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File 171431786236.gif - (2.47MB , 306x175 , astrotoilet.gif )
1709 No. 1709 [Edit]
What is your honest opinion on the Skibidi toilet?
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>> No. 1710 [Edit]
I prefer updog.
>> No. 1711 [Edit]
What's updog?
>> No. 1712 [Edit]
File 171447797143.gif - (590.08KB , 426x240 , 213131232.gif )
episode 70 was good as hell
>> No. 1713 [Edit]
Kindly kill yourself
>> No. 1717 [Edit]
it a mecha/action series
have you watched it?
>> No. 1726 [Edit]
I don't care really, but much worse than the skibidi toilet itself, are the people that are completely outraged about it. Lucky me, only heard about it sporadically and didn't watch anything about it, but from what I witnessed, gen z and millennials are pretending as if this is some worrisome new thing among children, that's very bad and scary, meanwhile literally all generations before that had similar braindead humor. See annoying orange.
>> No. 1732 [Edit]
What little I know of this is from what I saw someone watch in some video, had no idea what the fuck a skibidi was before. Gman toilet heads and robots fighting, maybe I'm missing something, but what was shown just looked very boring so I don't get what kids see in it, neither how it would be any more bad or worrisome than early Youtube shit like as said Annoying Orange and FRED, or the Youtube Kids nursery garbage and Spider-Man Elsa smut. Or whatever depressing shit boomers watched as kids.

Plus it's not even new "humour". I once knew a guy, late millenial, who thought stretched-out Gman faces and putting Half-Life and TF2 characters heads on whatever models was the funniest shit ever back in 2008.
>> No. 1737 [Edit]
best thing on youtube since it triggered every youtuber

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