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File 160086995187.jpg - (417.50KB , 867x773 , 13.jpg )
3888 No. 3888 [Edit]
A manga that started about a cute demonimommy taking care of her cute demonikid. It loses it's focus later on if the genre listing "drama" is anything to go off of but it's a cute read with cute characters and it updates pretty frequently. Though it's a little obnoxious how it tends to throw the reader for a loop whenever something bad looks like it's going to happen. I'm at chapter 76 right now.
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>> No. 3889 [Edit]
So you’re 76 chapters in and the drama part hasn't come in yet?
>> No. 3891 [Edit]
File 160087941199.jpg - (898.90KB , 1920x1080 , 820ea6a6225bc1c5e095cb66c7df834785adc22d.jpg )
I think I'll pick it up, if not only to talk to you!
>> No. 3892 [Edit]
File 160091163960.jpg - (732.08KB , 1200x1600 , 3eeae44762a86b6cf3e5445d00a56805.jpg )
Y-your post was not cute and it most definitely did not make me smile! Don't get the wrong idea!

Post edited on 23rd Sep 2020, 6:41pm
>> No. 3893 [Edit]
It feels ominous reading it, knowing drama and bad things are gonna happen.
>> No. 3916 [Edit]
File 160176516138.png - (45.81KB , 256x276 , 1571614227984.png )
Why oh why do artists have their cute manga turn into drama and angst? To drag shit out?
>> No. 3956 [Edit]
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I finished the arc(?) where her irish friend gets kidnapped. Or at least, I got to the part where they found her. Either way, it was a big nothing burger again. Some time ago I went and read the first few chapters that were more faithful to the actual title and it left me frustrated. I'm sure the manga is trying to make a good point or have interesting moments where characters examine themselves and change for the better but considering the manga was originally about a mom taking care of her kid and that was what I originally started reading it for, dropping this is something I will probably do soon but is long overdue. It's an interesting series of stories and I'm sure the worldbuilding is fantastic and I'm a fool for not being able to recognize it's amazing quality but while I do think it does those well enough, except for this last arc just cutting itself short in the middle of a fight scene, it's just not what I picked this up for.
It's really frustrating too because I could probably count on my hand the number of characters I've seen in anime/manga that are good caring moms taking care of their kid that also play a major role with significant screentime without some kind of degeneracy being thrown in. All I want is a manga focused on that but this one keeps shifting it's focus to story arcs and worldbuilding and I think I'm just about done, if not entirely. I want to emphasize that it's not without it's redeeming qualities but they're qualities I didn't come here for. Hopefully I'll find that one manga I'm looking for that's like this but I doubt it and it's fucking depressing.
>> No. 3957 [Edit]
Maybe they ran out of ideas for playing the premise straight? Parenting seems like it's boring as hell.

Post edited on 1st Nov 2020, 5:20pm
>> No. 3963 [Edit]
File 160549465261.png - (772.20KB , 1280x720 , 1571600695752.png )
>It's really frustrating too because I could probably count on my hand the number of characters I've seen in anime/manga that are good caring moms taking care of their kid that also play a major role with significant screentime without some kind of degeneracy being thrown in.
Because there's not much aside from straight SoL and tragedy that can be done to keep the average reader's attention.
Otaku prefer schoolgirl hijinks like kirara stuff or atmospheric settings like Aria, it seems.

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