No. 2251
- (3.61MB
, 3264x2448
, nature_forest_forest_side_0018_03.jpg
yeah, it was pretty disappointing since I held off working on this display for weeks while waiting on it. I doesn't look much different than some green fabric would would. at best all I could see myself using it for would be a park, like a clean city park, or a lawn.
This is really the problem with trying to use model train stuff, it's all designed for smaller scale displays. had the same problem when trying to figure out how to do trees and plants, becuase trains are so small plants made from foam looks fine. Some fish tank plants seem pretty good, and I was able to get a good deal on some, but as I discovered, to make trees with them, you'd probably need a lot of the stuff. I also think the color looks a bit odd, I might try painting them a darker green... I dunno.
As for the background, I'd be using forest pics of curse. it was harder than I would have thought to find photos of forests that would work for this, since I'd want the top part of the box to show the sky above the tree line. still, I was able to find a few different pics of forest sides I might be able to use. just think I should make the trees first, then edit the photos to match before applying them to the background or else it'd end up like the first beach display I made, where the sand in the background didn't match the real sand I used.
Figure I'll place bushes all along the edges of the display to hide where the background meets the floor.
just curious, does anyone know if store bought reindeer moss would turn brown over time or not? like, I'm not sure if the stuff is still alive or not.