Post some figs you have on your wish list! I'll probably be ordering this sometime soon.
Don't like the character that much but this looks great.
I fucking love Karen but... why is that shit behind her? All I want is a candid figure of her in Tsukihi's clothes (and a Tsukihi figure in light japanese clothes).
>>2330 Can she control time or something?
>>2331 She simply has the stamina and strength of a healthy and loving imouto.
>>2332 So no?
A couple more months or so and I'll have another figure of my waifu.
>>1907 Re-released
I really like this. I'm not sure if I'll be able to buy it since I need to buy a few things first and I don't think that I even have the money to buy those things that I need. This is dangerous. It's more or less the Patchouli I've been waiting for. It's beautiful, well captured and expensive... Doushio?
>>2362 Forgot image.
More non-Griffon!
From a new sculptor on Griffon. Disgustingly adorable.
Oh my!!Post edited on 27th Mar 2013, 12:07am
>>2405 and here I thought manufacturers stopped giving a shit about kyoani after k-on.
>>2405 I'd rather like a seifuku "I'm curious!" pose.
which one, /fig/?
>>2405 >>2406 Will there be Chuunibyou figs?
>>2410 I'd bet on it. Now: will they be nice? that's another story.
R.O.D -THE TV- より 1/8「アニタ」 Please, Yamato, make the 1/8 scale Anita to complete the Paper Sister Trio... Please?
Sweet robots are coming already and my Black!Rei and pirate Asuka (together with hat and track jacket) are nowhere to be seen.
>>2414 well, it's a start.
I didn't even like the series all that much. But the imouto fetish is damn strong.
>>2425 Tell me about it. The series was a total flop, even though I generally give high marks to anything that appeals to my imouto fetish.
>>2418 far too much Kobato for so little Rika.
1/4th scale
Look! a tanned Shinji doing cosplay.
Rika fucking when??
Labcoat version! Exclusive sold only on Good Smile Online Store. I hope I can snatch this one.
>>2487 beautiful!
OMG. what do
It's sold out and I'm broke anyway, but it's nice.
not bad
Finally one with the jacket, dammit! But it's a BANDAI portrait, so not so good; and it's only sold in set with others at Amiami... I shall wait a bit more.
too soon. not specially appealing, for me.
>>2581 I'm holding off until her figma comes out. I hope there are multiple versions of it (I mean, Konata from Lucky Star got 3) but if she only gets one I hope it's her non-battle form. I personally find it cooler.
Oh yes!
Tempting... but no.
>>2761 nicccce
I'm such an idiot. I just now realized that this is her in Kaiki's eyes of love. I might want it, after all.
Damned, this one's ugly. I hope they do abetter job with Onodera.
Not bad at all.
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