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File 158895513355.jpg - (423.40KB , 1125x1600 , Asper Girl.jpg )
3824 No. 3824 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone is reading this?
There's 29 chapters out and I have to say it has been one of the most intense readings in a long time. It has caused me to many contradictory feelings. I never liked romance and I can't say this is an exception, but I can't stop reading.

At the beginning I thought it would be some bad case of "cute girl with issues goes to live with loser for no reason", then I was shocked by brutal realism in the depiction of mental ilness.
I think that's what makes me so ambivalent about it. Sometimes I simphatize with the protagonists, there's moments that hit too close to home like few things I have read. Others are repulsive to me. I find the girl repulsive but also cute at the same time, I would hate someone like that but at the same time I can't help but feel sorry for her.
I think few people could understand this manga though, but it's the kind of people that could be found here.
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3877 [Edit]
I did find the first volume on, but not the rest.
The Japanese name is アスペル・カノジョ by the way.
>> No. 3982 [Edit]
I just read the final chapter.

OP, thanks for recommending this, it's my favorite non-comedy manga now. I can identify with the type of personality disorder the male protagonist is suffering from.

But I'm sort of glad it's over now before it started dragging on too much. The whole lawsuit arc was like a cringe revenge fantasy.
>> No. 3985 [Edit]
Thanks for making me aware of this. I read the translated chapters and I find it to be fairly sweet. I'm curious what's so repulsive about her though besides the dog-kicking.
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
There's something quite realistic about her character and weakness that makes her particularly repulsive, while also being a cute 2D girl so I can't help but suffer cognitive dissonance while reading.

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3966 No. 3966 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>A tea house run by the childish British maid Shiori, together with 3 employees. The countryside girl Minae, Rich girl Mari and the super-shy Anzu.
There is very little to describe beyond that. This manga is a 4koma about various personalities running a cafe and how they interact with each other. It's a very fun and simple one so far.
>> No. 3972 [Edit]
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From what I have read, it's okay.
Probably won't get much translation, though, 4komas are generally like that.

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3970 No. 3970 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This manga is similar in it's basic premise to Okaasan Online in that it's about a boy who gets into an isekai fantasy world but his guardian figure goes with him. Instead of his mother, it's his brocon older sister who proves to be massively overpowered. What follows are the antics that arise from such a dilemma. It hurts my soul that translation has stopped.
>> No. 3971 [Edit]
Make a thread and dump a chapter or two on 4/a/. Somebody might pick it up. (Just make sure to wear a hazmat suit and condom before going there.)

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3888 No. 3888 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A manga that started about a cute demonimommy taking care of her cute demonikid. It loses it's focus later on if the genre listing "drama" is anything to go off of but it's a cute read with cute characters and it updates pretty frequently. Though it's a little obnoxious how it tends to throw the reader for a loop whenever something bad looks like it's going to happen. I'm at chapter 76 right now.
4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3916 [Edit]
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Why oh why do artists have their cute manga turn into drama and angst? To drag shit out?
>> No. 3956 [Edit]
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I finished the arc(?) where her irish friend gets kidnapped. Or at least, I got to the part where they found her. Either way, it was a big nothing burger again. Some time ago I went and read the first few chapters that were more faithful to the actual title and it left me frustrated. I'm sure the manga is trying to make a good point or have interesting moments where characters examine themselves and change for the better but considering the manga was originally about a mom taking care of her kid and that was what I originally started reading it for, dropping this is something I will probably do soon but is long overdue. It's an interesting series of stories and I'm sure the worldbuilding is fantastic and I'm a fool for not being able to recognize it's amazing quality but while I do think it does those well enough, except for this last arc just cutting itself short in the middle of a fight scene, it's just not what I picked this up for.
It's really frustrating too because I could probably count on my hand the number of characters I've seen in anime/manga that are good caring moms taking care of their kid that also play a major role with significant screentime without some kind of degeneracy being thrown in. All I want is a manga focused on that but this one keeps shifting it's focus to story arcs and worldbuilding and I think I'm just about done, if not entirely. I want to emphasize that it's not without it's redeeming qualities but they're qualities I didn't come here for. Hopefully I'll find that one manga I'm looking for that's like this but I doubt it and it's fucking depressing.
>> No. 3957 [Edit]
Maybe they ran out of ideas for playing the premise straight? Parenting seems like it's boring as hell.

Post edited on 1st Nov 2020, 5:20pm
>> No. 3963 [Edit]
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>It's really frustrating too because I could probably count on my hand the number of characters I've seen in anime/manga that are good caring moms taking care of their kid that also play a major role with significant screentime without some kind of degeneracy being thrown in.
Because there's not much aside from straight SoL and tragedy that can be done to keep the average reader's attention.
Otaku prefer schoolgirl hijinks like kirara stuff or atmospheric settings like Aria, it seems.

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3939 No. 3939 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A story about a teenager and grandmother's house cat who turns into a nekomata. She then takes on the role as his older sister and their daily life continues with this new change.
The art starts out too detailed and looks quite ugly but improves later on, I think. There isn't much in terms of story until it approaches the end. For this reason I consider it more of a slice of life.
Something annoying about it is that Anzu and Gin barely get closer to each other at all because Gin keeps his guard up so much and has so little patience for her. Only until the ending does he finally let her in but it makes everything in between feel like it failed to be anything more than amusing slice of life banter instead of gradually working towards the goal of them becoming closer.
Despite it's flaws, I will likely treasure it as being a manga with a significant focus on a caring older sister, one of the few things that can heal my soul anymore but also something I feel there is a near criminal shortage of in Japanese media that I'm desperate for, and the slice of life that is likely to happen with a well-meaning but uneducated elder sister.
>> No. 3962 [Edit]
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The art isn't that ugly, it feels more like a throwback than anything. Almost like someone imitating Azuma.
I have this half-read, but from what you're saying and the fact that there is an old lady character it will probably be quite the tearjerker near the end.
>Despite it's flaws, I will likely treasure it as being a manga with a significant focus on a caring older sister
There is nothing wrong with treasuring a flawed piece of art! If it has themes or something you can love about it then great. The more things you can enjoy and treasure the better.

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3928 No. 3928 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Matsumoto Izumi, the mangaka of Kimagure Orange Road has passed away.
>> No. 3929 [Edit]
Sad. They were a trailblazer in romance.

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3920 No. 3920 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Useless Ponko
This is about an outdated maid robot model living in a seaside town out in the country with a grumpy and stubborn old man and all the antics they get themselves into.
While it more or less has the usual trope of a strictly practical and traditional old man and an idealistic but naive young girl, I would say it's a little different. Ponko tends to get dragged around into situations a lot and is capable of a lot of different functions which make her popular in due time among the town. Yoshioka however, the old man, finds himself relying on her but never seeing her as much more than a friend, especially not since his granddaughter, Yuuna, stays over. Ponko seems to have more of a noticeable influence on many others instead.
It's an easygoing manga with a lot of different scenarios for it's chapters and I like it a lot. The length isn't too long or short for each chapter, the art is good, the jokes land (for me, at least) and I don't feel like it lets itself get distracted as much from the core concept as some other mangas do because most of the time, Yoshioka is involved in some way but there isn't much other than the small starting cast at the beginning to imply that it should only be about these two. But even when he isn't, the manga doesn't just change genre in favor of dramatic worldbuilding or drama in what feels like an attempt to keep the manga going, or the artist getting distracted by the appeal of doing other things with those same characters, or simple distraction on the part of the artist. While worldbuilding is present, I never feel like it breaks the atmosphere or goes against what I originally read the story for, especially since the concept of outdated robot models is presented early on to be expanded on later.
Though apparently there's some kind of concert arc which I haven't gotten to yet so I could be wrong on some things I said.
>> No. 3921 [Edit]
I'm following this series too, I would class this as an iyashikei. There are more plot development in the newer chapters which I don't see as a bad thing. Another thing that's interesting for me is that this is set in the near future so Yoshioka might be in his 40s/50s(?) in our time. The mangaka's representation of the future is also subtle which I find charming but this might be more salient because the manga is set in the countryside. The concept of being in a relatively remote and idyllic countryside plays a central theme in the manga.

Post edited on 4th Oct 2020, 8:17pm

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3804 No. 3804 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Gakkou Gurashi recently ended. It was an nice ride. I normally don't like zombie stories, but this one captured something interesting about the scenario not focused on a lot by others, what makes life valuable enough to continue struggling to survive. You can sit in a room with nothing but a cd player to keep you occupied, and you'd be able to live for a while, but would it be worth it?

If you're living in this kind of world, you'd do everything to keep having fun like before. What's going around you wouldn't be what you want to focus on. Parts of it were messy or underwhelming, and the ending was a tad anti-climactic, but it was decent.
>> No. 3805 [Edit]
That's good news, I'll try and get through what I had left to read soon. It was a fun series.
>> No. 3806 [Edit]
I remember reading it up to the point where they "graduate" from school, although I don't remember much. Maybe I'll give it another read.
>> No. 3918 [Edit]
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A sequel manga has begun called Gakkou Gurashi! Otayori. The first two chapters have been released and translated.

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3906 No. 3906 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Ms. Corporate Slave Wants to be Healed by a Loli Spirit
Since it's October now how about a spookier manga? Loli Spirit is about an overworked wagie that doesn't look at all like Kobayashi who is told to leave her workplace by a ghost child and all of the cute antics that ensue from a ghost child trying to be scary to be helpful. Unfortunately, the ghost child does not succeed often but she still does her best to scare the wagie away for her own good!
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3908 [Edit]
I mean since it's october and we're talking about spooky manga, let me just drop that post about DokiDoki in here, hopefully it won't bother OP.
>> No. 3909 [Edit]
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I didn't really want the halloween manga to be kept in one thread since I wanted /ma/ to have more threads to post in but I guess that's fine too.
>> No. 3910 [Edit]
Healing damages the undead.
>> No. 3911 [Edit]
It feels like the artist doesn't know how to draw non-loli faces. maybe its for effect.

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3901 No. 3901 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The fluffy series you've all heard of. If you watched the anime, you know what it's about though the anime deviates in order a little bit as well as the ending. The manga, however, is still going and updates with some frequency (I think that's frequent, I'm not sure). It still features the things that people who started reading early read the manga for but has deviated over time deciding to explore the strange black mist that plagues Nakano or introducing other characters to keep things going. With that said, s2 is probably a never ever but you can always read this. and cry yourself to sleep knowing you'll never come home to a fluffy tail wife
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3903 [Edit]
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I like it. It's a very cozy series. I haven't caught up just yet but it helps me feel better in hard times.
>> No. 3904 [Edit]
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I can't blame you, I don't appreciate those images either. I would tell you to check out the manga anyway since none of those images are canon but I understand your caution.
It is. I appreciate that Rimukoro brought the world such a wonderful character. On the other hand, I feel an intense sadness I'll never have a fluffy tail wife.
>> No. 3905 [Edit]
>I feel an intense sadness
This seems to be a common reaction to these sorts of things. Healing seems to upset certain personalities.
It kind of reminds me of how people can't read things like Aria or Lucky Star because the nostalgia makes them sad.
>> No. 3917 [Edit]
Touch the fluffy tail.
I have been enjoying this after giving it a chance, like all healing it is something to be savored instead of binged.
I really wish they would do first person pov chapters because seeing another man is throwing off my healing receptors.

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3864 No. 3864 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why the fuck is the Great Teacher Onizuka manga so expensive?? I really want it for my collection but its prices are upwards of 90 AUD used!
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3867 [Edit]
I will never pay such ridiculous sums for a manga, I would preffer to get it in japanese and hope I will be able to read it someday. I still don't get why this it's happening now because it didn't happen in the past and it doesn't happen in most countries. Maybe there's a particularly high demand in the US and they didn't have too many copies to start with or something like that.
>> No. 3898 [Edit]
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if you learn Jap, you can get the original for less than 30 bucks. Just try not to kill yourself when you're billed for the shipping costs.
>> No. 3899 [Edit]
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I understand wanting to collect manga, but books are a really awful thing to collect just because of how much space they take up. A lot of people I know just buy the Jap releases for the shelves and read the digital ones, if you really are into full bookshelves.
>Everyone is nostalgic for better times and the market is going to reflect that. It's only going to get worse since the Y2K aesthetic is starting to trend online
I think that's bizarre. I understand wanting to go back to the 2000s, but aside from certain artists the Y2K aesthetic is really a transitional period from the 90s into the 2010s. It's not like anime, either where 2000s anime are typically warm and colorful due to the transitional period going on in that medium as well. Key faces, man.
>> No. 3900 [Edit]
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The resale market is currently in a very strange position. Japanese language manga is usually inexpensive and easy to find, but anthologies, artbooks, and doujinshi are much harder to track down. Last week, a number of older doujins from a relatively obscure circle were listed on a reseller website including two that I had wanted in my collection for years. Before I had a chance to put the second one in the cart after I bought the first one, it was already out of stock. I'm not sure if it was a scalper, but it struck me as odd that someone else was also interested in it.

>I think that's bizarre. I understand wanting to go back to the 2000s, but aside from certain artists the Y2K aesthetic is really a transitional period from the 90s into the 2010s. It's not like anime, either where 2000s anime are typically warm and colorful due to the transitional period going on in that medium as well. Key faces, man.
I've noticed an uptick in people referencing 2000s culture as a whole online within the past year in the same vein that 1990s culture was being perceived as back in 2010-11. It's because people who were raised during that era are now in their twenties and thirties. In my case as a 21 year old, my interest in otaku culture began in 2006. Most of what I seek out to buy and download is mid-Heisei era because it's nostalgic to me despite having been a transitional period.

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