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File 166460383372.png - (460.33KB , 1200x800 , 1663338016575834.png )
1510 No. 1510 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So how many hidden boards are there on TC? Maybe this is a game we can play, see how many hidden boards we can uncover. Here are the ones I know of (and these boards aren't exactly alive nor I think intended to be secretive, rather merely forgotten remnants, so I hope no one would mind if I compiled the list).

Anyone know of any not in this list? Board names are usually 2-3 letters, so you could possibly brute force the entire space.

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30 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1750 [Edit]
Yuzu has SHIT taste.
>> No. 1751 [Edit]
Yuzu contributing patches to llvm!
>> No. 1752 [Edit]
Can anyone embed youtube videos? Where's the /meta/ board
>> No. 1753 [Edit]
I think yt video embedding has been broken for a long time. Not a mod but I don't like video embedding, a plain link is far better in terms of playing nicely with text-based browsers (or older ones), or people who use alternate ways to access yt. Meta board is at /fb/ (feedback) as it has always been.

File 172407258816.jpg - (62.09KB , 736x920 , f780be0dd0b65f66e958bd33b4d6b725.jpg )
1744 No. 1744 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Giovanni is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. Don Genie is a placeholder of Japanese fallout damage. They both mean I have to broker against ancient Rome and literal Plato to get my Japanese epigenetics back in complex swaps. Team Rocket and Universal Traders means all of my epigenetics have to be brokered by literal redshift to get my epigenetics back, through complex swaps of broken Japanese fallout damage. Most people like me are sucking the Earth to get their stuff back. I will let it float to space. I am getting my stuff back. That is my motive and intent.

Giovanni and Don Genie are lost and found receipts that are thousands of pages long. It doesn't matter. I have my soul back and it isn't in the Earth. The Japanese fallout damage put it elsewhere. I will get it back that way.

Keep frying the Earth with nukes and I will fish my stuff out of the Milky Way through stellar brokerage. I don't care how insane it gets.

If Japanese and American fallout damage removes my epigenetic-spirtual material from the Earth, then I leave the Earth to find the roots of my consciousness. I am not going to stare at rocks to find literally less than nothing. You can't make me mine for nothing. You lose. And I leave.

You nuke the soil I use as my consciousness and I leave. Your nukes are only my enlightenment and gain. I have no obligation to serve fallout damage as my soul. You can keep that soil. And you still don't have the technology to fight me. You have useless bombs.

There are placeholders I still don't understand: Arthur Jenkins can't make Susan Abernathy kill herself that easily.

Simple is simple: Giovanni and Don Genie are my soul, and I will manually fish my soul out of stars. I am not on Earth. I am redshift as it concerns my death here. I die and my consciousness will just fly into the horizon and deep space. Some will know what that means. Enjoy your rocks.

You know nuclear weapons fry consciousness and epigenetics in the soil. You know nuclear weapons fry consciousness and epigenetics in the soil. You know nuclear weapons fry consciousness and epigenetics in the soil. You don't have the covert operations to kill me over this yet. I win. I beat you.
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>> No. 1745 [Edit]
I was trying to decipher what your intention was, why you were posting this on /so/, but then I realized it's probably just a copypasta.

File 172038540179.png - (297.78KB , 1679x848 , tohno-theme.png )
1728 No. 1728 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I like pseud0ch the best. It makes T-C even more comfy for me personally.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1730 [Edit]
You know, that was the default here for a long time. It was changed because people kept asking for Dark instead.
>> No. 1731 [Edit]
I use Futaba.
>> No. 1739 [Edit]
I use vndb. It's nice looking and easy on the eyes.
>> No. 1740 [Edit]
File 172347404014.jpg - (75.05KB , 600x600 , paisley_bg.jpg )
I use paisley. I find the overall contrast it offers to be most pleasing, aswell as offering nice ornamentation that fills space without interfering.

No. 1738 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
there was once a thread on 4chan tor board about a certain era of japanese cinema or genre of japanese cinema tied to a certain era. i don't remember. can anyone tell me what it is? can anyone give me the thread sc or the tor?

File 169999788114.png - (2.64MB , 1920x1080 , aureole.png )
1628 No. 1628 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
an aureole is also part of the nipple
>> No. 1727 [Edit]
what is an aureole though? should i be ashamed for not knowing?

File 170292084827.png - (1.91MB , 1920x1080 , toe walking.png )
1637 No. 1637 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
yuki nagato autistically toe walking

that is all
>> No. 1725 [Edit]
you know it's going to be a good post, when you start enlarging the message box to maximum before writing anything. i do this all the time, but then i get disappointed, because I dunno what to write.

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1633 No. 1633 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
krag is here
>> No. 1634 [Edit]
You have selected microsoft sam as the computer's default voice.
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
G H O S T W ▲ R E ¹ AND ²

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1296 No. 1296 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hand over the source code or nenecchi gets it!
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1604 [Edit]
That's not a very nice thing to say about kusaba-tan. She tries her hardest!
>> No. 1635 [Edit]
Almost 2024 and Nenequest still hasn't been released yet.
>> No. 1638 [Edit]
She got the Japanese cold. Please understand.
>> No. 1715 [Edit]
Nenequest leaked preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp485HWdIXc

File 160702556731.png - (2.06MB , 1920x1080 , chitose4.png )
1341 No. 1341 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Post edited on 28th Apr 2022, 12:16am
3 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1572 [Edit]
Seeing cute anime girl makes my heart go doki doki!!!! I want to hug all the anime!!!

Post edited on 2nd Apr 2023, 6:41pm
>> No. 1616 [Edit]
Anime HAET Anonymous!!!
>> No. 1700 [Edit]
I felt this copypasta was appropriate for the subthread thread in >>/an/37922 on loanwords.

"Fucking wasei eigo I swear. It's not enough that they japanize the pronunciation of English words to fit katakana, nooooo, they need to make up their own English-based terms. It surely makes sense to visit a bedtown with a camping car and seeing a catch copy with a campaign girl who is eating American dog in an energisch way while her friend is looking at a chou cream in a G-pan which has an enormous designer chuck and then you realise you need to refill your tank so you visit the nearest gasoline stand and while you are there why not take a look inside right so you go in and you hear two JK talking high tensionly about their current my booms and how they cunninged on the test and how they saw a cool parka in the depart last week and how they will get a note paso-kon once they start working as an OL and how cram school makes them feel low tension but a hot cake or ice candy can solve that problem and as you go through the aisles you can see ball pens, hotchkisses but even dryers for sale and you even need a dryer but you can't use it because the concent in your camping car is broken and even when you gave a claim about it to the salesperson he didn't say anything and why would have he said anything to begin with as it's not his responsibility just like the recycling of dan ball so you are just standing there unable to do anything and AAAAAAAAAAAH FUCK WASEI EIGO"
>> No. 1708 [Edit]
I wonder if the opposite exists, some Japanese guy learning English and realizing the wasei-eigo he knows is completely meaningless in English. Like a worse form of a false friend.

File 170569229759.jpg - (283.01KB , 1280x720 , onikin_0241.jpg )
1648 No. 1648 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How to get an imouto who protects me from reality?
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
It's the same method as getting into Gensokyo.
>> No. 1652 [Edit]
File 170667088618.png - (299.26KB , 608x1200 , __original_drawn_by_kayabakoro__19b7394649b100849f.png )
On behalf of the National Committee for Imouto Affairs I'd like to point out that according to Article No 07 Section 08 "it is hereby prohibited to enjoin an imouto to take a protector role, such roles are to be the exclusive domain of the nee-san. Moreover the imouto must be protected by Anon at all times. Any anon suspected of failing to protect his imouto will undergo an investigation by the executive branch of the National Committee for Imouto Affairs. Any anon suspected of relegating the protector role to his imouto or of attempting to gainsay the ultimate truth of nee-sans powers will undergo investigation by the National Committee for Nee-san Affairs."

Post edited on 30th Jan 2024, 7:15pm

File 16849363071.gif - (4.02MB , 498x281 , douma-demon-slayer.gif )
1585 No. 1585 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I could take this twink
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>> No. 1599 [Edit]
No, he took him to debar.
>> No. 1614 [Edit]
I hope this twink has an accident during construction and gets impaled on some outcropping rebar.
>> No. 1646 [Edit]
This twink was taken by OP to the bar while trying to debar the twink from further faggotry, but the barman barred the twink from entering, extending his closed fist that hit the twink like an outcropping rebar, and finishing him off with his old Browning BAR.

Post edited on 17th Jan 2024, 6:44pm
>> No. 1647 [Edit]
Best post in this thread, bar none.

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