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File 143737328843.jpg - (29.39KB , 400x400 , 1416784576583.jpg )
693 No. 693 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post videos you find funny.

6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1420 [Edit]
>> No. 1440 [Edit]
>> No. 1465 [Edit]
I think this video is the greatest side-product to have come out of initial d (3D warning, although it's blurry ojiisan bus drivers)

>> No. 1471 [Edit]

File 165075519057.jpg - (0.99MB , 2117x2823 , 20211214_180942.jpg )
1466 No. 1466 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
HI, my name is Jonny John. I live in Fortnox Texas and my zip code is 19934. I am an out and open homosexual. Homosexuals are the new controllers of society, so I'm very proud of myself.

By the way, I have social anxiety. I hope you don't mind me tripfagging and all. It's just part of my treatment. Pic is my platonic waifu, Yuki-chan.

With lots of love and kisses
-Johnny John
>> No. 1467 [Edit]
Where did you find this picture of me?
>> No. 1470 [Edit]
What are you talking about? It's obviously a picture of me.

File 162530051466.jpg - (15.79KB , 480x360 , hqdefault.jpg )
1428 No. 1428 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Nyan nyan
Nyan nyan
Nihao Nyan

>> No. 1430 [Edit]
For some reason this caused carmelldansen to pop into my mind

And knowing 0 swedish and non-zero (yet still trivial amounts of) JP I can't help mishear parts of the lyrics as "shizen na melody... balsamic yappa irahen ne..."

Post edited on 5th Jul 2021, 9:21pm
>> No. 1454 [Edit]
I haven't seen Macross Frontier in a long time. Maybe I should watch it

File 151892833677.png - (203.88KB , 370x576 , 1500500478762.png )
1021 No. 1021 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Liru is a miracle of the universe.
>> No. 1024 [Edit]
Looks like a tumblr reject.
>> No. 1026 [Edit]
File 151926445616.png - (362.48KB , 2704x2755 , 11ba394b332b26680121966142147c02.png )
How furthest from the truth can you stray?
>> No. 1445 [Edit]
File 163615104338.jpg - (131.60KB , 1024x640 , 1636136510438.jpg )

File 154364328230.jpg - (176.50KB , 1002x958 , 1536732814337.jpg )
1102 No. 1102 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
why didnt you invest, tc?
>> No. 1105 [Edit]
I don't invest, I mine it myself every day.
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
Forget cryptokitties, where are cryptonekos? There's a billion dollar industry waiting to be tapped right here: you can use GANs (รก la thiswaifudoesnotexist) to create cat girls and then people can own NFTs for these cat girls and their ownership will be verified via the blockchain. We will partner with anime studios to release limited-edition exclusive cat girls that all the otakus will fight over. All the bitcoin miners in China will switch to mining cryptonekos overnight once their otaku staff get word of this.
>> No. 1434 [Edit]
So do it and become a millionaire.

File 157489270238.jpg - (279.29KB , 643x980 , crying 1.jpg )
1234 No. 1234 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If only I was funny... I could make people laugh.
11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1380 [Edit]
I just found out Joshiraku had a drama CD:

(couldn't find a better thread since I don't want to post link-only replies in the main boards. But consider it tangentially related to the theme of comedy).

Post edited on 1st Mar 2021, 8:56pm
>> No. 1386 [Edit]
File 161562053372.gif - (2.75MB , 400x225 , 1349198966611.gif )
Thanks for posting these. I enjoyed them.

Maybe consider posting on /mp3/ next time? Although it's labeled as a music board, the description on the homepage reads:
>/mp3/ - Music
>This board is for the discussing and posting of music and other forms of audio.
And most of the posts there are link-only replies anyway, so posting there should be fine. Welcome, even.
Granted, there's no thread there yet for audio dramas - the ASMR one doesn't count - but it's probably fine to make one.
>> No. 1388 [Edit]
Great idea! I created a thread on /mp3/ for this. I wonder what other anime I've watched have CDs that I didn't know about.
>> No. 1417 [Edit]
File 162168626181.png - (10.79KB , 625x62 , rng.png )
I think this is funny, maybe it is

File 161725240048.png - (1.54MB , 1920x1080 , natsume23.png )
1407 No. 1407 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is she thinking?
>> No. 1409 [Edit]
I forgot to turn off the gas(stove).
>> No. 1412 [Edit]
"How can they say these things? Anon is really nice, why do they hate him like that? I could never hate Anon. In fact, I..."

File 161630790699.png - (442.80KB , 486x363 , y'all can't behave.png )
1394 No. 1394 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You locked a thread over what? People saying stuff you didn't like? You didn't even give a mod warning or much of an explanation, just "I've had enough". You really did just have a reddit mod moment, I'm surprised you didn't just say "locked because y'all can't behave". I know how you'll react to this thread but I'm telling you this so you can be a better mod by remembering to be civil instead of spilling your soy all over your desk and taking it out on the users or just taking the side of the user you agree with most instead of thinking things through with a more reasonable sense of justice. At the very least just explain your decisions before bringing the hammer down.
pic related is how you acted
4 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
File 161637397048.png - (461.45KB , 856x1200 , 71d75309f01c695423a3fd774e1579dd.png )
I don't think an apology nor repentance is necessary. We all knew why you locked it: I, and some other faggots apparently, were soliciting replies from a delusional guy whose lust for traps translates into some kind of tsuntsun~ act to the point where he stalks people on /ns/. I can see how this dynamic is obnoxious--even on /lol/.
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
>I, and some other faggots
Wow. You finally admitted it. Was that so difficult?

Post edited on 21st Mar 2021, 6:08pm
>> No. 1405 [Edit]
It took a bit, but you finally realized you're posting on /lol/, and you respond with a decent quip. Good on ya. (I'm being sincere!)

Post edited on 23rd Mar 2021, 3:32pm
>> No. 1406 [Edit]
If it wasn't apparent from your meme fetishes and your expressed dislike of older imageboard terminology, the doge meme and wording like "reddit mod moment", "spilling your soy" really gave it away that you are most likely new and probably to imageboards in general. Please lurk before posting.

File 161631180824.jpg - (83.13KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka S3 - 03 (7.jpg )
1396 No. 1396 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
They see your dick!
>> No. 1398 [Edit]
File 161631649193.jpg - (37.37KB , 472x645 , donald has an erection.jpg )
Come here, girls. It's not going to hide itself.
>> No. 1403 [Edit]
File 161637414630.jpg - (148.70KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha - 08 [7.jpg )
Loli aren't ready for it, I must admit.

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