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File 168686032059.jpg - (311.76KB , 1393x1087 , 38a92f6228480c98b6637f40c6b3c8fb.jpg )
4962 No. 4962 [Edit]
For which waifu would you gladly become a cuckold? Personally, that would be Karin. Look at her, if she were to be looking at me like that, I would instantly obey any wish she wants, fuck, the thought of being submissive cuck to her makes me so excited. Gosh, I fucking love her so much.

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>> No. 4963 [Edit]
File 168686544221.jpg - (512.48KB , 2048x1538 , FJ03muDXIAo7gvr.jpg )
Just for you I'm going nofap for a month.
>> No. 4966 [Edit]
File 168787735754.png - (21.06KB , 379x255 , 0038.png )
Update: I didn't make it. I splutted after 10 days, but if I don't give up I will definitely be able to do it. This is now a nofap thread, I guess.
>> No. 4967 [Edit]
Okay Anonymous. I'll do it with you (abstain from masturbating).
>> No. 4968 [Edit]
File 168788765048.jpg - (537.85KB , 2048x1538 , media_FTEqnnTXsAIiM_z.jpg )
Nice nofap thread on /lewd/. I have been doing or at least meaning to do it for a little while now, I guess I could stick around & post updates as well.
>> No. 4969 [Edit]
This is difficult, wow. Well, will post updates if anything happens.
>> No. 4971 [Edit]
Starting over
>> No. 4972 [Edit]
File 168870445145.jpg - (231.63KB , 673x465 , 88452813_p2.jpg )
...Nine days. This is embarrassing, it's shorter than last time. But I have to do it, because I want to spite OP.
>> No. 4973 [Edit]
File 168914849870.jpg - (66.87KB , 942x530 , 3e9b98b65627793906db1e3a366245670cd0d838f4cd6688ea.jpg )
Fooour days. This is trouble, I'm nearly approaching my regular schedule.
>> No. 4975 [Edit]
File 168934891167.gif - (46.33KB , 500x373 , 127.gif )
What a god damn mess. Two days. But I'm seriously going to do it. At some point...
Just the fact that this is so frickin' difficult is reason enough to do it, at least for me. How long have I spent jiggling the johnson when I could be doing important stuff, like playing video games?
And I'm running out of Chi images. I have to do this soon.
>> No. 4976 [Edit]
Having a libido is normal and healthy.
>> No. 4978 [Edit]
File 169002719447.jpg - (228.02KB , 1200x1200 , FBnFvHLaQAAGt2u-orig.jpg )
...fine I give up. But I attempted for a month. That's almost something.
>> No. 4979 [Edit]
File 169004262777.jpg - (143.54KB , 800x1030 , __shinsei_kamattechan_drawn_by_gomennasai__eaae0eb.jpg )
Given the diminishing returns, wouldn't it have been better to have taken a break between attempts?
That reminds me, it's been 5 days since I've last done it, so now I can retroactively declare I am refraining from it for the purposes of this thread, and see for how much longer this goes.
>> No. 4980 [Edit]
I think the natural cycle of the body is somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks, usually ending in a wet dream.
>> No. 4985 [Edit]
File 169060357888.jpg - (73.68KB , 666x666 , __shinsei_kamattechan_drawn_by_gomennasai__85c8ec8.jpg )
There goes, uhh, 12 days? I blame whoever posted >>4982, dammit
>> No. 4989 [Edit]
File 169065040052.png - (224.58KB , 507x503 , Tomoko_Dogeza.png )
>I blame whoever posted >>4982, dammit
My apologies.
>> No. 4997 [Edit]
Went back to doing it regularly a while ago, sorry for giving only two updates

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