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File 174060066372.jpg - (284.67KB , 2048x1152 , GkJ4lo3bcAAMPhf.jpg )
1782 No. 1782 [Edit]
In short i have noticed a phenomena in japanese web places such as pixiv and the japanese side of X and some other japanese sites...

you see my waifu pic unrelated it not her just random image comes from obscrue manga that very edgy and dark as well NSFW yet manages to have lots of fan-art on pixiv as well the japanese side of X you know site that elon musk owns!

yet.... she is somehow obscrue and safe from those degenerates.... this made me have some intersting thought about how could i be like this blessed?
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>> No. 1783 [Edit]
you see in the west we have something called rule 34 a unfunny meme that states that everything has to have porn or something akin to that

it started as joke but become a unoffical and offical rule of the western internet

rule 34 xxx and paheal are pretty the steam of porn they are pretty much a monopoly and almost all nsfw stuff is on their sites sadly

but this is not a case in japan
>> No. 1784 [Edit]
pornography is quite normalised in japan but not that much if a japanese media is very popular such as danganronpa it will obvious have lots of porn on it such as on pixiv doujins you know
if it somewhat obscrue like where my waifu comes from it none
>> No. 1785 [Edit]
what i am trying to say is that western NSFW artists are fucking annoying and have no honour and want to draw porn of anything unlike japanese NSFW artists
japanese NSFW artists do draw porn but unlikely to draw of everything in their mind not every loli needs to be lewded this because they have no japanese concept of rule 34 which is a very good thing
>> No. 1786 [Edit]
i have also noticed that this not just one case also a case with something called MINDHACK a weird japanese game
you can check it pixiv here
>> No. 1787 [Edit]
pixiv turn on 18 stuff is not used for porn mostly as some japanese artists tag gore and non-porn stuff as NSFW 18

it should also mention that pixiv hides some drawings and art if you are logged in
>> No. 1788 [Edit]
it possible that someone but very unlikely to draw porn of it
it also possible that they will delete after that
>> No. 1789 [Edit]
not sure to what to say else
>> No. 1790 [Edit]
File 174060132027.jpg - (616.70KB , 2048x1410 , GkNQsLtXkAAvU_w.jpg )
overall thank you for coming to my ted talk

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