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File 160847195173.jpg - (304.27KB , 850x1173 , sample_37f96cf8ea528fd58c91cc6d9e508ef2.jpg )
1007 No. 1007 [Edit]
If China takes over the whole world, what do you think would change? Do you think there's anything that would be improved? What would it look like?
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>> No. 1008 [Edit]
Whole world get improve, much happy life we all have under great leader! Me love leader long time!
>> No. 1009 [Edit]
Xiexie pengyou. 0.5¥ has been deposited in your account.

>what do you think would change?
Great firewall goes global. Countries are intellectually pillaged and knowledge is systematically extracted and transferred wholesale (*). There's an attempt to make Chinese the dominant language.
>Do you think there's anything that would be improved
Yes, there are advantages to having a strong central government since it means you can execute plans unilaterally. For instance, see Singapore as an example of how this can work well. But that's also a disadvantage because the plans they choose to execute aren't always good for you (nor may they be good for the country in the long-term).

(*) More than it's already being done. I mean we already welcome Chinese by the boatload into graduate programs, and it's not exactly a well-kept secret that some non-trivial fraction of these people are people with connections to the CPP who come to unis and enroll in EE/CS/Bio PhD programs to spy on and pilfer assets when available. And while research would be published openly anyway, integrating yourself into the academic systems gives you a good vantage point to scope out valuable assets: from trends to industry connections.
>> No. 1010 [Edit]
File 160850300779.jpg - (319.86KB , 850x1203 , sample_47391d72bcc03cfd38f1bc1bf05e9089.jpg )
That's all well and good, but what about culture? Would they stop putting effort into stuff that makes them seem more "normal" like anime related stuff, or would they expand on that? Also religion, would people be forced into being less religious, would their moral values change in any way?
>> No. 1011 [Edit]
>Would they stop putting effort into stuff that makes them seem more "normal" like anime related stuff
They'd probably continue to do it to make themselves more friendly and palatable. It's also a cheap method of exerting and maintaining soft power.

>forced into being less religious
They seem to hate falun gong and uighurs but I think that's because within China, they don't want any organized opposing force (not sure why they hate falun gong in particular since it just seems like a blend of taoism/buddhism). I don't they would particularly care about exerting control over religions in other regions since it really doesn't pose much of an issue to them.

Overall the changes would be done very slowly. E.g. rather than mandating Chinese from the start, they would first gradually increase foreigners' exposure to hanzi, and then slowly introduce it in the school curriculum, and so by two or three generations it would come to be ingrained in the culture as the defacto medium for communication. Although when we're speaking about that long of a timescale it really depends on how the successor of Xi will take things; because as I understand it there are various factions still trying to gain control.
>> No. 1025 [Edit]
>Also religion, would people be forced into being less religious
The Chinese today seem to be embracing traditional Chinese religions more and co-opting it to work with the already-existing Communist system, so as to fill the spiritual void of the modern Chinese. I think they may make some attempt to spread things like Confucianism and Taoism, as people will feel more intrigued by the more exotic aspects of their society than by the boring, soulless Marxist aspects. Xi Jinping
The Chinese governments is also attempting to forcefully reform other religions like Christianity or Islam, to make it work with the political system, by creating their own edited/censored versions of the Bible for example.
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
File 161305162338.jpg - (291.67KB , 1084x786 , qjpAta2L_o.jpg )
In my opinion, China "taking over the whole world" would be its undoing. Over-expansion, and an angry United States, Russia, surrounding Asian countries who dislike China like Taiwan and Japan and their allies would also not just let them take over unopposed. Especially since these countries have pretty nasty technology developed that they wouldn't be afraid to use when they're not intentionally prolonging war for profit. The Chinese do as well but we all know how they fare in open war.

People who support China because they dislike the powers that be in the west don't know what they're asking for either.
>> No. 1261 [Edit]
I kind of agree. It's my biggest criticism of their foreign policy right now. They keep pushing at other nations, bullying them and threatening them and claiming their lands. It's only making them enemies and even militarising the region against them. A good example of that would be the Quad alliance of Australia, Japan, India and the US. Australia actually dissolved that as they wanted to get on well with China and trade with them, now they have started it up again due to Chinese aggression.

If China had just waited, just bided their time, build up their navy in peace, build their defence industry up and set up their belt and road nobody would have bothered them about it indeed nobody was, as I mentioned Australia even dissolved an alliance against them but not only that some Australian politicians wanted to be part of the Belt and Road(they have changed their tune about that now). They could have waited until it was to late and then revealed themselves for that they are.

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