 [Edit]
But I like physical.
>> No. 4147 [Edit]
File 17085725786.gif - (2.10MB , 498x311 , laindance.gif )
>What do you do about manga preservation?
Nothing, other than not throwing them away.
>In what way do you store your manga?
On my bookshelf.
>Do you use these manga sleeves/bags? If so, where do you buy them?
No, but I do have a few historically important German books from before 1945 that I store in plastic bags that I bought from the local drug store, they cost me something like $1 for a pack of 20.
>If your manga have started yellowing have you tried those chemical yellow stain removal techniques?
No, I think the yellow color adds charm. I don't smoke, so it doesn't get too bad.
>> No. 4154 [Edit]
I used to have a massive collection back in middle school, then I had to sell it all because I needed the money and now I'm kinda strictly digital only. Recently I found myself buying again some of my favorite works in paper format but I don't plan on rebuilding my old bookshelf (I don't even own a bookshelf anymore).

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