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File 169057206382.png - (514.96KB , 1366x768 , spnatipng.png )
4982 No. 4982 [Edit]
Strip poker night at the inventory is a game where you play 5 card strip poker with many different characters. You can even make your own. The greatest thing about this game is the interactions between the characters. Depending on the opponents you choose they change, and they can be hilarious. But also, sometimes you can choose poorly and the interactions are not that funny. Pic related was a very funny game I had. It's a fun browser game to play.
>> No. 4983 [Edit]
I was thinking about this game the other day. I played this some years ago. It's pretty fun. Wonder if there are many new characters.
>> No. 4984 [Edit]
Too bad I have no idea how to play poker.
>> No. 4986 [Edit]
Nor do I. There's a small guide in the FAQ, but you can mostly just fumble your way around and still get somewhere. It's partly luck-based, as I understand.
>> No. 4987 [Edit]
It's not too difficult. Keep cards of the same value (say, two 4's) and get rid of the rest. If you don't have any pairs or greater, just get rid of your three lowest value cards.
That's my strategy.

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